The only chance of producing permanent benefit in hypochondriasis is by the judicious combination of remedies that remove symptoms (especially dyspepsia, flatulence, etc.
Hypochondriasis is not insanity, if by insanity we mean intellectual perversion dependent mainly or entirely on the state of the higher nervous centres.
It is a marked peculiarity of hypochondriasis that it is far more common in men than in women; a relation which is precisely the opposite to that which rules in neuralgia.
Hypochondriasis is also pre-eminently a disease of adult middle life; it is scarcely ever seen in youth, except as the result of excessive masturbation acting on a temperament hereditarily predisposed to insanity.
Lancisi refers to a case of hypochondriasis and suicide, in which, after death, a sharp long excrescence was found near the apex of the lambdoid suture.
We have alluded elsewhere to Byron’s morbid sensitiveness, and the reader’s attention is now called to the influence of hypochondriasis on the poet’s mind.
A thousand years before the Christian era, there were, at the two extremities of Egypt, temples devoted to Saturn, to which those labouring under hypochondriasis resorted in quest of relief.
The catameniæ were irregular; she was much emaciated, and the symptoms of melancholia and hypochondriasis were well marked.
Some are distinguished for their flightiness of manner, others for their strange eccentricity, likings and dislikings, irregularity of their passions, capricious and excitable temperament, hypochondriasis and melancholia.
In the case of Cowper, we have a melancholy instance of hypochondriasis leading to suicidal mental derangement.
The ancient Greeks had theorized about hypochondria: hypochondriasis signified a disorder beneath (hypo) the gristle (chondria) and the disease was discussed principally in physiological terms.
To call the Hypochondriasis a fanciful malady, is ignorant and cruel.
The belief thathypochondriasis was a somatic condition persisted until the second half of the seventeenth century at which time an innovation was made by Dr.
In addition to showing that hypochondriasis and hysteria (thought previously by Sydenham to afflict women only) were the same disease, Sydenham noted that the external cause of both was a mental disturbance and not a physiological one.
Treatises on hypochondriasis did not cease to be printed after Hill's in 1766, but continued to issue from the presses into the nineteenth century.
Hypochondriasis is often handed down from one generation to another in its individual form, but it is also not unfrequently to be met with in an individual as the sole manifestation in him of a family tendency to insanity.
In its most aggravated form hypochondriasis amounts to actual insanity, delusions arising as to the existence of living creatures in the intestines or brain, or to the effect that the body is materially changed; e.
These excessive onanists no doubt do themselves harm in various ways, but the great error of taking sexual hypochondriasis for the type of onanists, is to confound cause with effect.
Sexual hypochondriasis is in no way the effect of onanism, but precedes it, and onanism is rather its effect, or is simply associated with it.
Among women, especially young girls, hypochondriasis is not common and cases of sexual hypochondriacs who accuse themselves of masturbating are rare among them.
I have had an opportunity (says Séglas) of observing an instance of aerophagia in a woman of fifty-four years, who for the last fifteen years has been suffering from hypochondriasis in a delusional form.
This is put down to hypochondriasis and if it occurs in a woman as a consequence of ovaritis, she is said to be hysterical.
They knew and wrote of hypochondriasis and, indeed, they invented the term.
Cases of melancholia and of hypochondriasis have been cured simply by the discovery and removal of rectal impactions.
Hammond goes so far as to say that in every case of hypochondriasis puncture of the liver with the aspirator needle should be practised when any symptom, however indefinite, indicates the existence of an abscess.
For the vertigo and hypochondriasis no remedy is more beneficial than arsenic (Fowler's solution) in small doses kept up for some time, and it is also distinctly curative of the catarrhal state of the mucous membrane.
There was a very marked tendency to hypochondriasis and exaggeration of actual ills.
He frequently threatened to commit suicide if refused some of his impossible requests and showed a marked tendency to hypochondriasis and exaggeration of actual ills.