The engine roar drowned all sound, until suddenly a yowl and a rending ar-r-r-gh close astern told them that Archie was after them.
There ain't ary yowl to be got outa that hole no more.
He did not hear anything at all except a dismal yowl now and then from the darkness.
The beast was actually in pursuit, but it stopped at a distance of thirty feet, and uttered a yowl of disappointment.
An answering hail floated back on the wind, and was speedily drowned by an ear-splitting yowl from the catamount.
I leaned over him as I said it an' let a little hot candle grease drip on his neck an' he give a yowl an' straightened out an' then give another yowl an' shut up again.
It don't do to insult the dead," he cried in a voice like the yowl of a tom-cat.
And sometimes, when some ordinary incident struck his peculiar humor, he would throw back his head, open his great mouth, and utter a screech of wild laughter for all the world like the yowl of a tom-cat.
That dog give him a scare," admitted the driver, as a third and more distant yowl floated back to them from the depths of the forest.
Out of a close-branched spruce just ahead of the big dog shot a tawny-gray body, and a fearsome yowldrowned the barking of the dog.
Pewts garden and we begun to yowl feerful like cats and bimeby Pewts father opened a window and holered scat you devils and jest then Nat Weeks he stuck his head out and he holered scat two.
Cele read that story to us we all was wirse for 3 days and Annie never got over it and when i hear a cat yowl i think of what the polisemen found in the chimny.
Beany he said less go up to Pewts andyowl like cats.
As soon as this was done, all the young foxes began to yowl from blood-thirst, and threw themselves on Smirre.
At the instant I went down something struck the far end of the pole such a rap that I could feel the jar of it clear back through the snow, and a muffled, raucous, angry yowl set all my strained nerves a-quiver.
As I was gathering myself to rise, the dreadfulyowl was repeated right over my head, and down the bear came on me, clawing and squirming.