The vines grow dusky with a deeper green-- "And with their tendrils snatch thy passing harp, "And keep it by brief seconds in their leaves.
It was repeated every five or six seconds during the whole of the waking moments, and subsided during sleep.
Death may occur from a few seconds to nine months after the accident.
Great ceremony, music, and the counting of the seconds in a loud voice from the stage, all tend to make the time appear much longer than it really is.
A few seconds after the matter was discharged by an incision, the man raised himself by a convulsive effort from his bed and instantly expired.
It is said that quite recently in Detroit there was a performer who accomplished the feat of remaining under water four minutes and eight seconds in full view of the audience.
Taylor speaks of a man who fell unconscious ten seconds after an ounce of phenol had been ingested, and in three minutes was dead.
The junior race was won in thirty-five seconds, and this curious day's sport was ended by a course de consolation, which was carried off in thirty-three seconds by M.
It is possible to send the index of an ordinary thermometer up to the top in ten or fifteen seconds by rubbing it between the slightly moistened thumb and the finger, exerting considerable pressure at the time.
Footnote 9: This displacement amounts to about fifty seconds annually, or, more accurately, to 50".
A running horse broke each thread the moment he passed in front of the camera and thus twenty or thirty pictures of him were taken in close succession within one or twoseconds of time.
Dumont won the prize though he was some forty seconds over time.
Charley, however, begged to have some to play with, and was much surprised to find their beautiful wings quickly become dry, and that in a few seconds they were dead.
For a few seconds they seemed to hang in the air, and then were scattered far and wide around the ship.
We could see, about a quarter of a mile from the ship, a huge hump projecting three feet out of the water, while from the fore part of the monster's enormous head arose at the end of every ten seconds a white jet of foam.
The sun itself has deigned to remain on the scene a few seconds longer, held beyond its time by the effect of mirage; but it is so changed behind its thick veils that we would prefer that it should not be there.
A few seconds later he was neck-deep in argument with the possessor of a shrill, strident, powerful voice.
The door opened and after a few seconds of conversation he stepped inside and disappeared.
But after a few seconds of conversation the man got out of the car and followed Grant into one of the cabins.
The only flaw in the arrangement was that every few seconds I'd catch a glimpse of lights down the highway, and I'd have to stop reading and gauge the speed of the car.
He talked a few seconds to the man and woman who were standing by the car; then, preparatory to leading them to a cabin, he turned and started away from them.
For a space of seconds Dave's blood was turned to ice.
Then, after tenseconds of listening, he flashed on the spy's powerful light.
It took just ten secondswhen everything was right.
Ten seconds later he barked, "All set for a power dive!
Ten secondslater he was working the joystick and Applegate, like an old lady in a wheelchair, was lolling back in his place.
For a space of seconds it seemed to her that she must leap from the car and race back to be with the dear old house in its great time of trial.
Forty seconds of this, then he let go that emergency lever.
Forty tense seconds and then there came a ripping of the sky, longer, more terrifying than any they had yet heard.
The principals in the fight are here,--seconds are, as their name implies, a secondary matter.
You men to leeward, hold on--all hold on," he shouted a few seconds later.
Then in about two seconds we heard a whack, and the dog he finished up with a most amazing howl or two, and then everything was dead still, and the parson begun his solemn talk where he left off.
So in two seconds away we went a-sliding down the river, and it DID seem so good to be free again and all by ourselves on the big river, and nobody to bother us.
A single blow was sufficient to kill the young ones, and in a few seconds more than a dozen were knocked over.
Willy laughed at the notion; but directly afterwards the old lion plunged into the water, and his snout was seen within a few seconds rising close to the oars.
It was now apparently beginning to feel the effects of the bullets, for, raising itself up on its fore-flippers, it remained several seconds glaring at its foes.
Harvey knew some seconds must pass before Bill would be able to climb to his feet.
At first he did not doubt that a crushing triumph would speedily come to him and his companion, but as the seconds flew by and there was no gain upon the train thundering over the rails, a pang of doubt crept over him.
Only a few seconds were needed to place him far beyond range.
He knew when he lighted the powder-soaked string which served as a fuse how many seconds it would require to reach the powder within.
The humiliation which Harvey felt for a few seconds quickly passed away.
Harvey braced himself, hoping that a few seconds would carry him across the zone of danger, and came within a hair of pitching from his seat.
She gave him a few seconds more for looking, and then quickly held her hand out for it, and replaced it on the table.
The silent seconds grew into a minute, and more than a minute passed without a sound.
She got up, and the seconds added themselves into minutes.
But for a few seconds he had a good view of both, and he was young enough to find the scrutiny to his liking.
Spencer had a fewseconds in which to steal a backward glance, and a flash of lightning happened to glimmer on Bower's features.
For a fewseconds the two writhed in the snow in deadly embrace.
Though the merciful gloom of the next few seconds restored her faculties, her face and neck were aflame.
Now," said he to himself, "I shall know in ten seconds whether or not I travel west by north to-morrow.
In three seconds more, Bog heard footsteps approaching in the entry.
The distance to Foundation House, where the head master resided, was short--thirty seconds in the darkness; and almost before they knew it the three were at the door.
For the sixteenth time the seconds raised their champions, steadied them, and sent them forth.
They'll arrange for seconds and all that sort of thing, and Doc Macnooder is always there for medical assistance.
On the aforesaid morning as Hickey hastily donned his dickey the stud snapped and he was forced to waste precious seconds in not only procuring another stud, but in arranging the component parts.
Granger had told them of this mysterious ticking, and it brought vividly to their minds his description of the finding of the dead man with his clock beating off the seconds upon a shelf above the bunk.
Now you’ve got jest about ten seconds to pick up and hiper.
Halting, with an effort, he glared for a few seconds at the contemptible creature, that yet had such power of annoyance, as if he could crush him with his heel.
The sergeant, with a dozen of his smartest troopers, had each their man in custody a few seconds after the order was given—Bill Hardwick among the rest, who was fated to illustrate the cost of being found among evil-doers.
He gave a snort as if he had just seen a man for the first time, propped dead, and in a couple of seconds was bucking away, as you may swear he did the very first time he was crossed.
The girl stood for someseconds staring fixedly after him.
Turning back to the table, she contemplated the remaining fish for thirty seconds or so in indecision.
But for several seconds she stood staring at Frederick, with wide-eyed wonderment.
A few seconds he held it so, with an eagerness that told of some sweet and mighty relief come to his soul,--some illumination of grace that had seemed to be struck by the first sunrays from that hair into his wondering eyes.
Then perhaps the rod would suddenly straighten out for a few seconds only to bend again, slowly, gently, but mercilessly.
Seconds Pendleton and Van Ness retire out of range.
One day there was a period of two seconds when a bundle didn't pop out at her, and she had time to think.
When we got there we continued in the business for about three or four seconds after getting down.
They opened to assaults, but priceless seconds were lost.
The stage hands had been fighting the line of wavering flame along the muslin fly border for some seconds before the audience knew anything was the matter.
But he did not clap hard enough or fast enough, and in ten seconds the flames were beyond his reach.
Louis exclaimed suddenly, as they reached the dining-room door, after stopping a few seconds in the hall to hang up his coat.
It was very evident that another passenger might be expected, and a few seconds more threw considerable light on the doubt enveloping the expected personage.