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Example sentences for "furnisheth"

Lexicographically close words:
furnish; furnished; furnisher; furnishers; furnishes; furnishing; furnishings; furnisht; furniture; furnitures
  1. Here, though the earth and air yield plenty of creatures for the service of men, the sea no less furnisheth the table with variety of dishes, nourishing a store of delicious fish in its deep and clear waters.

  2. The whole work of salvation is laid on Christ, and the Father is glorified in him, who is his Servant and his Chosen, whom he upholdeth and furnisheth for the work, Isa.

  3. Weak Men are the worse for the good Sense they read in Books, because it furnisheth them only with more Matter to mistake.

  4. Only Self-flattery furnisheth perpetual Arguments to trust again: The comfortable Opinion Men have of themselves keepeth up Human Society, which would be more than half destroyed without it.

  5. Ignorance denieth provision for discourse, or furnisheth you only with chaff and vanity, and maketh you so speak as that it were better to say nothing.

  6. He maketh it the duty of every christian to do his part to carry on the work; and furnisheth them with love, and compassion, and knowledge, and zeal in their several measures.

  7. He furnisheth our Advocate as if it were to plead the cause of his own justice against us, he upholds and strengthens Christ in our cause, as really as if it were his own, Isa.

  8. More diligence in duties and approaching to God, because your case furnisheth more matter of supplication; and as matter of supplication groweth, prayer should grow.

  9. He furnisheth the soul and supplies it in all its necessities.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "furnisheth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.