She composed in Latin hexameters a eulogy on Saint Mary, legends of saints, and an epic of Otto's great deeds (Carmen de gestis Oddonis I.
Constantinople, of the western conquests of the Arabs; and I learn from Paul Warnefrid, deacon of Aquileia (de Gestis Langobard.
Footnote 50: This expression is quoted by Petit de la Croix (Vie de Gestis p.
Footnote 28: We may compare this portrait with that of William of Malmsbury, (de Gestis Anglorum, l.
Footnote 31: They appeal to Paul Warnefrid, or Diaconus, (de Gestis Langobard.
Footnote 32: These numbers are stated by Paul Warnefrid, the deacon of Aquileia, (de Gestis Langobard.
Citharisator homo jocosus in Gestis antiquorum valde peritus," I conceive to give the precise idea of the ancient minstrel.
Barbour takes his details in a rather huddled fashion from Martinus Polonus, a popular monkish historian of the thirteenth century (Chronicon deGestis Romanorum, etc.
Of gret gestis ane Sow thai maid, That stalward heling owth it had, With armyt men enew thar-in, And instrumentis als for to myne.
It includes on page 880 a fragment of a work entitled Oratio de rebus Gestis Ernesti et Alberti Ducum Saxoniae, by Agricola.
He was also the author of chronicles De gestis Petri Mocenigi and De bello Venetorum cum Carolo VIII.
The aforesaid William of Malmesburie writeth of traffike in his time to Bristowe in his fourth booke de gestis pontificum Anghorum, after this maner.
While at Rome in 1578 he published his Latin history De Origine, Moribus, et Rebus Gestis Scotorum.
A Roman magician, in the xith century, is introduced by William of Malmsbury, (de Gestis Regum Anglorum, l.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gestis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.