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Example sentences for "imports"

Lexicographically close words:
imported; importer; importers; importeth; importing; importunate; importunately; importune; importuned; importunes
  1. India's wants of sugar have grown and she therefore imports more sugar.

  2. The imports are non-competitive in that the bulk of the kind of piece goods imported are not manufactured in India.

  3. It is true that non-competitive imports are larger than those that compete with the manufactures of Indian mills.

  4. If we will not manufacture more cloth, more foreign imports must continue a painful and sinful necessity.

  5. It is an elaborate note containing a number of charts showing the condition of imports and home manufacture of piece goods including hand-woven.

  6. Exports grew in value, and with them, imports and revenue.

  7. Not only were both imports and exports taxed, but also every pound of provisions sold in the markets and shops.

  8. The country was poor, its exports small and its imports smaller.

  9. The speculator, however, who imports the coolies from the northern provinces of China receives a premium of 300 dollars for every coolie imported.

  10. Meal, imports into Brazil from Austria, i.

  11. Crying oh deere Cassio, as it were: his iesture imports it Cassio.

  12. Belike this shew imports the Argument of the Play?

  13. These are, doubtless, valuable imports to bring back--not the less so, that they are duty free.

  14. The same ruinous consequences would have followed in the United States whether the duties upon foreign imports had remained as they were under the tariff of 1846 or had been raised to a much higher standard.

  15. The same causes which have produced pecuniary distress throughout the country have so reduced the amount of imports from foreign countries that the revenue has proved inadequate to meet the necessary expenses of the Government.

  16. The revenue of the Government, which is chiefly derived from duties on imports from abroad, has been greatly reduced, whilst the appropriations made by Congress at its last session for the current fiscal year are very large in amount.

  17. Moreover-- No State shall without the consent of the Congress lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws.

  18. Great Britain glories in free trade, and yet her whole revenue from imports is at the present moment collected under a system of specific duties.

  19. The imports into the port of London average 1,500 tons annually.

  20. There have been no imports there direct in the last two years.

  21. Amongst the imports from British possessions in Asia, were 2,600 cwts.

  22. Russia imports dyewoods and dye-stuffs to the value of five millions and a half of silver roubles annually.

  23. The following figures show the progressive imports and consumption:-- Imported.

  24. Our imports are on the decline, and are now only about 1,200 cwt.

  25. From it we get the following commercial table of Imports from Dec.

  26. A brief statement of some of the principal annual imports in the Grocery line will perhaps give a better idea of this business.

  27. Of the whole fair trade of Great Britain, taking their imports and exports into view, their trade with the United States will be found to be one-sixth, or thereabouts.

  28. He formed this opinion from some calculations he had made with respect to the imports at Baltimore.

  29. Unfortunately for Massachusetts, she imports a greater quantity than the whole Union besides.

  30. It had been said, that this step would injure our allies; that the price of imports would rise, while that of exports would fall.

  31. Our imports are now very great; by the increase of our commerce, we shall probably find our revenue produce twice as much seven years hence as it can be expected to do at present.

  32. If the low country is deserted, where will be the commerce, the valuable exports of that country, the large revenue raised from its imports and from the consumption of the rich planters?

  33. It was his firm opinion, and he could declare it upon his honor to be so, that, if the Embargo continued, the value of his own imports would rise one hundred per cent.

  34. The general policy under Elizabeth was to discourage imports in order to prevent unemployment at home (Nos.

  35. The most certain way, however, of securing adequate supplies of bullion was thought to consist in checking imports and encouraging exports (Nos.

  36. What may be the amount of one year's imports into Pennsylvania from Britain?

  37. At the same time bad harvests diminished the supply of corn, and a new Corn Law which prohibited imports till the home price was eighty shillings a quarter aggravated the effects of natural deficiency.

  38. The common people, without any direct voice in politics, had been stung by their own sufferings into a vision of the truth, and resolutions in favour of free imports of corn had been passed at some of the Radical meetings after the French War.

  39. To pay nearly double as much duty on both imports and exports as native vessels or junks are charged.

  40. There would be great exports of bullion and great imports of goods.

  41. To understand this, one has to remember that in the first year of the war a tariff on imports was enacted by Congress that amounted at first to prohibition.

  42. That it is good for a country to have its exports exceed its imports is a notion that has been widely accepted among us.

  43. It followed from this principle that everything should be done to discourage imports, for it was thought that imports must, of course, be paid for by bullion.

  44. It teaches that it is not a bad thing to have the imports exceed the exports, that this excess is not "unfavorable," and that in fact there is no such thing as "a balance of trade.

  45. And yet at the end of a long period, in which there has been a steady yearly excess of imports over exports, the country still has plenty of money.

  46. Let it be supposed that France only imports and does not export at all; in other words, gets everything for nothing: he still defies them to prove that France would be the poorer.

  47. The returns of imports and exports are of course less trustworthy in other European countries than in England.

  48. The excess of imports over exports must be paid by commodities, for there is no other way in which to pay it.

  49. It discards the old notion that imports are paid for by specie, and asserts that they are paid for by commodities.

  50. If France imports more than she exports, she does not lose the excess any more than Mr. T.

  51. The American note next assailed the British interpretation of the greatly increased imports of neutral countries adjoining Great Britain's enemies.

  52. In the stress of war Great Britain's exports to the United States, like those of her Allies, declined and her imports enormously increased.

  53. This law, such as you propose, imports a definitive rupture with the Holy See, and is thus the consequence and sorrowful crowning of that policy.

  54. It depends on imports of crude oil, grains, raw materials, and military equipment.

  55. The low level of domestic industry and agriculture have made northern Yemen dependent on imports for practically all of its essential needs.

  56. Imports were down by 15% or so as a result of new import taxes and Moscow's reluctance to increase its debt burden by purchasing grain and other goods with foreign credits.

  57. The country imports the bulk of its energy needs, including natural gas and coal.

  58. Lacking important natural resources, it will remain dependent on imports of fuels and raw materials.

  59. French Guiana is heavily dependent on imports of food and energy.

  60. Patras also imports for all the small adjacent places, inhabited by 'shaggy capotes.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imports" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.