Dylara, only a few yards from the trail's mouth, came to a sudden halt.
And not long after, a jungle dweller, swinging swiftly through the trees, came to a sudden halt on a swaying branch as a vagrant breeze brought the scent of her to its quivering nostrils.
The boulder with ever-increasing pace fell upon a moss-clad spot some twenty feet above the pirates, causing them to raise their eyes in that direction and come to a sudden halt.
But he quickly changed his mind, for ere he had traversed a dozen paces one of the silent missiles again swished with its low peculiar note through the air, and, striking the Dutchman in the shoulder, brought him to a sudden halt.
At some hundred paces distant, the rider detected the presence of Adair and his companion, and came to a sudden halt.
Here he came to a sudden halt, snorting with the terror of his late alarm.
With a smothered exclamation of surprise he came to a sudden halt--stood staring for an instant only at the features of the elder boy.
As they turned the corner of Cherry street he shot a hurried glance behind him and beheld the singular accident already described, which served to bring the detective to a sudden halt.
Officer Schneider, coming to a sudden halt, and looking up into the air.
Joe was slightly ahead when he came to a sudden halt.
Half of the rocks were passed when he came to a sudden halt.
Nell had come to a sudden halt, and her voice was low and passionate.
Pulling her beast back almost on to his haunches, she stood and waited till the horseman topped the rise and came to a sudden halt at sight of her.
Shameless Wayne came to a sudden haltas he gained the lower gate of the graveyard.
In the midst of syllables or words the voice is frequently "cut" by a sudden halt indicative of spasmodic closure of the glottis.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sudden halt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.