And gentyll Julie, with thy mantyll grene, Enamilit with rosis red and quhyte?
Our gentyll men are all degenerat; Liberalitie and lawte boith ar lost, And Cowardyce with lordis is laureat, And knychtlie Curage turnit in brag and boast.
The quene, hir moder, was nere wode For hir doughter, thatgentyll fode, Knyghtes stode wepynge.
Whan they had shypped that gentyll thynge, Anone she fell in swownynge At Peron on the sonde.
Of the gentyll woman that sayde to a gentyll man ye haue a berde aboue and none benethe.
A man there was that cam to confesse hym to a prest and tolde hym, that he had layne with a yonge gentyll woman.
No, quod the gentyll man, that nedeth nat: for I knowe verye well my wyfe hath shewed vnto you all the offences that euer I dyd, and moche more.
By which tale appereth, that by gentyll and courteyse entreatinge mens myndes ben obteyned.
This tale toucheth suche younggentyll menne, that dispende ouer moche good[229] on haukes, houndes, and other trifils.
Whan the gentyll man was come, the religious man badde hym shewe his offences and trespaces.
Syr James Harebotell ther was slayne, For hym ther hartes were sore; The gentyll Lovelle ther was slayne,[L143] That the Percyes standerd bore.
Now let us all for the Percy praye 165 To Jesu most of myght, To bryng hys sowle to the blysse of heven, For he was a gentyll knyght.
The Perssy came byfore hys oste, Wych was ever a gentyll knyght; Upon the Dowglas lowde can he crye, "I wyll holde that I have hyght.
Thus longe taryed this gentyll knyght, 245 Tyll that playe was done, So longe abode Robyn fastynge, Thre houres after the none.
Than bespake that gentyll knyght Untyll hys meyne, "Now put on your symple wedes That ye brought fro the see.
Then answered the gentyll knyght, With wordes fayre and fre, "God the save, good Robyn, And all thy fayre meyne.
Lytell Johan was curteyse, And set hym on his kne: "Welcome be ye, gentyll knyght, 95 Welcome are you to me.
Have here foure hondred pounde, Thou gentyll knyght and trewe, 290 And bye hors and harnes good, And gylte thy spores all newe.
L4] He asked men of that countre, 5 After Robyn Hode, And after that gentyll knyght, That was so bolde and stout.
The kynge came to Notynghame, With knyghtes in grete araye, For to take that gentyll knyght And Robyn Hode, yf he may.
And there dwelled that gentyll knyght, Syr Richard at the Lee, That Robyn had lent his good, Under the grene wode tree.
In lyke wyse when he commeth home wel whitled, I gyue hym gentyll and fayre woordes, so with fayre entreatynge I gette hym to bed.
Xan: There be some that cannot be amended with all the gentyll handlynge in the worlde.
Gentyll coosse, Doe not take judgment from me: in my mynde Was never fyxte a frantycke passyon.
Heavye sleepe Presses me to her bossome; gentyll sweete, Let me not hurte thy goodnes, for my rest Shall but like softe ayre gentlye cover thee.
Certes he was a very naughty and 'ungentyll Esqwyr.
Henry VIII: "John Talbot of Salebury, a verry gentyll Esqwyr, and well worthye to be takyne payne for.
Bot I beseik thy gentyllhart of ryght Forto comfort that cayrfull creatur; 5 That desolat wight to succur schaw thi cuyr.
Than bespake that gentyll knyght Untyll his meynë: ‘Now put on your symple wedes That ye brought fro the see.
The kynge came to Notynghame, With knyghtës in grete araye, For to take that gentyllknyght And Robyn Hode, and yf he may.
The shyref there fayled of Robyn Hode, He myght not have his pray; Than he awayted this gentyll knyght, Bothe by nyght and day.
And yf I toke it i-twyse, A shame it were to me; But trewely, gentyll knyght, Welcome arte thou to me.
Ever he wayted the gentyll knyght, Syr Richarde at the Lee, As he went on haukynge by the ryver-syde And lete his haukës flee.
Welcome be thou, gentyll knyght, And ryght welcome to me.
Then spake that gentyll knyght, To Lytel Johan gan he saye, ‘To-morrowe I must to Yorke toune, To Saynt Mary abbay.
It is almus to helpe a gentyllknyght That is fal in povertë.
Litell Johnn was full curteyes, And sette hym on his kne: ‘Welcome be ye, gentyll knyght, Welcom ar ye to me.
Thus longe taried this gentyll knyght, Tyll that play was done; So long abode Robyn fastinge Thre hourës after the none.
And there dwelled that gentyll knyght, Syr Rychard at the Lee, That Robyn had lent his good, Under the grene-wode tree.
Then hath shee done all her journée, Gentyll and faire indede is shee!
Ther was as grett a dener as youe have sene, for ther wher mony gentyll men and women.
I am a woman & a yong maiden / milde & gentyll / both by nature & yeres.
It shall also greatly auayle yf he can shewe that he hathe in tyme afore ben in auctoritie and bare a rule ouer other / in the whiche he was neuer but gentyll and glad to forgyue them that had offended vn[-] derneth hym.
Also she wente to the obsequye of the poure gentyll wymmen, and gaf there torches, and all such other lumynary as it neded thereto.
Also she was of suche customme that yf she knewe any poure gentyll woman that shold be wedded she arayed her with her jewels.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gentyll" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.