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Example sentences for "imperialis"

Lexicographically close words:
imperfections; imperfectly; imperfects; imperforate; imperial; imperialism; imperialist; imperialistic; imperialists; imperially
  1. It is an Eacles Imperialis Io Polyphemus Cecropia Regalis," she said.

  2. At time to appear I believe the pupa bores its way with the sharp point of the abdomen; at least I have seen Celeus, and Carolina, Regalis and Imperialis coming through the surface, abdomen tip first.

  3. That completed my Imperialis records from eggs to caterpillars, pupae and moths.

  4. I could have had half a dozen fine Imperialis moths during the three nights of the carnival, and fluttering above buildings many more could be seen that did not descend to our reach.

  5. The first transactions, Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae ad annum 1726, with a dedication to Peter II.

  6. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, with some alteration in the arrangements and plan of the work.

  7. With twenty-four pupæ of Imperialis I obtained nineteen moths from the 21st of June to the 19th of July; five pupæ died.

  8. Having subsided from standing upon my head--which was the immediate causation of your correspondence about the co-extension Imperialis Academia Caesariana Naturae Curiosum (don't I know their thundering long title well!

  9. In 1857 he was elected honorary member of the Microscopical Society of Giessen; and in the same year, of a more important body, the Academy of Breslau (Imperialis Academia Caesariana Naturae Curiosum).

  10. In her heart she thought of herself as "Imperialis Regalis," as the Yellow Empress.

  11. She had one collection for the Bird Woman complete to a pair of Imperialis moths, and that was her only asset.

  12. She had thought no luck in all the world would be so rare as to complete her collection; now she had been forced to see a splendid Imperialis destroyed before her.

  13. It was one of those double-brooded freaks, which do occur on rare occasions, or merely an Eacles Imperialis moth that in the cool damp northern forest had failed to emerge in June.

  14. I am just sure we will find an Imperialis here.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imperialis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.