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Example sentences for "horssemen"

Lexicographically close words:
horsing; horsmen; horson; horsse; horssebacke; horsses; horsy; hortatory; horticultural; horticulture
  1. But about noone, when Cesar had sent foorth thrée legions of footemen and all his horssemen vnder the [Sidenote: Caius Trebonius.

  2. These things yet staied not Cesar, who appointing his horssemen to passe on before, commanded the footemen to follow.

  3. Peace being thus established after the fourth day of the Romans arriuall in Britaine, the 18 ships which (as ye haue heard) were appointed to conuey the horssemen ouer, loosed from the further hauen with a soft wind.

  4. Their horssemen and charets skirmished by the waie with the Romans, but so as they were put backe oftentimes into the woods and hills adioining: yet the Britains slue diuers of the Romans as they followed anie thing egerlie in the pursute.

  5. Herevpon a great multitude both of horssemen and footmen of the Britains were spéedilie got togither, and approched the Romane campe.

  6. Britains farre, because they wanted their horssemen which were yet behind, & through slacking of time could not come to land.

  7. And so the battell of horssemen was dangerous, and like in all points whether they pursued or retired.

  8. At their first approch togither, Cassibellane sent foorth his horssemen and charets called Esseda, by the which he thought to disorder the araie of the enimies.

  9. Calice in the night about the third watch (which is about three or foure of the clocke after midnight) giuing order that the horssemen should take ship at an other place 8 miles aboue Calice, and follow him.

  10. Shortlie after they set vpon the Romane forragers, and put them to flight, and also such companies of horssemen as were appointed to gard them.

  11. The horssemen also that made resistance they pulled from their horsses, and began to clime the hill vpon the Britains.

  12. For their horssemen by their capteins appointment trauersing ouerthwart by the fronts of them that fought, set vpon that battell of the Britains which they found before them.

  13. Agricola placed 8 thousand footmen of strangers which he had there in aid with him in the midst, appointing thrée thousand horssemen to stand on the sides of them as wings.

  14. But before he tooke his iourneie, he set foorth a decree consisting of these points in effect as followeth.

  15. Rotrod the archbishop of Rouen, Giles bishop of Eureux, Roger bishop of Worcester, and diuerse others.

  16. Elianor was deliuered of a daughter which was named Joane.

  17. This was doone in the yeare of our Lord 1164.

  18. In the octaues of Easter king Henrie came to an enterview with the French king at Gisors, where they had conference togither of sundrie matters.

  19. The kings horssemen herevpon came streight waies to Northampton, and following the enimies, could not ouertake them.

  20. Herewith also he leuied a great armie both of horssemen and footmen, and came forward with the same vnto Penbroke, and so when all his prouision and ships were readie, [Sidenote: Milford hauen.

  21. The English power of horssemen which passed not the number of 400.

  22. Indeed some laie the blame in the Gascoine footmen for the losse of this battell, bicause that they withdrew backe, and left the English horssemen in danger of the enimies which had compassed them about on euerie side.

  23. But the townesmen bent on reuenge, assembled togither in great numbers, and falling on the Englishmen slue thirtie of their horssemen and of their footmen to the number of seuen hundred, or thereabouts.

  24. The horssemen that got foorth left their horsses behind them readie brideled and sadled, which the Frenchmen vpon entring the towne in the morning tooke, after they had slaine the most part of the footmen.

  25. King John being verie ioyfull of this good successe, marched towards Poictou, sending out his troops of horssemen to waste the countrie on euerie side.

  26. Herevpon calling in his horssemen from straieng further abroad, he marched thitherwards, and comming neere to the citie, pitched downe his tents.

  27. In the fourth yeare of king Edward was a councell holden at London against the templers, the which councell indured from the beginning of Maie, till Iune.

  28. The malice which the lords had conceiued against the earle of Cornewall still increased, the more indeed through the high bearing of him, being now aduanced to honour.

  29. His head was sent vnto London, and there set vpon the bridge, or rather vpon some turret of the tower.

  30. Normans, and withall they imbattelled their footmen in a new order, so that their horssemen shifted themselues on the wings, readie to rescue the footmen if their arraie should happen to be disturbed.

  31. The king hauing aduertisement of this siege of Excester, hasted foorth with his host, in as much speed as was possible, and sent the lord Daubeneie with certeine bands of light horssemen before, to aduertise all men of his comming at hand.

  32. When as king Henrie knew that Perkin was thus fled, he sent after him the lord Daubeneie with fiue hundred horssemen toward the sea side, to apprehend him before he should get away.

  33. Also the horssemen that were sent, without anie stop or staie came to saint Michaels mount, and there (as chance was) found the ladie Katharine Gordon wife to Perkin, and brought hir streight to the king.

  34. The horssemen of the Romans at the first encounter were put to the worsse, and Labienus the tribune slaine.

  35. But the Romans could not follow the Britains farre, because they wanted their horssemen which were yet behind, & through slacking of time could not come to land.

  36. The horssemen made such diligence, and with such celeritie set forward their iournie, that nothing was more likelie than they to haue obteined, yea and seized their preie.

  37. After this long vant-gard, followed king Richard himselfe with a strong companie of chosen and approoued men of warre, hauing horssemen for wings on both sides of his battell.

  38. Wherefore he accompanied with twentie light horssemen lingered in his iournie, as a man musing & imagining what was best to be doone.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "horssemen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.