He finally wrote back that in case the act for the succession was not ‘passed thoroughly’ they were to ‘staye the same tyl further knowleage of his graces pleasure[343].
A theological entente, however, would have been possible, had Cromwell and Henry united to bring it about; but they did not.
There was a great deal of discontent among the Commissioners on account of his rapacity, and though they openly flattered him, they continually spoke ill of him behind his back.
And were as I am acerteynyd that the Rowmes of your foure Clarkes are now furnyshyd & non of theym voide.
It was precisely from this same practical utilitarian standpoint, that he regarded and made use of to his own ends the King’s amours, the suppression of the monasteries, the Reformation.
The result of all these murmurings among commons and friars was that Cromwell was kept very busy in finding out and extirpating ‘sedycyous opynyons’ as they were termed.
The latter were not always the results Cromwell wished to attain; in many cases they were ends which, if he could have foreseen, Cromwell would have been the last person to promote.
Not dowbting but ye will diligentlie effectuallie and trewly put in execucion the teanour and effecte of your saide Commyssion in suche wise as shalbe most for your honestie & to the Kinges most profite and aduauntage.
She and her accomplices were forced to read their public confessions on a scaffold erected at Paul’s Cross, while a sermon was preached in denunciation of the fraud.
Most of the Greenwich friars were eager to stand by their brethren, but some proved less incorruptible, and gave secret information against the steadfast ones.
Everything in Ireland was now proceeding to the complete satisfaction of Henry and Cromwell, except the finances.
Item I gyue and bequeth to george Wylkynson my seruauntt vj^{li} xiij^s iiij^d.
Yf it may please your grace to gyue the same to Mr. Byrton he shoulde be the more able to do your grace seruyce.
Item I gyue and bequethe to Stephen Vaughan sumtyme my seruaunte c markes[117] a gowne Jaquet and Doblet.
First to loke what is his name or surname / and if it be nough[-] ty to saye that he had it nat for nothynge: but that nature had suche pryue power in men to make them gyue names according to the maners of euery person.
I wyll that myne executoures shall gyue to my doughters at the tyme of theyr maryage euery of theym an hundred shepe / suche as they wyll.
Me lacketh witte / I haue none eloquence To gyue hym lawde / after his excellence For I dar saye / he lefte hym not a lyue That coude his connyng / sufficiently discriue 392 THE ORIEL TEXT.
With many another vertuous trayttye Ful of sentence / set ful fructuosly That hym to rede / shal gyue you corage He is so ful of fruyt, sentence and langage 329 THE ORIEL TEXT.
I wylle leue to yow Sanynge I wyll that y'e gyue in my prefence er I dye whilis I lyue to the frere prechours.
These fiftéene were spyes, and when they sawe the Horsemen, they beganne to flye with feare, or else to gyue aduise.
And demaunded of Francisco Fernandez notarie appoynted, that he shoulde gyuevnto him by testimonie in writing, all the actes done therein.
I saye, quod the man of lawe, crie bea no longer nowe, but gyue me my money.
Whan dyner was done, he thanked Conon: and whan the kyng sawe that he wolde departe home, he commaunded to gyue hym a thousande crownes of golde for his radisshe rote.
This was well and wysely done: For one ought nat to gyue light credence to those thinges, wherin resteth perpetuall grefe of mynde.
She toke the rompe in her hande, and bycause she sawe the abbot and other wete their meate in the sorell sauce, she sayde: my lorde, I pray the gyue me leue to wete myn rompe in thy grene sauce.
Whan he was deed, the yonge mans sonne came to him and sayde: father, I prey you gyue me this olde sacke cloth, that was wonte to couer my graundfather.
There came a begger to kyng Philip of Macedone on a tyme, and prayde the kyng to gyue hym some what; and farther he sayde he was his kynse man.
The chylde answered: father, seynge ye gyue to these prestes money to synge at my mothers buryenge, why be ye angry with me, that aske you nothynge for my syngynge?
I pray you, whan masse is donne, gyue hym iii draughtys of your chales.
Nay, quod the preest, he spake to me of no typet, but he desyred me to gyueyow drynk of the chales for the chyncough.
For if it bee in thy handes togyue battell, it belongeth onely to the gods to gyue eyther to thee or me the victory.
Wherof vppon a day being demaunded the question, she answered: "I gyue my body to prynces and noble Barons, that they may deale with mee lyke Gentlemen.
Here they may see the damage and hurt that vnaduised youth incurreth, when neglectyng theyr Parents holesome admonitions, they gyue themselues to the loue of sutch as be vnworthy theyr estate and callyng.
But shee was so curyous in good and perfect Waters, as shee would gyue so great a Pryce for that, as is ordinaryly gyuen for Wyne bee it neuer so excellent.
