Wherever we look we find this topsy-turvy state of affairs--marriages made to suit the parents instead of the bride and groom; while the welfare of the grandchildren is of course never dreamt of.
It is owing to these persistent crimes against grandchildren that the human race as a whole is still such a miserable rabble, and that recruiting offices and insurances companies tell such startling tales of degeneracy.
My grandchildren don't have to do that, and won't have the bad dreams children once had in decades past.
Tell your grandchildren the story of struggles waged at home and abroad, of sacrifices freely made for freedom's sake.
Parr for a monumental stone erected bygrandchildren and great-grandchildren in the Octagon Chapel, Norwich: "Joanni Taylor, S.
His wife Stepanida, his children and grandchildren came out into the street to look at them.
When you are darning stockings with a fancy stitch for your great grandchildren I shall face admiring throngs all listening for pearls of wisdom to fall from my lips.
This would be something to tell their grandchildren in the years to come!
How many grandchildrenhave you now, Mrs. Pritchard?
There was something so ominous in his attitude and expression that his two grandchildren looked dismayed even before he spoke.
Then turning around to his grandchildrenhe said: "You can walk back to the hotel.
The coach is still to be seen, and the tenants' grandchildren bear the Owen surname as the universal Christian cognomen.
His children and his grandchildren stayed in the primitive ancestral home till 1881, when the Island was sold to an American syndicate.
I've got more grandchildren than children now," said Mrs Orgreave to Edwin, "and I never thought to have!
The parents of the grandchildren did not object to this foolishness-- that is, they only pretended to object.
Having no children of her own, Mrs. Wilson gave her devoted affection to the children and grandchildren of her husband, who was a widower at the time of their marriage.
In the latter I find more resemblance to some of the grandchildren than to the son, although there is something about the shape of the head that is not unlike that of Lafayette's.
Insignificant as all this is, or rather ought to be, your grandchildren and mine will live to see the mistake rectified.
I can assure you positively, as representative of the opposition, that the grandchildren of Skaggs and Wyckholme are not going to divorce or marry anybody while I'm here, Britt and Saunders and Bowles to the contrary.
Officers from both ships were landed and escorted to the château, where joy reigned supreme, notwithstanding the fact that the grandchildren of the old men of the island were morally certain that their cause was lost.
The grandchildren of the testators were ready to accept the best settlement that could be obtained.
Their attitude, in consequence, toward the grandchildren of their former lords was inimical, to say the least.
We can afford to wait a year," Rasula had said in another mass meeting after the two months of suspense which preceded the discovery that grandchildrenreally existed.
Von Blitz was shrewd enough to see that the grandchildren were not coming to the island for the mere pleasure of sojourning there; their motive was plain.
Why, the old chumps must have been trying to prove their grandchildren insane when they made that will.
And then, gently, she pushed Doddie before her, to her room in the annexe, where she slept safely amidst so many other rooms full of the daughters and grandchildren of old Mrs. de Luce.
For years those old veterans had related to their children and grandchildren the story of that tragic day when Clark, the hero, broke the sword Virginia gave him.
With children and grandchildren around him, the house at Mulberry Hill was always full.
Here in his old age he might have been seen under the trees in his lawn, buried in revery, or on the floor, with grandchildren clambering over him or dancing to his violin.
Perhaps our great-grandchildren will find them some day.
Ole Hedejord died on Koshkonong; Liv is still living, with hergrandchildren on the old homestead, near Waterford, in the Town of Yorkville.
For years to come old Silesians from the time of the great King used to tell their grandchildren how the punctuality, strictness, and honesty of the Prussian officials had astonished them.
Then she dropped the subject of Rügen and the Hertha Lake and asked about his grandchildren and which of them he liked best, Bertha's or Hertha's.
Vladmiro held his grandchildren upon his knees and told them the story of the day he met Death in the forest of cedars.
The next morning he set sail for the island of Fayal where there were other grandchildren to visit in the home of his married daughter, Francisca.
Nevertheless some few of the flowers produced by the grandchildren of Hero were slightly monstrous, like those of the ordinary self-fertilised plants of the later generations.
The seedlings thus raised were the grandchildren of the plants which grew in Brazil; the parents having been grown in England.
Column 2: Self-fertilised Grandchildrenof Hero, from the Self-fertilised Children.
The seedlings thus raised were the grandchildren of the Painted Lady, which was first crossed by the Purple variety.
Ten self-fertilised capsules produced by the grandchildren contained on an average 5.