And I shall not be altogether without ioy, to see him prest and redie to obey your wilfull mynde.
About the same time, Iohn Schakell esquier was set at libertie, the king compounded with him for his prisoner, giuing fiue hundred marks in redie monie, and lands to the value of a hundred marks by yeare.
Now bicause such as obteined this fauour, inioied great liberties, manie were glad to bestow largelie, to be so preferred, the frier being redie to admit those that offered most.
In Sommer tide would hee haue in wonne And in custome to be ful redie soone, With multitude of men of good array And instruments of werre of best assay.
The Abbot desirous to lodge there, Alexandro intreated him to light at the Inne of an hoste which was familiarly knowen vnto him, and caused a chamber to be maderedie for him selfe in the worste place of the house.
Who redie at the vpper steppe, seemed as though she attended for him.
Alexandro thanked him humblie of his comfort, and said vnto him that he was redie to imploy him selfe where it should please him to commaunde.
Upon him also dooth the sergeant or chiefe farrour attend with those irons, whose office is to deliuer them to the said surgeon when he shall be redie by searing to vse the same.
But byd to goe I redieam to roune, But byd to roune I redie am to ride; To goe, roune, ride, or what else to bee done.
We relive andredie and redie and relive, endlessly, ad infinitum.
Likewise, It is an illfavoured condition to stop another mans tale in his mouth: and it spites him asmuche, as if a man should take him by the sleeve & hould him backe, even when he is redie to runne his course.
So that it is no good manner to be so redie to corect and give rules unto men: we must geve Scholemasters and Fathers leave to do that.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "redie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.