Idaho shows the most remarkable of the developments of such water-power, and the astounding ingenuity and determination of the genii are shown as much as in the mountains.
The genii are intermediate creatures, neither wholly spiritual nor wholly earthly, some of whom are good and entitled to salvation, and others infidels and devoted to eternal torture.
Besides the Zendavesta there are two other sacred books, one containing prayers and hymns, and the other prayers to the Genii who preside over the days of the month.
They are the creators of that brilliant mythology of fairies and genii which extends the bounds of the world, and carries us into the realms of marvels and prodigies.
Many of the genii delight in mischief; they surprise and mislead travelers, raise whirlwinds, and dry up springs in the desert.
The railway-line has been averted by goodgenii or through the laissez aller tone of thought which characterises the inhabitants of the vale.
She fancied herself already more potent than Balkis, and pictured to her imagination the genii falling prostrate at the foot of her throne.
The Koran relates, that the Genii were employed by Solomon in the erection of his magnificent temple.
According to Oriental mythology, the Genii governed the world long before the creation of Adam.
I forsook the holy city, and commanded the genii to rear the stupendous palace of Istakar, and the terrace of the watch-towers; each of which was consecrated to a star.
A throng of genii and other fantastic spirits of either sex danced lasciviously at the sound of music which issued from beneath.
The Genii obeyed; and, when the workmen had raised their structure a cubit in the daytime, two cubits more were added in the night.
Genii murmur in the flowing river, in the rustling branches are felt the breathings of the gods, goblins dance in vapory twilight, and demons howl in the darkness.
I was wrapt in these reflections, when one of thosegenii who fill the spaces between worlds, came down to me.
The latter, it must be confessed, invented purgatory in the same manner as they invented the revolt and fall of the genii or celestial intelligences.
The Indian knows all that; he knows those dread genii by name.
As he spake, the eyes of the Death-Angel beamed with pleasure, and again did the two friendly Genii cordially embrace each other.
Still and silent, as was their custom, sat these two beneficent Geniiof the human race, their arms entwined with cordial familiarity, and soon the shades of night gathered around them.
Aware of the Peri's fall and disgrace, El Akbor assumed the deterring form of a monstrous rat and, embracing his opportunity, threw himself among the genii of Lilithiana's realm during a dance in the moonlight.
It is the Bedouin's conviction that countless ages before the creation of Adam myriads of Jinn or genii were created of fire, and enjoyed the blessings of this world under successive rulers who bore the generic name of Suliman.
This having happened, the disenchantment of the enthralled inhabitants of the superb city was followed by that of the genii who had been changed to mice.
The disenchanted genii celebrated their deliverance, and prepared to welcome their Peri-Queen, whose time had come to return from her banishment to rule, surrounded by those whose image kept her lover's memory green.
The Peri-Queen controlled the untold wealth hidden in the mountains of her domain, was mistress of all the genii within the bounds of her empire, and concluded to build an enchanted city accessible to none but her progeny.
By the genii of Amenti, the masters who fashioned thee in the beginning to be the symbol and oracle of Osiris, O, Phoenix!
There was a genial affability in the demeanor of the child-like representatives of the city's population, so that the fear of their being malicious genii vanished, and a confiding intercourse took the place of shrinking suspicion.
Not more'n a couple of pipes," replied a voice, rising from smoke like the genii in fairy tales (puff!
Therefore the Genii were painted with a platter full of garlands and flowers in one hand, and a whip in the other.
There were no Ifrits or Genii to come to his aid, as in the 'Thousand Nights and a Night.
The genii and Afrits and much of the gorgeous picturing remind one of Persia, or at least of Persian influence.
O ye collective body of genii and men, if ye be able to pass out of the confines of heaven and earth, pass forth: ye shall not pass forth but by absolute power.
He created man of dried clay like an earthen vessel: but he created the genii of fire clear from smoke.
It is curious to observe how much this agreeable delusion corresponds with the superstitious opinion of the Romans concerning the same class of genii represented under different names.
It is certainly true that the Arabs and Persians, whose religion and history abound with similar tales, have assigned the Genii a peculiar country.
The legendary records of fancy, transmitted from age to age, have assigned their mansions to that class of genii in detached hillocks, covered with verdure, situated on the banks of purling brooks, or surrounded by thickets of wood.
On the panaches appear figures of Louis and Marie-Antoinette, above their heads two genii bear the royal crown; on the gorge are medallions of Cupids, with tragic and comic masks.
This fan is illustrated on the large lacquered screen at the Victoria and Albert Museum, representing the Taoist Genii worshipping the god of Longevity, and constantly figures in pictorial and other representations.
A bust of the Emperor within an oak wreath occupies the centre, with the genii of Immortality and Plenty bearing their attributes; on either side, allegories of Peace and War in medallions associated with arabesque.
And when his body fell down, the geniiplainly perceived that if they had known that which is secret they had not continued in a vile punishment.
And some of the genii were obliged to work in his presence by the will of his Lord.
The legend briefly alluded to was that Solomon employed the genii to build his Temple, but, foreseeing that he would die before its completion, he prayed God to conceal his death from them, so that they might go on working.
So the faithful slave of the genii prepared to obey.
Poor Kathie--her geniiwere to be reckoned by thousands!
So the King wrote a letter in these words: "You see how God has punished the wrong-doers--how he has brought to naught the Genii and the magicians.
Aulad answered, "When the sun shall grow hot, the Genii will go to sleep.
This land is inhabited byGenii that are skilful in all magical arts.
When the Genii saw it, and caught sight also of the great club, they fled in the wildest confusion, fathers trampling upon their sons in their eagerness to escape.
KaoĆ¼s embraced him, and then said: "If you are to help me, you must go before the Genii know of your coming.
The Genii that were on guard fled at the sound of his voice, and he went on without finding any to resist him till he came to the great cavern of which the King had spoken.
Twelve thousand Genii watch it during the night, for the White Genius is the chief and master of all his tribe.
Asrael knew Khaled, who was one of the genii converted to the faith on hearing Mohammed read the Koran by night in the valley Al Nakhlah.
Was I not, but a few days since, one of the geniicondemned to perish at the day of the resurrection?
For when he was one of the genii he had often watched men toiling through desert on foot, and on camels and on horses, and had laughed with his companions at the slow progress they made.
For I am not subtle as the evil genii are, but I must see very clearly before I am able to distinguish.
She had heard, indeed, of Genii and Afrits and she was sure that they had existence, since they were expressly mentioned in the Koran, but she had never heard that any of them had taken the shape and manner of a man.
But the genii possess no insight into the hearts of women.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "genii" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.