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Example sentences for "wept"

Lexicographically close words:
wepen; wepeth; weping; wepinge; wepne; wepte; wepyng; wer; wera; werd
  1. Sinking upon a chair, she buried her face in her hands and wept as she had not wept in years.

  2. Don Miguel, supported by the general and his son, wept over the grave which contained his child.

  3. You had pity on my grief, and wept with me.

  4. The two women wept for several minutes, silently mingling their tears, but the Indian, overcoming grief, dried her red eyes with a passionate gesture, and tore herself from the arms that held her.

  5. Those who have only wept over fictitious sorrow, will learn to shed tears of real feeling at the sight of real grief; and will gradually associate the idea of doing good with the strong emotions of a genuine liberality.

  6. She rose, flung herself down upon the red sofa, and buried her head in the rags which covered the bosom of her mother, and wept there.

  7. The Duchesse de la Valliere wept for lost happiness and vanished power; but the Duchesse de Langeais will be happy that she may weep and be a power for you still.

  8. She wept without trying to stop her tears, when two black slaves appeared, loaded with stuffs, perfumes, and garlands.

  9. The Duc d'Antin, her only legitimate child, was also the only one who wept at her death.

  10. At the King of Spain's departure our King wept a good deal; the Dauphin also wept much, although he had never before manifested the least affection for his children.

  11. From the time she was born, her mother had not seen her until the present year (1719), when she saw her in a box at the theatre, and wept for joy.

  12. When she was setting out, the King wept violently.

  13. She is very fond of jewels, and once wept for four-and-twenty hours because my son gave a pair of beautiful pendants to Madame de Berri.

  14. Madame Craon wept bitterly, and insisted upon the Duke complaining of it to his brother.

  15. When my son told her that could not be done, and that she was Desmarets' daughter, she wept excessively.

  16. The King, who had a good heart and was very fond of his children, wept excessively and made me weep also.

  17. She wept for the King's death, but was not so deeply afflicted as she ought to have been.

  18. This vexed her so mach that she wept day and night about it.

  19. The gentleman who wept over the scenes of his early days on the wrong doorstep was not more grievously disappointed.

  20. This suddenly became one of those anguished moments when she yearned over him as over a beloved lost child, to be wept over, succored only through her efforts.

  21. I can only say I wept and the tears start every time I think of it.

  22. And then Mart took the broken-nosed pitcher away into the furthermost corner, although she was alone in the room, and laid her face against the cool, pure lily, and wept into it great burning tears.

  23. Listen to Him deprecating the tears of the weeping women, and turning their attention to evils among themselves that had more need to be wept for.

  24. They wept as only strong men weep, When weep they must, or die.

  25. He did not fail, however, to render the just meed of honor to the music that so touched him: "How I wept at thy hymns and canticles, pierced to the quick by the voices of thy melodious Church!

  26. Then he turned to the Queen, and excused himself that he wept when he should rather have rejoiced for the marriage of his daughter.

  27. As she spoke she wept, and all who were in the church wept for sympathy.

  28. For days Paula wept and refused to see her friends.

  29. In spite of their expressed distrust, she spoke to them freely and fully, told how her voices had bidden her go into France, how she had wept at their command and yet obeyed it, how she had come safely, because she was doing the will of God.

  30. While these wept and sobbed bitterly, her eyes were dry, and her countenance shone with the light of a sure and certain hope.

  31. It waved gently, and wept not at all that peaceful Sunday morning when we made our way by path and strath into the dell of peace.

  32. Lady Aileen, remembering how much the dead woman had loved her, and how fondly she had welcomed her as a daughter, covered her face with her hands, and wept as she might have wept for her own mother.

  33. The only thing that affected him a little unpleasantly was that the old woman wept all the while.

  34. Jan had not the face to go in and let them see that he neither wept nor wailed; so he thought it best to stop outside.

  35. The old woman wept and wanted to turn back, but no pity was shown her.

  36. Katrina wept and wailed, and once inside the friends felt they must remain, if only out of pity for her, and to give what little comfort they could.

  37. He wept like a child the whole time he sat in the wagon.

  38. But all through the final agony Glory Goldie lay weeping on the floor beside her mother's bed; she wept away her anguish; her fever-dreams; her burden of guilt.

  39. Oh no; to knock the stuffing out of capital--so long wept over by Single Taxers as a fellow sufferer with toil.

  40. Did those who had ministered to his necessities, followed in his train, and wept at his crucifixion, wait in vain?

  41. Those went away, perplexed and sad at heart: But as for me, I lingered by the tomb And wept; I could have wept my heart away.

  42. There kneeling by him, Paul upon his neck Wept in warm tears the pathos of his love.

  43. Paul these triumphal words of prophecy Uttered with streaming tears that testified The sorrow in him at the heart of joy; And they all wept with Paul, in fellowship Of pathos at sweet strife with glorying hope.

  44. Therewith Paul kneeled and prayed a breaking prayer; And they all wept, and he wept with them all, They falling on his neck and kissing him In love and sorrow.

  45. Thou hast never, I suppose, beheld a slave Wept over by his master as in love, And like an equal drawn unto his breast And kissed.

  46. Julia burst from her treacherous friend--rushed into the room of her aunt--and throwing herself into the arms of Miss Emmerson, wept for an hour as if her heart would break.

  47. But dead and gone is dead and gone Vainly wept upon.

  48. I sat and wept alway Beneath the moon's most shadowy beam, Watching the blossoms of the May Weep leaves into the stream.

  49. I wept for memory; She sang for hope that is so fair: 10 My tears were swallowed by the sea; Her songs died on the air.

  50. You should have wept her yesterday, Wasting upon her bed: But wherefore should you weep to-day That she is dead?

  51. Weeping we hold Him fast, Who wept For us, we hold Him fast; And will not let Him go except He bless us first or last.

  52. Amid the toss of torches to my chamber back we swept; My ladies loosed my golden chain; meantime I could have wept 50 To think of some in galling chains whether they waked or slept.

  53. After the dark, and before the light, One lay sleeping; and one sat weeping, 20 Who had watched and wept the weary night.

  54. Girls who had flirted with him wept bitter tears, the mothers who thought how rich Andor would have been now that old Lakatos was sure to die very soon--sighed deep sighs of regret.

  55. And when you do you are not the same youngster whom your mother kissed, your father whacked, and your sweetheart wept over.

  56. And at sight of her, so young and human in her beauty, so inspired in that which she had done, many wept for very enthusiasm, and all hearts honoured her.

  57. When her women wept and wailed she said to them, "Ne criez pas vous, j'ai promis pour vous.

  58. She wept when he returned to the army, and laid upon him an injunction, to which he paid very little heed, that he must on no account incur any personal danger.

  59. She never killed a mouse or hurt a fly; once she trod upon a worm against her will and wept for it.

  60. As she was recovering, Grandjean the chef wanted to kill her by the numbers of delicacies which he dressed for her, and wept when she ate her first slice of chicken.

  61. Foker, for his part, taking out a large yellow bandanna, wept piteously.

  62. Poor Polly has it and her lover's letters upon the table; his letters who was her lover yesterday, and when it was with pleasure, not despair, she wept over them.

  63. His letter to his mother was full of tenderness and remorse: he wept the bitterest tears over it--and the repentance and passion soothed him to some degree.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wept" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.