There cannot possibly be any such thing as the immutability of the species; for individuals vary, and the species is composed of those individuals.
In this we concurred; for it furnished us with an explanation of the favorable modifications under domestication; while, as we shall show, it is by no means at variance with the doctrine of the immutability of the species.
On the contrary, he firmly stuck to the doctrine of the immutability of species; and, in order to account for the existence of animals whose kind exists no longer, he invented the famous doctrine of successive cataclysms.
In this respect he was in absolute opposition to Cuvier, who upheld the immutability of species, and did his best by absolute silence to suppress the spread of the new doctrine.
It was very kind in you to read over my 'Essay on the Immutability of Moral Sentiment' with so much attention.
The point I am now labouring to prove, is the universality and immutability of moral sentiment,--a point which has been brought into dispute, both by the friends and by the enemies of virtue.
The faithful may mistake them for changes or innovations in the law itself, and enemies may represent them as such, and sophistically adduce them against the church as disproving her immutability and infallibility.
To assign God any other immutability would be to deprive him of freedom.
But we may confess to an impression, thus far, that the doctrine of the permanent and complete immutability of species has not been established, and may fairly be doubted.
The immutability of the processes of nature collided with the theory of an active Providence.
The lawgiver builds on the immutability of human nature; what is good for one generation must be good for another.
The postulate of the immutability of the laws of nature, which has been the indispensable basis for the advance of modern science, is fundamental with Descartes.
It is not to be confounded with the doctrine of the immutability of human things assumed by Machiavelli.
Immutability is a consolation to the faithful, but a terror to God's enemies (Mal.
Theism, 146, defines immutability as "the constancy and continuity of the divine nature which exists through all the divine acts as their law and source.
If God's immutability were immobility, we could not worship him, any more than the ancient Greeks were able to worship Fate.
It would seem, then, that as immutability is consistent with imperative volitions in human history, so the blessedness of God may be consistent with emotions of sorrow.
Hence God's immutability itself renders it certain that his love will adapt itself to every varying mood and condition of his children, so as to guide their steps, sympathize with their sorrows, answer their prayers.
Immutability is consistent with constant activity and perfect freedom.
Immutability must not be confounded with immobility.
God's immutability is not that of the stone, that has no internal experience, but rather that of the column of mercury, that rises and falls with every change in the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.
Causes of the general belief in the immutability of species.
This fact alone, from its generality, seems to have shaken Professor Pictet in his firm belief in the immutability of species.
Those who received the light concerning the sanctuary and the immutability of the law of God, were filled with joy and wonder, as they saw the beauty and harmony of the system of truth that opened to their understanding.
But this perpetuality, brother, as Knies said, of the immutability of the old zoology, did not long hold out against the ever swelling tide of the historical movement.
Both had been constrained to feel that the immutability of species could not be maintained.
In palaeontology too the doctrine of the immutability of species, though vehemently maintained and reasserted, was gradually weakening.
It is the highest degree of freedom and Christian perfection when, in the life to come, our will to remain in union with God is elevated to immutability of so willing.
But this perpetuality, brother, as Knies said, of the immutability of the old zoology, did not long hold out against the ever-swelling tide of the historical movement.
This immutability is based on God’s infallible foreknowledge that certain individuals will die in the state of grace, and on His unchangeable will to reward them with eternal happiness.
The first is theimmutability of the divine decree of predestination.
The persistence of force is the permanence of the Divine agency, and the deepest ground of our faith in the uniformity and changelessness of natural laws is the immutability of God.
Hence, Madam, you may see that the supposition of a revelation can never be reconciled with the infinite goodness, justice, omnipotence, and immutability of the Sovereign of the universe.
I thence conclude that miracles are impossible, seeing they are incompatible with our ideas of the wisdom andimmutability of the Creator of the universe.
Now let it be noted what a difference, with regard to the immutability of the so-called specific characters, this paragraph produces on the mind, from that above quoted from M.
Those naturalists who believe in the immutability of species often maintain that, even in the most variable forms, the characters which they consider of specific value are unchangeable.
What urges them to the false conclusion that the existing order is immutable and ought therefore to be maintained, when the fact is that its immutability is due only to their own effort to maintain it?
Proof of this is requisite, before the argument from the immutability of the Laws of Nature can have the least force.
Its central thought is the practicalimmutability of species.