But for that I meane not to leaue hys ingratitude vnrevenged, thou shalt staye here, vntyll thou heare newes of the due chastisment which I shall gyue hym.
Hereof we haue shewed exampels partly wher they be called figures, and partly, doute ye not, but both the speakynge and wrytyng of barbarouse men wyll gyue you inow.
The lyuynge God from whome all good giftes do procede, gyue vs grace so to order all oure words and speache, that it may be to his honour and glory for euer and euer.
An other wil stand poyntinge his shafte at the marke a good whyle, and by-and-by he wyll gyue a whip, and awaye, or a man wite.
Some wyll gyue two or iii strydes forwarde, daunsing and hoppynge after his shafte, as long as it flyeth, as though he were a madman.
Gyue therfore to Godd / that which belongith vnto hym.
If then men wyll gyue this vnto the verses of the Sibylles that they be vncorrupte / moche more is it to be giuen to the bokes of the Hebrues.
If the worldly substaũce and ritches of men were required and asked by the hygher poures / I wold councell to gyue thẽ.
And yet when they themselues do mynister it vnto prestes whiche do not saye Masse / they do gyue but the one kinde only.
This libertie of free speaking and confessing / no christen man ought so to gyue ouer / but that he in all his talke shuld and might vse it.
Suche lawes haue they that none of theim may nether gyuenor sell nothing.
Here may your grace well perceyue that except ye suffer theyre ypocrisie to be disclosed all is like to runne ynto theire hondes and as long as it is couered so long shall it seme to euery man to be a greate ympiete not to gyue theim.
For this I am sure your grace thinketh (as the truth is) I am as good as my father, whye may I not aswell gyue theim as moche as my father did.
Beatrix le lauendier Beatrice the lauendre Venra cy apres mengier; Shall come hether after diner; Se ly baillies les ligne draps; So gyue her the lynnen clothis.
Donnes du fain as cheuaulx, Gyue heye to the hors, Et les estraines bien; And strawe them well; Mais quils soient abuures.
Cest grand folye It is grete folye De donner le eternalite For to gyue the eternalite Pour le temporalite.
For them that ben to ferfull gyue two dragmes of powdre hereof wt warme water and as moche wyne at the tyme that the fere cometh.
If they gave no occasion of murther then gyue I none .
Gyue praysynge to god / whiche is euer pyteous & mercyfull in worlde withouten ende Amen.
Mary syr I thanke you, ye can not gyue me a more thanckefull gyfte nor do me a greatter pleasure, for that asse withouten any tayle was made as holye as any asse could be by the touchynge of christes body.
Howe can I helpe them whiche haue nothynge to gyue them, and scant inoughe for my selfe.
Naye and yf a thynge come to dyssoluynge gyue me a good sharpe axe in my hande and I trow I shall dyssolue it well inoughe.
Yf it shold I wold not gyue you ii pesecodd{i}s ¶ For grau{n}t of your patent of offyce nere of fee.
Wherfore dothe he gyue rather suche schelles, than other thynges.
And if any haue forty byfore dynar, may he axe other forty at after souper, is there any thynge left than to gyue him?
Why doo they not lyke wyse gyue vs to kysse the spottel, & other fylthe & dyrt of the body?
I may tell you in cowncell, I wold nat gyue thys litle pece for all ye gold that Tagus hathe, I wyll sett it in gold, but so that it shall apere thorow a crystall stone.
For sothe I thanke you, that ye offere yowr selfe to be my gest vndesyred, when many hertely prayed refuse it, but I wyll gyue yow double thankes, if ye wyll soupe to day at home.
We dyd gyue hym certayne monay whiche he offeryd to our lady.
The mayd of Cõstantynople, which dyd gyue it, dyd saye so.
For thys same mã dyd say, that a woman dyd apere to hym, in hys sleape, after a maruelouse fashion, which sholdgyue hym a cuppe to drynke apon.
For inward diseases the saide Oyle worketh myraculouslye (if that you minister or gyue a dramme at a time in white Wine to drinke) and stayeth also the sheading of haire, either on the head or beard, by annointing the places with this Oyle.
Than sayd the kynge of Sodome vnto Abram: gyue me the soulles/ and take the goodes to thy selfe.
And she sayde what wylt thou gyue me/ for to lye with me?
In lyke wyse when he commeth home wel whitled, I gyue hym gentyll and fayre woordes, so with fayre entreatynge I gette hym to bed.
There be some fautes wyth you thoughe thou se them, be wyse of this especyall that thou neuer gyue hym foule wordes in the chambre, or inbed but be sure that all thynges there bee full of pastyme and pleasure.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gyue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.