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Example sentences for "frostwork"

Lexicographically close words:
frostbitten; frosted; frostily; frosting; frosts; frosty; froth; frothed; frothing; froths
  1. The frostwork had so covered the window-panes that it was hardly possible to get a glimpse at the scenery outside.

  2. The small panes of his window were so obscured by frostwork that he did not attempt to look through the glass, but opened his door.

  3. From his own small house the lamp which he had left on the table shot out a long bright ray through a chink in the frostwork on the window.

  4. After the glacier has vacated its valley, the precipitous side walls become the prey of frostwork and are the scenes of disastrous avalanches or landslides.

  5. For a good many years we have been tied to town in winter by fetters as fine as frostwork filigree, which we could not break without destroying a whole world of endearment.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frostwork" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.