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Example sentences for "gests"

Lexicographically close words:
gesticulated; gesticulating; gesticulation; gesticulations; gestis; gesture; gestured; gestures; gesturing; get
  1. Mauley's Iter Carolinum, 1660, where the writer speaks of "His Majesties Gests from Newcastle to Holdenby in Feb.

  2. Since the former part of this note was written a more recent instance of the use of gest in the sense in question has occurred to the Editor in the Life and Gests of S.

  3. The same also was meetest to register the liues and noble gests of Princes, and of the great Monarkes of the world, and all other the memorable accidents of time: so as the Poet was also the first historiographer.

  4. Which I'm proud to be his friend; an' I means no offense when I su'gests that he whirl a smaller loop when he onbosoms himse'f of a tale.

  5. But Enright has his notions of what's proper, an' he su'gests the services be delayed ontil old Glegg gets in.

  6. But comin' back to the dance-hall: As I su'gests thar's many a serene hour I whiles away tharin.

  7. Old Hickey su'gests that I start with the snare drum an' work up.

  8. Robin, thou hast heard sung and say, In gests and storys auld, 'The man that will not when he may Sall hav nocht when he wald.

  9. Gests at length came to signify adventures or incidents in general.

  10. As Texas su'gests the idee, it follows that he goes for'ard to begin its execootion.

  11. In former times, they who wrote gests and histories of other days used to be beloved, and much prized and honoured.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gests" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.