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Example sentences for "contestant"

Lexicographically close words:
contentus; contenu; conter; conterminous; contest; contestants; contestation; contested; contesting; contests
  1. One morning the Despatch would announce the entry of some prominent aviator in its cross-country contest, and the next the Planet would be out with its announcement of a new contestant added to its ranks.

  2. Each contestant will be expected to arrange those details for himself," was the answer.

  3. Each contestant was going fully sixty miles an hour.

  4. Both were leaning out of the cab windows and the engineer waved his hand at the contestant aloft.

  5. Being a rival of Maitre Fraisier in the affections of Madame Vatinelle of Mantes, he resolved to destroy this contestant in the race, and so thwarted his career.

  6. As the star singer of her class, Constance Stevens' name was often brought up for discussion among her classmates as the possibly successful contestant in the try-out.

  7. He was glad that she was to sing last, and a smile of proud expectation played about his mouth as Professor Harmon abruptly cut off an enterprising senior, the last contestant before Constance, in the midst of a high note.

  8. The contestant representing the Hickory Ridge scouts was standing there in the middle of the road, waiting for them to come up.

  9. The contestant stepped out of the road as they drew near.

  10. Elmer, who had slowed down considerably, so as to give the contestant a cheery word to encourage him in persisting.

  11. The contestant coming in ahead at the end of the walk to be declared the pride of the troop, and the greatest ever.

  12. The indignation of the boys was intense when they heard how those Fairfield four had tried to block Lil Artha's game and, by forcing him to ride, render his claim to be a contestant under the rules null and void.

  13. But even if they had time to look it up, which they didn't, the contestant couldn't hear them in a soundproof booth.

  14. For the past few weeks the hero-contestant had been an eighteen-year-old coal miner from Pennsylvania.

  15. Each contestant that looks good to the program people gets a thorough quizzing on the chosen subject before being accepted.

  16. Other races are run where the contestant must lean from the pony's back and pick up a quirt or hat as the animal dashes past.

  17. So, it being thus decided, Sir Percival drew away from the bridge upon his side, and those two knights-contestant made each himself ready for combat.

  18. Then again those two knights-contestant met in the centre of the bridge with such a violence of meeting that the spear of each was broken into splinters to the very truncheon thereof.

  19. Thereupon in the midst of all that roaring the herald blew his trump again and therewith the two parties contestant rushed the one upon the other, the earth shaking and trembling beneath that charge like to an earthquake.

  20. The remainder of the day was occupied by counsel for contestant in making the opening statement.

  21. Suffice it to say that the contestant had a very weak case, and Lowry performed all he had boasted that he would do on that eventful night in Utica.

  22. The name of the successful contestant is not yet announced.

  23. The successful contestant will tell in his or her way how it was that success was secured in the contest.

  24. To those who do not know, I will say that, in a sprint, very much depends on the start; that a contestant must be off with the pistol, or steal on it if he can.

  25. They had all been running easily, and now they passed one contestant after another until they came to a second bunch a bit more solid than the first.

  26. That I was to win I had now determined,--a grand, good condition of mind for a contestant to possess.

  27. It was not required of a contestant that he or she be personally known; a badge, however, was usually worn, denoting the tribal connection.

  28. The wounded contestant was a warrior of note in his own country, which was evidenced by the number of decorations he wore.

  29. When the purpose of the crazed contestant was fully comprehended, the spectators, as by a single impulse, jumped to their feet, and a shout of derision went up from them for his wicked and unmanly design.

  30. Now that tournament was to last for three days, and upon the third day there was to be a grand melee in which all these knights contestant were to take stand upon this side or upon that.

  31. Brace after brace of runners would test their speed during the day, the defeated contestant having always to "treat the crowd.

  32. While morally and physically courageous, he was gentle as a tender woman, and while he was a most formidable contestant in debate, he was just as remarkable in his generosity, and spurned any suggestion or opportunity to take undue advantage.

  33. On the convening of the general assembly, Judge Collier was met by a contestant for the honor in the person of Hon.

  34. The foremost Exter lad had fallen back a few feet, and Tom's only fear was lest this contestant might be saving himself for a winning spurt.

  35. Now came Exter's turn, and with confidence her first contestant took his place.

  36. If a contestant drops a potato on the way back to the starting point he must pick up that potato with his spear without dismounting.

  37. No contestant except the first leaves his place until tagged by the returning contestant.

  38. The second contestant in turn, runs to the board, writes the word pronounced to him and in like manner returns to the end of the file, tagging as he does so the third contestant.

  39. And I'm willing any contestant who wants should try my stunt before the verdict is given.

  40. In this race each contestant had on his left skate, but no skate on the right foot.

  41. But the wager is commonly laid also with a view, not avowed in words nor even recognized in set terms in petto, to enhancing the chances of success for the contestant on which it is laid.

  42. This was bound to be of considerable importance to them, provided none of their rivals from the other towns discovered the same thing, for of course it was expected that nearly every contestant would take advantage of the cut-off.

  43. In such a way the committee will have a complete record of what every contestant did, and there can be no suspicion of cheating.

  44. If he were in fit trim, he could then outstrip the Mechanicsburg contestant by a display of some of that queer jumping style of running that had been likened to the progress of a kangaroo.

  45. Of course, after the start it was supposed that every contestant would run his own course, and hence Fred believed it to be good policy that the Riverport contestants should be in full sympathy with the plan of campaign.

  46. With such purity, Messala, he might have been a contestant in the Isthmia.

  47. Hurtling off the incline, body perfectly poised, the only contestant from the South carried well over the landing field and came down as gracefully as a bird.

  48. The possible, 250, will be taken as a basis and a contestant allowed a handicap thought likely to be necessary to make his score in this match equal the possible.

  49. These score cards are to be issued in numerical order, and when more than one contestant wishes to shoot at the same time, the man holding the score card first issued is entitled to the preference of position and time.

  50. After completing the score, when the duplicate score cards are filled out, the contestant takes the duplicate and the range officer retains the original record.

  51. As soon as the contestant begins his score, the time is taken from the firing of the first shot in Matches A and B and in the Corresponding Indoor Championships, and the entire score must be completed within one hour from this time.

  52. This officer shall certify that each contestant has complied with all the U.

  53. It was a reentry match, with the three best scores of five shots each of any contestant to count.

  54. The following simple rules should be printed and posted in conspicuous places in every shooting range or gallery: RULES Arms shall be unloaded until the contestant is at the firing point.

  55. All sorts of small means are resorted to in order to allow the contestant to get a surer grip on the slippery pole; for, up to a certain point, these are allowable.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contestant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    belligerent; blade; brawler; bully; competitor; contender; contestant; disputant; duelist; enemy; entrant; entry; field; fighter; fighting; gamecock; gladiator; goon; gorilla; hood; hoodlum; knight; militant; opponent; player; pugilist; quarrelsome; rioter; rival; rough; rowdy; ruffian; striving; struggler; struggling; swashbuckler; sword; swordsman; thug; tough; warlike; warring; wrangler