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Example sentences for "humanising"

Lexicographically close words:
humaner; humani; humanis; humanise; humanised; humanism; humanist; humanistic; humanists; humanitarian
  1. His lofty pathos and tenderness of feeling are the graces of his own nature, refined and purified by the most humanising studies.

  2. He could appreciate the beautiful aspects of Christianity as a legend, its nobility as a humanising power, its rich results in literature, its grandeur in historic retrospect.

  3. To reach this consummation all the best humanising and civilising energies of mankind will be needed.

  4. I now subjoin "Le Score" I mentioned; a brief perusal of it will show you what excellent grounds the Committee have for making the humanising alterations at which I have hinted.

  5. There are evenings, too, when lectures, dissolving views, social teas, and pleasant friendly meetings bring the people together with humanising influences.

  6. Having inspected the school department where the humanising effects of education were tried upon the criminals, we were taken up to the roof of the prison to view the method of guarding it.

  7. The first humanising influence is traced to domestic union and the affection inspired by children-- Et Venus inminuit viris puerique parentum Blanditiis facile ingenium fregere superbum[14].

  8. The spirit of the new comedy as it existed in Greece, was not, on the whole, calculated to elevate, but it certainly was capable of humanising the Roman character.

  9. They had not, moreover, the humanising passion for song and dance that Andalusia knew.

  10. He became the treasurer of a society for the humanising of Russian prisons; but when Nicholas became Czar in 1825 Venning’s work became more difficult, though the Emperor was sympathetic.

  11. Thus we are told that among these islanders the fear of the dead supplied in some measure the place of natural affection and tenderness in softening and humanising the general manners.

  12. Philanthropic reform still remained with the evangelical school that so powerfully helped to sweep away the slave trade, cleansed the prisons, and aided in humanising the criminal law.

  13. If we like to put it so, he was steadfast for making politics more human, and no branch of civilised life needs humanising more.

  14. Years had passed by since they had been called upon to take active service of a pacific and humanising nature in the ranks of the orchestra.

  15. Attention was turned to the subject; its humanising effects were recognised, and parties met in several places for the practice of chamber music.

  16. As for 'the gentle and humanising influence,' this is taking Dickens just a little too seriously.

  17. He became the treasurer of a society for the humanising of Russian prisons; but when Nicholas became Czar in 1825 Venning's work became more difficult, although the Emperor was sympathetic.

  18. Kant, who lived later, and had the same problem to face, cherished no such delusion as to the possibility of humanising warfare, but went straight to the point of trying to stop it altogether; and Kant was in every point the better reasoner.

  19. For myself, I know no station in which, the occupation of to-day cheerfully done and the occupation of to-morrow cheerfully looked to, any one of these pursuits is not most humanising and laudable.

  20. Yet the fact is that so long as divinity was attributed to and felt in trees, logs of wood, stones, and beasts, people shrank from humanising their forms as from an act of godlessness.

  21. The first humanising influence is traced to domestic union and the affection inspired by children-- Et Venus inminuit viris puerique parentum Blanditiis facile ingenium fregere superbum.

  22. He can do much to help prisoners, not by indulging them, but by humanising the place to some extent and setting the tone.

  23. An unnatural and unhealthy mode of life, cut off from the sweet and humanising influences of nature, has produced an unnatural and unhealthy mentality, to which we shall find no parallels in the past.

  24. On the estates of the Church in the early years of the seventh century the humanising power of Christian feeling had silently raised the status of the slave.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humanising" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.