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Example sentences for "husbande"

Lexicographically close words:
hurtles; hurtling; hurts; hus; husband; husbanded; husbandes; husbanding; husbandly; husbandman
  1. Amongs the Sabines there chaunced an Oxe in the House of an Husbande Man to bee broughte forth, of an huge bignesse and maruellous shape (the hornes whereof were placed at the porche of Diana's temple for a monument long time after.

  2. The wicked woman ceased not daylye to animate and prouoke hir husbande from one parricide to an other.

  3. And to proue whether his coniecture were true, he sent her husbande in commission to Rome, for the space of XV.

  4. If the husbande were ashamed, and offended with him selfe to be founde in a bedde with such an vncleanly matche, by his faire and honest wife, I referre the iudgement to all indifferent men, that be coupled with like wiues.

  5. The poore Duchesse into whose harte the loue of her husbande strongly did inuade, vnderstanding that he could not be founde, was very pensife and sorowfull.

  6. No friende I had but in short time I made unto a promotion climbe; 50 But yet for all this costlye pride, My husbande could not mee abide.

  7. If she will fare well, yf she wyll go gay, A good husbande euer styll, What euer she lust to doe, or to say, Must lette hir haue hir owne will.

  8. O Lorde (sayth she than) what a goodly man it is, Woulde Christ I had such a husbande as he is.

  9. Then ye are content me for your husbande to take.

  10. Lo dame, ye may see what an husbande ye haue lost.

  11. I will not be serued with a foole in no wise, When I choose an husbande I hope to take a man.

  12. The more to blame you, a good thriftie husbande Woulde elsewhere haue had some better matters in hande.

  13. Yea, for were not I an husbande for hir fitte?

  14. And I dwell with hir husbande that trusteth to be.

  15. Go now and disprayse thine husbande whiche yf he gette children by playe, what wyll he do when he goeth to it in good ernest.

  16. I wolde haue flowen to the hores toppe and I wolde haue crowned myne husbande at hys oute goinge to her with a pysbowle, that he so embawlmed might haue gon vnto his souerayne ladie.

  17. So hath natyre ordeined so god hath appoynted, that the woman shoulde be ruled al by the man loke onely vppon this whiche is trouth, thine husbande he is, other canste thou none haue.

  18. She taketh her husbande by the eyes that loketh on nothyng, but on the beautye and pulcritude of the body.

  19. It was tyme to consyder what his fautes were for a women shold not only take her husbande by the eyes but by the eares.

  20. But here the end her husbande perceyuyng the honeste of her great pacience neuer after laye from her, but made good cheare at home with his owne.

  21. Yet it commeth time ynough to bringe thyne husbande to a greate furtheraunce to that shall bee yf God sende you anie frute togither.

  22. But Paule sayeth that wyues shoulde bee boner and buxome vnto their husbandes with all humylytye, and Peter also bryngethe vs an example of Sara, that called her husbande Abrahame, Lorde.

  23. I can not fauoure suche an husbande as myne is.

  24. Is he meete to be called my husbande that maketh me his vnderlynge and his dryuel?

  25. As, by occasyon, for the same entent, To a serteyne wedow thys daye was I sent, 140 Whose husbande departyd wythout her wyttynge, A specyall good lover and she hys owne swettynge!

  26. If she will fare well, yf she wyll go gay, A good husbande ever styll, What ever she lust to doe, or to say, Must lette hir have hir owne will.

  27. Lo dame, ye may see what an husbande ye have lost.

  28. I will not be served with a foole in no wise, When I choose an husbande I hope to take a man.

  29. Laugh, laugh, Zantyppa, thou hast thy fortune, a foole 630 and a husbande under one.

  30. Full ofte I se my husbande wyll me rate, For this hether commyng of our gentyll curate.

  31. No other apte meanes had this poore shee captiued Cicely, to worke her hoddy peake husbande a proportionable plague to his ielousie, but to giue his head his ful loding of infamie.

  32. Her husbands name was Castaldo, she hight Diamante, the cause of her committing was an vngrounded ielous suspition which her doating husbande had conceiued of her chastitie.

  33. I cannot say whether she repented her or not, as the matter was so forwarde, that both she and her husbande were in grete peryll: howbeit, fynally, she must as then abyde the adventure.

  34. And also to bye all maner of necessarye thynges belongynge to houssholde, and to make a trewe rekenynge and acompte to her husbande what she hath payed.

  35. The feare of these poore inhabitantes was so greate, that they fledde without respect of the father to the child, or husbande to the Wyfe, or yet eyther of house or goodes.

  36. And those that lye in a close under a hedge haue longe heare and thyck, and they will neuer pylle nor be bare: and by this reason the husbande maye keoe twyse so many catell as he did before.

  37. Of the wyfe that bad her husbande ete the candell fyrste.

  38. Whan her husbande sawe the breche, he sayd a loude, this was nat a frier, but an aduouterer; and for great abbomination of the dede he called all his householde to se hit.

  39. Of the husbande that sayd he was John Daw.

  40. There was a husbande man whiche, on a tyme, as he clymbed a tree to gette downe the frute, felle and brake a rybbe in his syde.

  41. Of the husbande that cryed ble vnder the bed.

  42. A wyfe there was, which had apoynted her prentys to com to her bed in the nyght, which seruaunt had long woed her to haue his plesure; which acordyng to the apoyntement cam to her bed syde in the night, her husbande lyenge by her.

  43. Of the wyfe who lay with her prentys and caused him to beate her husbande disguised in her rayment.

  44. Of the husbande that sayde his wyfe and he agreed well.

  45. There was in the countrey of Florence an husbande man, that vsed to carye corne to the market vpon many lytell asses.

  46. Syr, quod she, than haue ye youre bergayne, and than my husbande hathe contented you for his dagger accordynge to his promyse.

  47. And yf her husbande happen for to thryve, She sayth it is her prudent purveyaunce: If they go abacke ayenwarde and unthryve, She sayth it is his mysgovernaunce.

  48. The nexte is, that when the husbande dothe hys duetye to get chyldren, he do it neither beyng moued wyth anger, nor yet drunken, for these affeccions go into the chylde by a secrete infeccion.

  49. Faire Helena the Greeke, did not she abandon Menelaus her husbande and the rich citie of Sparta, to follow the faire Troian, Alexander sailing to Troie?

  50. When the wife and husbande sawe eche other, they imbraced like twoo that mette after suche troublesome aduentures.

  51. The stoutnesse also of a noble matron named Megistona in defence of hir husbande and the common wealth from the tyranny of the said Aristotimvs: and of other actes done by the subjects vppon that Tyrant.

  52. Then Panthea tolde her husbande the goodnes, temperance, and clemencie of Cyrus towarde her.

  53. And when the king perceiued himselfe whole, said vnto her: “Thou hast well deserued a husbande (Giletta) euen such a one as thy selfe shalt chose.

  54. The lady was in grete hevynes, for she was not sure of her lyfe; for yf her husbande sholde have been discomfyted she was judged without remedy to be brente and her husbande hanged.

  55. The lady sate styll in the blacke chayre in her prayers to God and to the Vyrgyne Mary, humbly prayenge them, by theyr specyall grace, to sende her husbande the vyctory accordynge to the ryght he was in.

  56. I cannot say whether she repented her or not yt the matter was so forwarde, that bothe she and her husbande were in grete peryle; howbeit fynally she must as then abyde the adventure.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "husbande" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.