Truth compels the historian to observe, that this is delicious with the ham, and you will not mind in the least, until the next day, the large grease-spot on the side breadth of your gown.
I was presented by our minister, by the order of the Chamberlain, as the historian of Ferdinand and Isabella and made my profound obeisance to her Majesty who made a dignified courtesy.
He told me, what our American historian was too modest to tell, how well Mr. Prescott appeared in London.
BREEN'S Queries respecting St. Gregory and Queen Brunehaut, I remembered that the historian had mentioned them.
He, moreover, was specifically a historian, while Macaulay has been prized less as a historian proper than as a master of literary art.
Hilda left the room--an example the historianmust follow.
Yet not once is Humphrey mentioned, and it is only a sixteenth-century historian who tells us that 'the Duke of Gloucester toke all these thyngs paciently and said little.
The same historian has in another place a passing allusion to the trade of catching the purple-producing whelks.
The sacred historian describes with painful fidelity the horrors of the siege, and of the dreadful extremity to which the people were reduced.
So here we have the curious fact, that the sacred historian thinks it worth while to mention that great men, the sons of the chief man of Israel, each of them being ruler over a city, rode upon Ass colts.
They have been selected and arranged so that each illustration explains one or more passages of Scripture, and it is hoped that the work will possess equal interest for the natural historian and the Biblical student.
In spite of frequent fines and banishments, their historian owns that altogether they throve in this reign, and their physicians were held in high repute.
An original half-length of Camden, the great historian and antiquary, in his herald's coat; by Vandertrout.
More worthy than the gay Melbourne of the honour of a monument in such a place, is the historian Hallam, a calm, sometimes cold, but always impartial writer.
Plott, the learned but creduloushistorian of Staffordshire, to collect the materials for a history of the court, which, however, was never completed.
Consequently, the task of the historian was not to explain the southern civilization, but to accept it as rather bad and to prove that the North was partly responsible and equally guilty--a fruitless work.
With them," says the grave historian of the convention, "the love songs of yesterday had swelled into the political hosannas of to-day.
It is therefore reasonable for the serious critic and historian to anticipate some increase of knowledge from a thorough examination of the Elizabethan theatre in close conjunction with the Elizabethan drama.
And strange to say, considering Fox's love of liberty, his love of America, and his hatred of slavery, the historian of liberty and democracy seems hardly to have done him justice.
Neither the Jewish historian Josephus, nor the learned Philo, nor any Greek or Roman historian at all notices these prodigies.
More than one historian has pointed out that the efforts of French kings and ministers to make Quebec a preserve for a single set of ideas paralyzed the energies of the colonists in early days.
In spite of you, and all the old barons our ancestors, I pray that we may have done with glory, and would willingly burn every Roman and Greek historian who have don nothing but transmit precedents for cutting throats.
Now comes the marvellous transaction, and I defy Mr. Hume, an historian as he is, to parallel it.
The historian of Genesis here, as throughout the narrative, does not mention any date whatever for the event he relates; nor does he hint at the cause of this removal.
It is the only name under which the historian of Chap.
Herodotus, the charming old historian and story-teller, wrote down for us all he could learn about them, though what he says has probably as much fancy in it as fact.
The old historianfurther tells us that the Scythian warriors invaded the kingdom of Media, which they conquered and held for twenty-eight years.
It required no little courage from a historian to tell the awkward truth--that Herodotus did tell it is no small testimony to his veracity.
It is not necessary that the historian should pronounce judgment upon every transaction.
And what has affixed a yet darker blot on the character of the victors, deeds of violence and cruelty were perpetrated hitherto rare in the British army, and which causes the historian to blush, not merely for his country, but for his species.
Even the historian Tacitus acknowledges that the tortures to which its adherents were exposed excited the commiseration of the heathen multitude.
Socrates, an ecclesiastical historian of the fifth century, has expressed himself with remarkable candour on this subject.
And if Paul was released at the expiration of these two years, we can well understand why the sacred historian may have deemed it inexpedient to give an account of his liberation.
On a certain occasion the historianhappened to be present when one of these walking concordances poured forth the stores of his prodigious memory.
Some may think it strange that the inspired historian enters so much into details, and the nautical terms which he employs may puzzle not a few readers; but these features of his narrative attest its authenticity and genuineness.
