A Manchester cotton-importing company was recently formed for increasing deliveries direct to Manchester, and establishing a "spot" market there, an end to which the Manchester Cotton Association had directed its efforts for some time past.
Since about 1875 the Russians have fostered the industry, introducing American Upland varieties, distributing seed free, importing gins, providing instruction, and guaranteeing the purchase of the crops.
The general export of yarn varies according to influences such as tariff charges, spinning and manufacturing development in the importing countries and the price of cotton.
Like to that kind is this: aspersing a man's actions with harsh censures and foul terms, importing that they proceed from ill principles, or tend to bad ends; so as it doth not or cannot appear.
James extended the same penalties to the importing of such books from abroad.
The queen, affecting to be in terror and perplexity, was observed to sit much alone, pensive and silent; and sometimes to mutter to herself half sentences, importing the difficulty and distress to which she was reduced.
Besides this magistrate, whose business was confined to the buying and importing of corn, there were two aediles, first appointed by Julius Caesar, whose duty it was to inspect the public stores of corn and other provisions.
Again, in 1578, Stephen Batory bestowed on a certain Kalman the right of printing Jewish books in Lublin, owing to the difficulty of importing them from abroad.
In 1566 King Sigismund Augustus granted Benedict Levita, of Cracow, the monopoly of importing into Poland Jewish books from abroad.
They prevent a saving of labor and capital, which, if permitted to be made, would be divided in some proportion or other between the importing country and the countries which buy what that country does or might export.
It is impossible to say, if the cost of carriage could be annihilated, whether the producing or the importing country would be most benefited.
Let us proceed to [examine] to what extent the benefit of an improvement in the production of an exportable article is participated in by the countries importing it.
Their agriculture has to provide for their own expanding numbers, as well as for those of theimporting countries.
The German members of Congress, or the Philadelphia merchants or ship-owners who have been in the practice of importing German redemptioners, can give you better information respecting the business of importation than I can.
It agreed with the morality of their principles that of bettering people's condition, and to put an end to the practice of importing slaves.
Armenia's severe trade imbalance, importing three times its exports, has been offset somewhat by international aid, domestic restructuring of the economy, and foreign direct investment.
I say there is--as to procrastinate the importing troops from Ireland, in order to make subsidiary forces necessary.
When first I came into your highness court, And William often importing me of love, I did devise, to ease the grief your daughter did sustain, She should meet Sir William masked, as I it were.
Let not vehement sighs, Nor earnest vows importing fervent love, Render thee subject to the wrath of lust: For that, transformed to form of sweet delight, Will bring thy body and thy soul to shame.
Here at home we have increasingly taken over the cheeses of all nations, first importing them, then imitating them, from Swiss Engadine to what we call Genuine Sprinz.
The whole importing trade was incessantly and cohesively thriving upon this form of fraud.
For exporting the woollen manufacture, and importing copper, brass, and iron.
For importing tobacco, and exporting it again to Sweden and the north of Europe.
For importing pitch and tar, and other naval stores, from North Britain and America.
For importingof oils and other materials used in the woollen manufacture.
In the 13th and 14th centuries Saracen weavers of rich and ornamental stuffs were also employed at Venice, which was a chief centre for importing Oriental goods, including carpets, and distributing them through western Europe.
It was not until 1880 that French pile carpet manufacturers began to adopt similar carpet power-looms, importing them from England.
He caused new temples to be raised to Christian worship, with tablets or inscriptions importing the cause of their erection, some of which still continue in their primitive state.
We see here the mistake of importing into golf the well-known phenomena of billiards, but one would have thought that the experience of the billiard-table would have been sufficient to show the fallacy of this statement.
I have a rooted objection to any putter which has a broad sole, for it is simplyimporting into the stroke an unnecessary element of error.
This is an illustration of what I mean when I say that the golfer is importing into his game an unnecessary risk when he uses a broad-soled club.
I guess they weren't importing much zinc ore when you were active in business, Cappy, or you'd have known all about it.
Hence, in trying to reconstruct the remote past, we are constantly in danger of importing our present selves into our past selves.
And the most practised physiognomist may not unfrequently err by importing the results of his special circle of experiences into new and unlike cases.