This right of State ownership has worked everywhere, or nearly everywhere, its full natural result of impoverishment and disaffection; and Bengal, which has been exempted from its action, has alone remained prosperous.
It is, however, very unjust to reproach these earnest attempts to check the impoverishment of the middle class with their inadequacy.
If so, then it is evident that “the impoverishment of many of our most valuable districts” is not the result of slavery, but of a bad mode of cultivation.
In spite of circumstances so adverse, she had maintained the fight with a resolution not less surprising than admirable; yet not without sinking more and more towards impoverishment and exhaustion.
All countries that export agricultural products mainly, but receive no manure back, inevitably go to ruin through the gradual impoverishment of the soil.
Mass-impoverishment on one side, swelling affluence on the other--such is the sign-manual of our age.
The ossification of conditions gained ground; and with it the impoverishment of the masses.
And our impoverishment will surely make that percentage smaller by cutting off the recruiting which was always going on from the ranks of the great public.
Bio-geography shows an increasing impoverishment in the flora and fauna, of small islands with distance from the mainland.
This generalimpoverishment is unmistakably reflected in the whole civilization of the smaller islands of Polynesia and Micronesia, especially in the Paumota and Pelew groups.
Excessive isolation may mean impoverishment in purse and progress even for an advanced race.
In the Pacific Ocean, this progressive impoverishment from west to east has had great influence upon human life in the islands.
The impoverishment extends therefore to quality as well as quantity, to man as well as to brute.
In the civil wars before and after Caesar's fall, Greece was harried by both sides in turn; and down to the time of Augustus depopulation and impoverishment seem to have steadily proceeded under Roman rule.
On the general question of the impoverishment of Portugal by her American gold and silver mines, cp.
In permanent pasture-soils, however, no such counteracting action takes place, hence impoverishment of the surface-soil in lime eventually results.
A further reason which exists for the manuring of meadow-land is the greater impoverishment of the soil taking place under such conditions.
The symptoms developed are those directly referable to impoverishment of the blood.
As far back as history's dawn the rise of the plutocracy and the impoverishment of the common people have heralded the downfall of the state.
The concentration of wealth in the hands of the few and the impoverishment of the common people until it was the bread of charity or the blood of the revolution, has ever been the herald of moral decay and of national death.
This accusation against the Jews was brought forward by the slaveholding magnates, who were the real cause of the impoverishment of their peasant serfs, and pocketed the proceeds of the "propination" which they let out to the Jews.
The shrewd device of questioning the landed aristocrats as to the causes of the impoverishment of their peasant serfs bore worthy fruit.
No merchant may dress black rabbit skins, nor export them, unless dressed by skinners and bought from them because the skinners have been thus deprived of their livelihoods to their impoverishment throughout the realm.
This statute is necessary because of "outrageous and excessive apparel of diverse persons against their estate and degree, to the great destruction and impoverishment of all the land".
This is because a great number of horse races for small prizes have contributed to idleness, to the impoverishment of the meaner sort of people, and has prejudiced the breed of strong and useful horses.
A social superior often protected his lessers from impoverishment For instance, the landlord lessened rents in times of harvest failure.
Similarly in the phenomenon of sleep the organism responds to the Earth's axial periodicity, for in the interval of night a period of impoverishment has to be endured.
Complaints from the northern clergy that through impoverishment by various causes, but chiefly the invasions of the Scots, they were by no means able to pay so high a tax, produced some amelioration.