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Example sentences for "incompetents"

Lexicographically close words:
incompatibility; incompatible; incompetence; incompetency; incompetent; incomplete; incompletely; incompleteness; incomprehensibility; incomprehensible
  1. With this army of incompetents we have at present nothing to do.

  2. The army of incompetents will very shortly be the less by one, but more recruits are in training and New York guarantees an unending supply.

  3. The Soviets, incompetents that they were, had no inkling of the larger plan.

  4. Around him were packed the usual morning commuters gripping briefcases and lunch bags, cursing the delays and blaming the incompetents in Parlia- ment.

  5. If these incompetents of yours can manage it.

  6. Now, what was true of those cats applies with exactly equal truth to the rearing of paupers and incompetents in times of peace.

  7. They are incompetents under our present paternalism and they would be incompetents under dionysian anarchy.

  8. Incompetent physicians, to succeed financially (and that is the only idea of success incompetents are capable of appreciating), must practice as shysters.

  9. Defeat had freed Abraham Lincoln of fools and incompetents and armed him with dictatorial powers.

  10. Fools and incompetents were relegated to the rear.

  11. To write a history of the Grass would at least afford me an escape from the daily irritation of concerning myself exclusively with the incompetents and blunderers.

  12. In spite of the incompetents you kept sending, in spite of mistakes and blind alleys, the work on Whitney is done--and successfully.

  13. He is not shackled with incompetents whom he dared not report or remove because they hold indirect influences which might be moved to his disadvantage.

  14. Even the insufferable incompetents who held the rotting reins of control were such because circumstance had blinded them.

  15. It burst at the moment when India's reins were in the hands of some of the worst incompetents in history.

  16. Some of the worst incompetents were killed by the mutineers, and more than one man who could have changed the course of history for the worse were taken sick and died.

  17. I feel sure that the death list in the United States from the mistakes of these incompetents is simply appalling.

  18. He also dwelt on the part the demagogue and the incompetents play in retarding the advancement of the human race.

  19. Rumors of golden chances have brought in a steady stream of incompetents from all regions and from all strata of social life.

  20. Thus San Francisco, by force of circumstances, has become the hopper into which fall incompetents from all the world, and from which few escape.

  21. By his venality he had gone far towards ruining the navy and army, which were by now more than half officered by hopeless incompetents who had bought their appointments.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incompetents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.