The words Christus and Chrestus seem to have been often confounded, and it has been thought that the historian here refers to some riotous proceedings among the Jews in Rome arising out of discussions relative to Christianity.
It is the duty of the historian to endeavour to point out the origin, and to trace the progress of these innovations.
But even the pagan historian who records the commencement of this first imperial persecution, and who was deeply prejudiced against the disciples of our Lord, bears testimony to the falsehood of the accusation.
No French historian has ventured to make such a picture of the Catholic clergy of France under the Bourbons as Lord Macaulay thought himself authorised to paint of the Protestant clergy of England under the Stuarts.
The first official historian of St.-Omer, a worthy priest Dom Devienne, writing in 1782, gave this legend form.
France is indebted, not to the Revolution, but to a great Protestant historian and statesman, Guizot, and to King Louis Philippe for the foundation of her system of public education.
The modern scientific historian and ethnologist think in conjunction in giving it a low rank compared with what such a book should be.
More special is the Histoire de l’Island of Xavier Marmier; and the German historian F.
Quito was fortunate, however, in finding a later historian to devote himself to the work of chronicling the story of his native land.
Parkman’s merits as a historian are elsewhere recognized in the present history.
Of the same type is a narrative which has come down indirectly, among the flotsam and jetsam of classic literature: it is a fragment from a lost work by Theopompus of Chios, a historian of the fourth century B.
Klaproth translated the version as given by an early Chinese historian of the seventh century, Li Yan Tcheou, and Klaproth’s version is Englished in Bancroft’s Nat.
Clavigero criticised Robertson, and the English historian in his later editions replied.
As a native of Quito, Velasco is a strong partisan of Atahualpa; and he is the only historian who gives an account of the traditions respecting the early kings of Quito.
The great historianprobably obtained a copy of a manuscript in the Escurial, through Obadiah Rich.
The record of our stewardship is in the tomb of the future for the coming historian to "point a moral or adorn a tale.
How it has sustained the character, how fulfilled the mission upon which it entered, the impartial historian has indited, every page of which is redolent with precept and example that point a moral.
Pointing out, just as a modern historian might do, that there had been faults on both sides, he called on 'him that was without sin amongst them to cast the first stone'.
The development of this theme is for the historian of England rather than for the biographer of the Protector.
One historian after another has accompanied his account of these proceedings with the observation that there was here a conflict between law and the tyrant's plea, necessity.
Historical materialism is not and cannot be a new philosophy of history or a new method; but it is properly this; a mass of new data, of new experiences, of which the historian becomes conscious.
His worth and skill as a historian is shown by the accuracy of his adaptation.
If it had chosen a muu or a buxx tree instead, the Galactic Historian might have found the page in the morning when he took his constitutional through the university grounds.
The two and seventy thousand jarring texts that it summarized had been systematically destroyed, one by one, after the Galactic Historian had stripped them of their objective information.
The Galactic Historian could hardly be blamed for wanting to see the last of the manuscript, for wanting to transmit it to his publishers, potential hiatuses and all, and take the next warp for the Hub.
Unfortunately, the Galactic Historian had begun to wipe his brows at the very moment of the breeze's entry.
The Galactic Historian repeatedly wiped his brows as he turned the pages.
And after all, is the historian justified in accusing this woman of all the dishonors and defeats of the reign of Louis XV.
But in fact I find that the historian de Couto had made the discovery long before.
Thus Abulfeda speaks of one used at the final capture of Acre, which was entrusted to the troops of Hamath, and which formed a load for 100 carts, of which one was in charge of the historian himself.
It is a very curious circumstance that the historian Wassáf also appears to represent Saianfu (see note 5, ch.
We have mentioned one kind of corruption propagated by these engines; the historian Wassáf tells of another.
Arab Historian of the 9th century Jazírat al Yákút, "The Isle of Rubies.
The same historian says that Ahmad was kind and liberal to the Christians, though Hayton speaks differently.
The historian De Couto, whilst giving the same number of reigns from the conversion to the capture, places the former event about 1384.
The historianof Cho-Chou honestly remarks that he knows of no reason why the production of silk should have ceased there, except the fact that the worms refused to live there.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "historian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.