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Example sentences for "bedde"

Lexicographically close words:
bedbugs; bedchamber; bedchambers; bedclothes; bedd; bedded; bedder; beddes; bedding; bedeck
  1. Also put the leaves under thy bedde and thou shalt be delivered of all evill dreames.

  2. To make a child mery hange a bondell of mugwort or make smoke thereof under the chylde's bedde for it taketh away annoy for hem.

  3. It was told to the Philosopher Phauorinus, that the wife of one of his Sectators and scholers was brought a bedde of a sonne.

  4. But ho, for we han right y-now of this, And late us ryse and streight to bedde go; And there lat vs speken of our wo.

  5. Now torne we ayein to Troilus, That resteles ful longe a-bedde lay, And prevely sente after Pandarus, 1585 To him to come in al the haste he may.

  6. But playnly to the effect right for to go, In Ioye and seurte Pandarus hem two A-bedde broughte, whan hem bothe leste, And thus they ben in quiete and in reste.

  7. To bedde he goth, and weyleth there and torneth In furie, as dooth he, Ixion, in helle; And in this wyse he neigh til day soiorneth.

  8. And at my comyng home the same nyght I felle doune syke, and have ever sith kept my bedde and yitte do.

  9. And now he dowteth nott to slepe weell, for he seyth that he never ffaylyd to slepe weel in that bedde that he hathe chosyn now at Frenshys, and thusse I hope he be sauffe.

  10. D] Þenne þay louelych le3ten leue at þe last, Vche burne to his bedde busked bylyue.

  11. Approach Sir Andrew: not to bee a bedde after midnight, is to be vp betimes, and Deliculo surgere, thou know'st And.

  12. When he had so done, he opened the dore and called in his olde seruaunt, and sayde vnto him: "Diddest not thou warrant and assure me that thou wouldest let me see my Clarke and wyfe in bedde together?

  13. The maiden then vpon that commaundement, aduaunced herselfe uppon the bedde of the poore pacient, saying vnto him: "Sir, I beseech you to be of good cheere.

  14. During which time, Emerentiana caused a certaine number of fagots of sharpe thornes to be made, and to be layd vnder her bedde still wayting for her minion.

  15. If the husbande were ashamed, and offended with him selfe to be founde in a bedde with such an vncleanly matche, by his faire and honest wife, I referre the iudgement to all indifferent men, that be coupled with like wiues.

  16. Then regardeth he the bande wherewith matrimonie hath bound him, and both at bedde and borde obserueth the ful perfections of the same.

  17. Notwithstanding Ricciardo determined about midnight to go to her bedde: and when the candle was out being a wake of purpose, he rose vp and went to the gentlewoman's bedde and began to imbrace and kisse her.

  18. And Elizabeth Hardman was under a bedde making a hole, and beinge asked what she did, she said that she must goe through the wall, for she on the one side, and her lad on the other, would soone make a hole.

  19. Now rys, my dere brother Troilus; For certes, it noon honour is to thee To wepe, and in thy bedde to iouken thus.

  20. But playnly to the effect right for to go, In Ioye and suerte Pandarus hem two A-bedde broughte, whan that hem bothe leste, And thus they ben in quiete and in reste.

  21. But ho, for we han right y-now of this, And late us ryse and streight to bedde go And there lat ys speken of oure wo.

  22. To bedde he goth, and weyleth there and torneth In furie, as dooth he, Ixion in helle; And in this wyse he neigh til day soiorneth.

  23. This husbande lyenge vnder the bedde in harneys, herynge these wordes, lay still for fere.

  24. He answered and sayd: I laughe to thynke, howe shamefaste the frere shal be whanne he waketh, whome I left in bedde with my wyfe.

  25. There was a ryche man whiche lay sore sycke in his bedde to deth.

  26. Thys fyrste at hys houre apoynted came, and in the bedde chanced to lese a rynge.

  27. And after, he and his wyfe, the frere beynge a slepe, came and laye in the same bedde; and in the mornynge after the poore man rose and went to the market, leauyng the frere in the bedde with his wyfe.

  28. Whan the friere was come, and euery body voided out of the chambre, he went to bedde to the woman, and there laye a longe space with her.

  29. For vi Prests iii beddes after ii to a Bedde For x Gentillmen of the Chapell v Beddes after ii to a Bedde And for vi Children ii Beddes after iii to a Bedde And a Bedde for the Yoman and Grom o' th Vestry In al xi Beddes for the furst Cariage.

  30. This Chamber was in the hyghest Tower of the House (as is before sayd) wherein was placed a Bedde wyth good Furniture, the Wyndow whereof was so high, that none coulde looke out wythout a Ladder.

  31. And fynding hir for hys purpose, thus he sayed vnto hir: "Mystresse I maruell mutch that you make so little accompt of the pore lorde of Virle who lyeth in his Bedde attending for Death.

  32. Olyuere herde telle of this, wounded, kept his That in his bedde laye seke sore.

  33. Thus the ocean became a bedde of honour,' as Carew says, 'to more than one of the Grenvilles.

  34. So this spyrite Orthone loved so the knight, that oftentymes he wold come and vysyte hym, while he lay in his bedde aslepe, and outher pull him by the eare, or els stryke at his chambre dore or windowe.

  35. The order for making the royal savage's own lair says, "A yoman with a daggar is to searche the strawe of the kynges bedde that there be none untreuth therein--the bedde of downe to be cast upon that.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bedde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.