Dabanle sus vassallos en tributo ordinario de tres hijos uno, y el que no tenia hijos avia de dar un indio o india para sacrificar a sus dioses, e si no lo daban, avian de sacrificarle a el.
Over the blue moss the seventh Indio girl was coming toward us.
There were no landmarks in that all-concealing grayness, and only by sheerest chance would anyone blunder into this valley--unless hypnotically summoned, like the Indio girls.
It may be that by cautious inquiry you may light on an Indio who will lead you to the very spot.
Some think maybe it was an Indian god,--I heard an old Indio say so once.
Whatever is planted grows with rapidity and in profusion, and with an abundance of water Indio can look forward to fast increasing beauty and prosperity.
It has been discovered that the climate here is very beneficial to consumptives, and Indio has already become noted as a resort for those afflicted with pulmonary trouble, and it is claimed some very remarkable cures have been effected.
I have always had a curiosity to know why the Calle del Indio Triste (Street of the Sad Indian) was so called.
You may descend the mighty Amazon from its source to its mouth, and not once set your eyes upon the true son of the forest--the "Indio bravo.
And he adds what follows: We should not lose sight of the fact that the Indio is a child badly educated, but a big child completely developed in his passions.
The article goes on to say that upon the arrival of the Spaniards the natives only made friends with them after that Legazpi had performed the ceremonies of the pacto-de-Sangre [81] with one of the indio petty sovereigns.
Poblete also anindio ((If I am not in error, Poblete is a Chinee halfcaste.
The Indio was being taught by Don Cazar to have charge of the grain storage, and Juanito thought that Indios are as dirt—should have no place among Anglos.
Where is there oneIndio who is able to face Don Cazar on his own ground?
I los traidores entre ellos llamava aucaes, i esta palabra es la mas abiltada de todas quantas pueden decir aun Indio del Piru, que quiere decir traidor a su Senor.
Indio has a depression of twenty-two feet below the level of the sea.
Rich deposits of the latter mineral are found in the vicinity of Indio and at Palm Springs.
The work done for the improvement of the estuary includes the deepening to thirty feet of the Barra del Indio and the dredging of a straight channel from that point to Buenos Aires.
The Mulatto fancies himself next to the European, and thinks that the little tinge of black in his skin does not justify his being ranked lower than the Mestizo, who after all is only anIndio bruto.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indio" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.