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Example sentences for "friendes"

Lexicographically close words:
fride; frie; fried; friend; friende; friendless; friendlessness; friendlie; friendlier; friendlies
  1. I fed their foolish veines a certaine space,[L101] Untill my friendes did find a secret place, Where both her sonnes unto a post were bound, And just revenge in cruell sort was found.

  2. They ranted, drank, and merry made, Till all his gold it waxed thinne; And then his friendes they slunk away; They left the unthrifty heire of Linne.

  3. They hadde also a greate hope, that those newe friendes woulde bée a meane, to cause the Tlaxcaltecas to leaue from Warre, and to become theyr friendes.

  4. In thys meane season Cortez prepared hymselfe for the Iourney, and communed wyth hys especiall friendes to sée who woulde beare hym companye: And hee founde thrée hundred men that agréed to his request.

  5. The Indians gaue credite to his talke seyng so many bearded men and horses, and therevpon began to attende and serue him, leauyng their olde friendes in Vera Crux.

  6. Cortez hearyng this talke, called twoo of his friendes for witnesse, willyng them to harken his souldiers talke, for he that durst speake suche wordes would be ready to doe it.

  7. In these warres serued lyke faithfull friendes the Indians of Tlaxcallan, Huexocinco and Cholalla, promysing the lyke seruice and succour agaynst Mexico, yea and rather better than worse.

  8. The Citie being sacked, oure men tooke the spoyle of golde, plate, and feathers, and the Indians their friendes tooke clothes and salte, which was the treasure that they desired.

  9. They all answered that they were his friendes and seruitours, and no liars, and that it mighte please him to shewe them when he woulde departe, for they woulde goe armed to kéepe hym company.

  10. At this instante certaine friendes of Iames Velasquez went vp and downe the Campe, procuring secretly a mutenie among the souldiers, to haue them to returne to Cuba, and vtterly to destroy Cortes his procéedings.

  11. An other Letter of the Emperour Traian to the Romayne Senate, contayning how gouerners of Common wealths ought to bee friendes rather to those whych vse traficke, than to them that gather and heape together.

  12. Among other aduertisementes, one of his friendes wrote vnto him that the Counte Guillaume had receiued certain sommes of money, with promise of more, if by any meanes he could deuise which waye to kill the king.

  13. I can get no remedy for the same; for I haue it by kinde, my father had it and my friendes before me; and I haue byne these two yeares here about London, and a yeare and a halfe in bethelem.

  14. When at laste he had perceiued hys faute, among his friendes he bewailed it.

  15. That thynge made hys friendes hope that in time to come he wolde be a well lerned manne.

  16. And Plinie the nepheu was contente nowe and then to go into the schole for his friendes sonnes sake, whom he had taken vpon him to brynge vp in good learnynge.

  17. One stoode in the poope of the ship, and by his gesture bids farewell to his friendes in the best maner hee could.

  18. But all that he might of his friendes hente On bookes and on learning he it spente.

  19. Had I not done a friendes turn to thee Chaucer.

  20. And deuoutly kneeling about their maine Mast, they gaue vnto God humble thankes, not only for themselues, but besought him likewise highly for their friendes deliuerance.

  21. This doeth cause my friendes to wonder, and at the first hearing to iudge them notorious lies, but they laugh and are merrie when they heare the meanes howe each tale is true.

  22. But when his friendes did understand His fond and foolish minde, They sent him up to faire London An apprentice for to binde.

  23. But when his friendes did understand His fond and foolish minde, 10 They sent him up to faire London An apprentice for to binde.

  24. My loue and feare glude manie friendes to thee, And now I die, that tough commixture melts.

  25. But what is Warwike friendes with Margaret?

  26. Ah cosen Yorke, would thy best friendes did know, How it doth greeue me that thy head stands there.

  27. The Romanes did garnish (besides the armours) the footemen with feathers; the whiche thinges makes the fight of an armie to the friendes goodly, to the enemies terrible.

  28. For shortly this was his opinion, That in the grove he would him hide all day, And in the night then would he take his way To Thebes-ward, his friendes for to pray On Theseus to help him to warray*.

  29. And thus this sweete clerk his time spent After *his friendes finding and his rent.

  30. On the other side, what canst thou do more to the griefe and misliking of them, which be thy verye friendes in deede?

  31. Which is, that you would be good friendes With mistresse Goursey.

  32. But all that he might of his friendes hente On bookes and on learning he it spente.

  33. Had I not done a friendes turn to thee?

  34. If there had bene a fire of Purgatorie, as they haue falsely imagined, he could not haue bene angry with them, although they had taken their friendes departure somewhat impatiently, &c.

  35. But whosoeuer readeth this booke, may call to their remembrance, that they haue séen these and such like things themselues, or that they haue heard them of their friendes and acquaintance, and of such as deserue sufficient credit.

  36. But she hauing a man-like courage, priuily requesteth one of her friendes to lodge in her Chamber secretly all night.

  37. For if after death mens soules might any longer haue their conuersation heere on earth, no doubt the riche man himselfe woulde haue returned as his desire was, and certified his friendes of hell torments.

  38. August, left commaundement with his friendes to bury him without any great solemnitie and pompe.

  39. But natheless, if I can shape it so, That it departed were among us two, Had I not done a friendes turn to thee?

  40. Footnote 11: In the original, But one thing warn I you, my friendes dear, I will none old wife have in no manere.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "friendes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.