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Example sentences for "couered"

Lexicographically close words:
couenant; couenanted; couenants; couent; couer; couering; couert; couet; coueted; coueting
  1. And then enter two of Titus Sonnes; After them, two men bearing a Coffin couered with blacke, then two other Sonnes.

  2. There was also a tent erected vpon pillars, which were couered with plates of golde, and were ioyned vnto other timber with golden nailes.

  3. And oftentimes in the morning, we found our selues all couered with snow driuen ouer vs by the winde.

  4. And a gouernour of one Prouince brought vnto him a companie of camels couered with Baldakins.

  5. It was couered aboue with Baldakin cloth, but there was other cloth spread ouer that, next vnto the ayre.

  6. When Iuda sawe her/ he thought it had bene an hoore/ because she had couered hyr face.

  7. On both the sydes of this strayght are great and hygh mountaynes couered with snowe, beyonde the whiche is the enteraunce into the sea of Sur.

  8. He founde also the people of those regions couered with beastes skynnes: yet not without th[e] use of reason.

  9. For the which cause wee placed a great watch in that way, which was couered with a counterscharfe, and in the sallies of their priuy.

  10. The poope or sterne of his gally was gilded both within and without, and vnder his feet, and where he sate was all couered with very rich Tapistry.

  11. The ground is couered with Mats, and the walles hanged with Tapistry.

  12. In the first chappell is a thing foure foot high, couered with greene, beset with mother of pearle very richly.

  13. Those aulters to be ordrely alway couered with two aulter clothes, and garnisshed with the crosse of Christe, or some little cofre of reliques.

  14. Their houses are all with flat roofes couered with earth: and in the Sommer time they lie vpon them all night.

  15. Within one houre after in comes to my lodging a duke richly apparelled, accompanied with fiftie persons, ech of them carying a siluer dish with meat, and couered with siluer.

  16. There is no man so simple but he sitteth on a carpet better or worse, and the whole house or roume wherein he sitteth is wholy couered with carpets.

  17. First they haue a boxe couered or rather footed alike at each end, the bottome of the one end being no deeper then as it may containe one lane of corne or pepper, glewed there vpon.

  18. So the yong man, bringyng the candell in one hand, and the cup of wine couered in the other, offred it vnto them.

  19. Of the woman that couered her heed, and shewed up her tayle.

  20. These are to be couered with doubles of course linnen artificially wrought, to defend the arrow or the dart of the sauage from the rower.

  21. He found also the people of those regions couered with beastes skinnes, yet not without the vse of reason.

  22. Their dwelling houses were made on both sides with stones, and wood layd crosse ouer them, which was couered ouer with turfes of earth, and they are flat on the tops, and many of these stood hard by the shore.

  23. At our arriuall here all the Seas about this coast were so couered ouer with huge quantitie of great yce, that we thought these places might onely deserue the name of Mare Glaciale, and be called the Isie Sea.

  24. They haue boates made of leather, and couered cleane ouer sauing one place in the middle to sit in, planked within with timber, and they vse to row therein with one Ore, more swiftly a great deale, then we in our boates can doe with twentie.

  25. And the snowe may be kept all the yeare under the earth, couered with strawe, and profitable it is to mixe with the wine in hote sommer, and necessarie also to coole the ayre about sick persons.

  26. For so they will tarrye the willinglier, being all shaken forth of the body of the trée, and couered with the Hiue.

  27. Now therefore I doe challenge this ground as my right; and doe here charge you, as you will answere it before the fearefull face of Almightie God, that the body of the spoiler be not couered with the earth of mine inheritance.

  28. At the same time certaine lands in Kent, which did once belong to Godwine Earle of Kent, were ouerflowed and couered with sand, which to this day do beare the name of Godwins sands.

  29. Many parts of this wall remaine at this time, on both sides of the Church, but couered for the most part with dwelling houses.

  30. Among which downefallen peeces I might see the remaynders of diuers shapes of men of sundrie sortes, many naked, other some hauing their members couered with folded and plited induments, fast sticking to their naked proportions.

  31. The ground was here and there couered with great round balles of glasselyke gunne stones, and other fine proportions much pleasing, with a mutuall consent vnmooueable lyke pearles shining without any adulteration by folyature.

  32. Which bowles were filled with burning coles couered ouer with embers, and in euery vessell vppon the ashes did boyle a little pot of gold, which contrary liquors infused with sweet odours.

