An old man, so tall he was almost a giant, stepped from behind the clump of hollies by Volaterrae.
Those hollies of themselves a shape As of an arbour took, 485 A close, round arbour; and it stands Not three strides from a brook.
It has been noticed that wild hollies have at the base very spiny leaves, but that higher up on the tree (above the reach of cattle) the leaves have no spines at all.
Many of these hollies are thirty feet high, with foliage down to the ground.
It is true that one finds cultivated hollies showing many variations.
Who wants a plan, as you call it, while he has the green hollies overhead, the dun deer on the lawn, bow in his hand, and sword by his side?
Many of the old hollies seem to belong to the same date, being either indigenous, or planted about this time to serve as food for the deer.
Sometimes they were found to have barked the young hollies round the bottom, or were seen feeding on the bark of the upper branches.
Then one day you called at The Hollies and I gave you some wine from a fresh bottle which I opened myself.
Then the Lady Glaslyn at The Hollies was not your mother?
Thus it was that without invitation, or without previous introduction to Lady Glaslyn, I called at the Hollies on the following afternoon.
For the first time the recollection of that glass of wine given me by Eva at The Hollies came back to me.
I proceeded slowly, passing The Hollies on the opposite side of the way.
Then she explained how I had called at The Holliesand she had brought me along.
Oh, I wish——’ She had scarcely said it when Puck rustled out of thehollies and spoke to the man quickly in foreign words.
An old man, so tall he was almost a giant, stepped from behind the clump of hollies by ‘Volaterrae.
Here and there clumps of stunted hollies jostled each other, their whisperings making the evening seem doubly gray and dreary.
And in the woods north of the farm Barbara met him, where a number of oldhollies threw up a wall of dense, green gloom.
All the rooms at The Hollies were low and oddly shaped, but the great four-post bed, with the moreen hangings, half filled it.
The gentle hillside above was clothed by plantations, and a grove of ancient beech trees, whose pale, smooth boles stood out from among undergrowth of lustrous hollies and the warm russet of fallen leaves.
No trees group together more beautifully than Hollies and Birches.
Honeysuckle in suitable conditions will ramble to great heights--in this district most noticeable in tall Hollies and Junipers as well as in high hedges.
Every year some more Hollies are planted; those put in nine years ago are now fifteen feet high, and are increasing fast.
When some clumps of young hollies have grown, those two groups will not be seen at the same time, except from a distance.
Newly-planted roses andhollies have a funnel-shaped hole worked in the ground at their base, showing the power of the wind to twist their heads, and giving warning of a corresponding disturbance of the tender roots.
The Hollies are towering masses of health and vigour.
They found a clump of bushyhollies which afforded a shelter from the wind, and sat down under it, some tufts of dead fern, crisp and dry, that remained from the previous season forming a sort of nest for them.
Grace declined to take any of their beverage, and remained in her place in the vehicle, looking dreamily at the sunlight that came in thin threads through the hollies with which the oaks were interspersed.
There was a tiresome rule at The Hollies that before we left our rooms we must take each sheet and blanket separately off our beds, fold them, and place them in a neat pile upon a chair.
Among many rules at The Hollies there was a law that nothing must be left upon the table, and the bread-and-butter was always severely passed round till the plate was empty.
I saw less of her now than ever, for, Mary having come to The Hollies this term, Mrs. Marshall had arranged for the sisters to sleep together, while to my great delight I was allowed to share a vacant bedroom with Cathy.
The Hollies proved to be an old-fashioned red-brick house with a trim garden, and playing-fields beyond.
Our bedrooms at The Hollieswere rather a feature of the school.
Oh, I wish -' She had scarcely said it when Puck rustled out of the hollies and spoke to the man quickly in foreign words.
The sun by now topped thehollies and shone into the study, flinging a bright slanting pathway across the dim crimson, scarlet and blue of the Turkey carpet.
Most common of all are those which have leaves blotched or edged with golden or creamy yellow and white, such as the variegated Hollies and Elaeagnuses.
A rough hedge containing perhaps only a few Thorns and Hollies and stub Oaks, and a filling of Wild Brambles, may be made glorious with the free hardy climbers just guided into the bushes and then left to ramble as they will.
Hollies are sometimes recommended, but, though they may occasionally thrive under trees, it is not advisable to use many of them, as they are more often a failure, becoming thin and straggling in the course of a year or two.
The best of them are the golden and silver variegated Elaeagnuses, the Hollies of a similar character, and the best of the Aucubas, of which there are now some very fine forms; the female plants are also very ornamental as fruit-bearers.
Some prefer to move Hollies in May, but much depends on whether artificial watering can be done.
Hollies and Rhododendrons, where planting has been done on the hillsides, may be seen as quite large trees.
In some places, notably at Brookwood in Surrey, pendulous Hollies have been allowed to grow without any attempt at training.
They reached the place where the hollies grew, which was in a conical pit, so that the tops of the trees were not much above the general level of the ground.
The bird-lime made from the bark of hollies seems to be a very similar material to the elastic gum, or Indian rubber, as it is called.
The numerous clumps of hollies in Needwood-forest serve as landmarks to direct the travellers across it in various directions; and as a shelter to the deer and cattle in winter; and in scarce seasons supply them with much food.
Those hollies of themselves a shape As of an arbour took, A close, round arbour; and it stands Not three strides from a brook.
The Hollies was a very snug, old-fashioned sort of farm.
Nancy's rapture, therefore, when she was able to bring Pauline to The Hollies could scarcely be suppressed.
Shall we drive back to The Hollies and get them some of your shoes?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hollies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.