The Termagant blood, roused by contradiction and an injudicious pull at that side of her mouth which had not been rendered callous in training, rose to boiling pitch.
Nonsense,' said his friend; 'do we not all know to what a termagant you are united?
Tis so absurd of you to want to marry the little red-haired termagant you used to play with.
A termagant wife may, therefore, in some respects be considered a tolerable blessing, and if so, rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed.
Our adieus to New Sestros were not very painful, and on the evening of the same day the Termagant hove to off the bold and beautiful hills of Cape Mount.
Before I could depart, however, two more shots in the same quarter, left me no room to doubt that the Termagant was talking most shrewishly with my factory at New Sestros.
They who are familiar with naval life will appreciate the annoying suspense on the Termagant when dawn revealed the calm sea, quiet sky, and tempting but unapproachable prize.
Vexed by disappointment, the scoundrel assembled his minor chiefs, and named a day during which he knew the Termagant would be absent, to plunder and punish me for my interference with the welfare and "institutions" of his country.
The beach was alive with angry rollers, while the Termagant was still under easy sail, hovering up and down the coast before my factory, evidently meditating the propriety of another pill to provoke my notice.
I suppose there was as much rejoicing that night on board the Termagant over the redeemed slaver, as there is in most churches over a rescued sinner.
It was about this time that the British brig of war Termagant held New Sestros in permanent blockade, forbidding even a friendly boat to communicate with my factory.
Thus did the lady who has received the sobriquet, the "Termagant of Spain," become the wife of Philip V.
It is true, the fate of the unlucky Wolfert passed across my mind; but I consoled myself with the reflection that I was a bachelor, and that I had no termagant wife to dispute the sovereignty of the Roost with me.
He had a termagant wife at home, and there was what is profanely called "the deuce to pay," abroad.
The termagant is not fit to carry water for her bath.
I am sure Valeria is as much beloved by the people as the old termagant Fausta is hated.
Yonder is Sarah Marlborough’s palace, just as it stood when that termagant occupied it.
I may have aroused suspicion by failing to act my part when she triumphantly announced my uncle's marriage to me, or else by my unabated resistance to the little termagant who is to be forced on me.
I am glad the new Lady Belamour will not be that little termagant milkmaid Belle, whom circumstances compelled me to inflict upon my poor boy!
I could run a ranch, I suppose, if I still had one, but two or three years of such work would see me a hatchet-faced old termagant with fallen arches and a prairie-squint.
And I was the termagant who must have put it there, though I have no memory of doing so.
I could not mount my fancy into the termagant vein.
This termagant humor is said to prevail only at half tides.
A termagant wife may, therefore, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing, and if so, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed.
His Duel with the Termagant has at last ended; in total defeat to him on every point.
For six or seven miles the road follows the course of the Durance, which, to judge from the extent of its stony shoals, must be a tremendous stream at high water, and deserving the termagant appellations which Mad.
Termagant Elizabeth has set her heart on Gibraltar: that, in such opportunity as this unexpected condition of the Balances now gives her, is the real cause of the War.
Handsome Feilding at once proceeded to materialise his bargain, and at last the termagant was tamed.
Charles merely penned what the beautiful termagant dictated to him.
After the visit at Euston Louise de Keroual was the acknowledged maitresse en titre in place of the termagant Cleveland, retired.
The termagant took her revenge by carrying on a double intrigue with James Hamilton, the brother of the famous Anthony, and Sir Charles Barkeley.
This was one of the rare occasions when the termagant was strangely chary about giving offence.
By her termagant temper, by which strangely she held Charles as much as by her beauty, she hectored and caressed the King into appointing her lady of the bedchamber to the Queen.
At the former the very duchesses were demi-reps; at the latter even the termagant Montespan never forgot the dignity and breeding due to her position.
As the termagant swore she could prove her words, Charles at once returned to the prude's apartments.
And this was the termagant that a few hours ago had ridden us down and trampled across poor Hutson's body!
In short, here was a woman so unlike the termagant who had charged across the bridge that I could hardly reconcile the two or believe them to be one.
We often see this kind of helpless weakness in the daughter of a man of overbearing will, or of a termagant mother fond of managing and impatient of opposition.
Mrs. Graspacre was certainly, most outrageously virtuous—a very termagant of decorous propriety!