  33. The alament of the claustering walles, were couered ouer with Plates of beaten Golde, with a grauing agreeable to the pretiousnes of the metall.

  34. Their fore-heades most fayre, and beautified with the moueable wauinges of theyr crysping hayre couered ouer with a thinne vayle, lyke a Spiders vvebbe.

  35. All thinges couered with pure fine gold and Azure colour, with diuers other proportions and counterfets of substance, equal with their workemanship.

  36. All the inhabitants here haue very little homes couered with the leaues of the coco-trees.

  37. The houses here, as they be in the most part of India, are very litle, and couered with strawe, and haue a fewe mats round about the wals, and the doore to keepe out the Tygers and the Foxes.

  38. The houses be made of wood, and couered with tiles.

  39. He would haue nothing vpon him, his beard was very long, and with the haire of his head he couered his priuities.

  40. There are foure houses gilded very richly, and couered with lead: in euery one of them are Pagodes or Images of huge stature and great value.

  41. And the house wherein his Pagode or idole standeth is couered with tiles of siluer, and all the walles are gilded with golde.

  42. The houses are very bad, made of canes, and couered with straw.

  43. The said presents were a faire couered cup of siluer and gilt, certaine veluets and clothes of silke, with very fine drinking glasses and excellent looking glasses, and such other gifts more.

  44. Their houses are very little, made of the branches of the palmer or coco-tree, and couered with the leaues of the same tree.

  45. The men are tall and slender, and haue many old folks among them: the houses are simple, made of earth and couered with strawe, the streetes are very large.

  46. He had musike of Fiddle, Flute, and of a Snayle shell, and a Caudron couered with a skinne, and suche other strange instrumentes.

  47. The Spaniardes saw the floure couered with bloud like a iealy in a slaughter house, it stonke horribly.

  48. Foure forkes with thrée shepehookes at ech, couered with feathers of sundry colours.

  49. The next day in the morning he ascended vp a hill couered with snowe, which was sixe myles of heigth, where if the .

  50. Fiue paire of woodden beades rounde and couered wyth a leafe of gold very thinne.

  51. They built faire dockes couered ouer with arches for y^e Vergantines, whereas (for a perpetuall memorie) all the thirtéene Vergantines do remayne vntil this day.

  52. Huge routs of people did about them band, 6 Showting for ioy, and still before their way A foggy mist had couered all the land; 8 And vnderneath their feet, all scattered lay Dead sculs and bones of men, whose life had gone astray.

  53. This wall is all couered ouer with tiles to defende the rayne water fro hurting of it, which could not to the contrarie but receiue damage, for that there is no lyme vsed in the whole wall.

  54. She hath on the necke bone, betweene the necke and the shoulders a heape of fethers like a Tassell, her thighs vnto her knees are couered with doune, her legs strong and great, and dareth with her talents assault a man.

  55. After this folow fiftene other most faire Camels, euery one carying one of the abouesayd vestures, being couered from toppe to toe with silke.

  56. The tombe is so high, that it farre exceedeth in heighth the Mosquita, being couered with lead, and the top all inamelled with golde, with an halfe moone vpon the top: and within the pauement it is all very artificially wrought with golde.

  57. In the midst there are three of Aloes-wood not very thicke, and couered with tiles of India 1000.

  58. But it is now couered with siluer, and hath 3.

  59. Vpon the left hand of the queene sat the king of Scots in his estate, who was serued with couered messe, as were the forenamed bishops; but yet after them.

  60. Mansor when he was arrived at the dore of that great pallace couered and thacked with Reede, called to them wythin, who at the first would make no answer to the Prynce that taried there comming at the Gate.

  61. If not that they were closed up in a terrible Pryson, where thou wast detayned in bitter griefe, and sorrowe, and there with those naturall qualities, couered also in obscure darknesse, that compassed thee round about.

  62. For whereas he couered his table but thrée or foure times in the daie, these spred their clothes fiue or six times, and in such wise as I before rehearsed.

  63. And amongst these, one Vresbie or Rosebie, a plowman, did ere vp not long since a stone like a trough, couered with another stone, wherein was great foison of the aforesaid coines.

  64. Beside this, there is also another Iland north northwest of Port Ile, which is now so worne and washed awaie with the working of the sea, that at the spring tides it is wholie couered with water, and thereby made vnprofitable.

  65. The midst of the field was couered with their charrets and horssemen.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "couered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.