But God maketh the lightnings his ministers, fire and hail, vapours and stormy winds fulfilling his word.
In fulfilling these indications consists the whole art of curing fever.
Thus it is that on every plane Christ is theFulfilling of the Law, and that "Salvation" is not a silly shiboleth but the logical and vital process of our advance into the unfoldment of the next stage of the limitless capacities of our being.
It was a bold sermon: he consented to have his frock stripped off him if, when Florence persevered in fulfilling the duties of piety and citizenship, God did not come to her rescue.
I should never have quitted Florence," said Romola, tremulously, "as long as there was any hope of my fulfilling a duty to my father there.
But the sense of something like guilt towards her father in a hope that grew out of his death, gave all the more force to the anxiety with which she dwelt on the means of fulfilling his supreme wish.
While his comrades were under the ground or hidden by the branches, he was fulfilling his mission from this visible point.
But all were accepting it with the firm intention of fulfillingtheir duty.
They think they are fulfilling the rule of Christ if they play the part of bishops with mystical and almost theatrical decorations, ceremonies, titles of benediction, of reverence, of sanctity, with blessings and cursings.
He was fulfilling his mission as a preacher of simple righteousness, and no clamours of criticism on the one side or the other of the great conflict raging about him could drive him for a moment from his fundamental position.
If a doctor's degree was one of Erasmus' objects in coming to Italy, he certainly lost no time in fulfilling it.
But the God whom I serve in fulfilling a worldly or natural office is only the universal, mundane, natural, pre-Christian God.
How can the self-humiliation of man go further than when he disclaims the capability of fulfilling spontaneously the requirements of common decency?
Just when they were on the point of fulfilling their most dazzling hopes, this man Mohammad, of whom they thought they had rid themselves for ever, threatened them with ruin!
All night the princess had wept and pondered how to escape so dreadful a doom, but at last she took comfort in the thought that in accepting this husband, however lowly born he might be, she would be fulfilling her father's wishes.
Comfort and strengthen my soul in the day of weakness that I may attest thy faithfulness in fulfilling all thy gracious promises.
Your happiness depends on the consciousness you are fulfilling your divinely appointed mission; and your success, on your will being in harmony with your work.
Pierre thereupon said his mass in the same way as he said it at Paris, like a worthy man fulfilling a professional duty.
And so great was the abundance of priests, that many had extreme difficulty in fulfilling their duties, having to wait for hours together before they could find an altar unoccupied.
Those who insisted upon fulfilling all the pledges and duties of their office were in many cases roughly handled.
It was in fulfillingthis command that he had found the Lily of the Mohawks ripe for Christianity.
Her worst prank was insisting on fulfilling a promise which she had made to go on a tour with her uncle's family through Switzerland and Germany.
Born out of need, whether the need be physical or spiritual, fulfilling the urge to expression, a work of art embodies its maker's delight in creating.
I am obliged to inform your Majesty of the judicial, treasury, military, and government matters, and as a new arrival I shall be able to do it quite free from interest and passion, and with the sole desire of fulfilling my duty as a vassal.
It is contrary to true Gospel teaching, for only, in freedom to do right can a soul dwell in that love which is the fulfilling of the law.
He assembled the Friends at Gravesend and Chatham, and prophesied before them, and William Lees at the former place saw the enchanting Cordelia Chenne, whom he afterwards married, thus fulfilling the prediction of Wroe in the billy-boat.
I thought that I should be fulfilling the word of God, and it was so impressed on my mind I had no rest night or day; for I found the Lord had determined to have me to show this people a warning to flee from the wrath to come.
The deceitful chief was thus ready in his acquiescence, simply because he had no intention whatever of fulfilling his engagements.