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Example sentences for "gesturing"

Lexicographically close words:
gestis; gests; gesture; gestured; gestures; get; getai; getaway; gete; geten
  1. No time for talk," Drummer replied, gesturing his impatience.

  2. Gesturing Ram, Zolan, Hodak and Adari through, he stepped after them and closed and dogged the panel leading back into the dome.

  3. A ramp guard was some distance away, gesturing among a knot of people.

  4. You can stay in here," Alan said, gesturing at his study.

  5. Houdon as he passed gesturing into the street.

  6. He advanced with the dignity befitting a monarch kindly disposed, and his gesturing hands beat the score of the kettle-drums for the march of the priests in Aida.

  7. I saw the army of King Charles, effendi, I and Abdul and Said," he said in Arabic, gesturing to include his comrades.

  8. Charles d'Anjou and the men around him were gesturing and pointing.

  9. Instead of standing on the barrel, Taylor hitched himself up and sat on it, gesturing in a friendly way to the men to gather around him.

  10. Star Arrow brought his tall black stallion to a sudden halt and climbed down, gesturing to White Bear to dismount from his brown and white pony.

  11. That's one of Old Doc's ideas," Alexander said, gesturing at the door from which they had emerged.

  12. I have to examine them," Kennon said gesturing at the cells.

  13. The gesturing hands then indicated Raf, acted out the battle which had ensued.

  14. Several rose in their seats gesturing to the two below.

  15. Gesturing and talking rapidly to Jo Ann, she explained, "I think you have much hunger, and I make you some chocolate.

  16. Pepito and I are going to build a dam in this stream," Carlitos explained, gesturing toward the small stream near by.

  17. We've put our sweaters over him," Peggy added, gesturing to the sweaters on Manuel's body.

  18. The stranger was gesturing at the ship and mumbling unhappily to her as they walked.

  19. After taking a long swallow, Briggs turned to Serina, gesturing toward Atiba as he addressed her in pidgin Portuguese, intended to add an international flavor to the evening.

  20. Take him to 218," said the doctor, gesturing toward the stretcher.

  21. And that there Chance is with the boss," said the cowboy, gesturing toward the north.

  22. Away--anywhere," he said, gesturing toward the horizon.

  23. Doesn't look like it," said Corliss, gesturing toward the washstand.

  24. Shoop, gesturing toward the Loring rancho as they passed.

  25. What these were Yeager could not hear, but from the gesturing he judged the leader of the band was giving explicit directions which he expected to be obeyed to the letter.

  26. One climbed the rope ladder, looked in the window, and explained with much gesturing to those below that the room was empty.

  27. He kept gesturing toward the trickle of blood leading toward the ravine.

  28. This must be that funny little kitchen Florence told us about," she said, gesturing to a small stone building about fifteen feet beyond.

  29. His eyes stared at the dancing figures, blond heads riveted against black satin cheeks; bodies gesturing their lusts to the quick whine and stumble of the music; eyes opening like mouths.

  30. They urinated in gutters, threw stones at one another in the soft alleys, ran after each other, cursing and gesturing with idiot violence.

  31. With renewed efforts Jo Ann struggled to make herself understood, using a mixture of Spanish and English and gesturing vigorously with her hands.

  32. Peggy was gesturing excitedly as if she were trying to tell her what to do.

  33. Everybody was busy, and Mom and Sonny were fidgeting, gesturing toward the work with their own empty hands.

  34. He pointed to the fields, and back to the people, and to the pump house again, gesturing vehemently with his other hand.

  35. Now I can get back at you," stated Cheyenne, gesturing toward the bar.

  36. Them things you put in the stove smell just like brandin' a critter," he said, gesturing toward the kitchen.

  37. It's up there," he continued, gesturing toward the north.

  38. Finally the two I'd first approached turned and began urging me to leave, gesturing at me with their hands as though sweeping me out of the compound.

  39. It's the Amnesty that does it," he said, gesturing toward the disc.

  40. Please to come in,” he said at length, gesturing with his cigar, “and sit down.

  41. MYalu, and gesturing to the slaves, hurried away.

  42. But already the Olema was gesturing for him to enter the highest of the galleries.

  43. Bohannan, gesturing at the doors that led off the saloon.

  44. May the peace be upon thee," all at once exclaimed Bara Miyan, gesturing for the Master to enter the vast hall.

  45. They were gesturing for her to come to them and get into the vehicle, though she didn't appear to see them yet.

  46. She smiled at the big man and then at Corriston, gesturing slightly as she did so.

  47. Get up, both of you," the commander said, gesturing with his braided right arm.

  48. All right, Lieutenant," he said, gesturing with the gun.

  49. You come right back," urged Riley, gesturing with the shotgun.

  50. It is doubtful if she heard him, for all his roaring voice and gesturing fists.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gesturing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.