Salute him, then, in his celestiall sphere, That with the notes of cheerful harmonie He may be mov'd to shewe his Deitie.
And there fore, sir (as well I know your skill) If you will give me physicke for this ill And shewe me if Eurymine do live, It were a recompence for all my paine, And I should thinke my ioyes were full againe.
O could not Rome and Italie containe Thy shame, but thou must crosse the seas to shewe it?
Of Eurymine; and shewe this Gentleman What of his mistres is become.
By this tale a man may lerne, that he that ouershoteth hym selfe doth folysshely: yet he is more fole to shewe it openly.
Whan the gentyll man was come, the religious man badde hym shewe his offences and trespaces.
By this tale ye may lerne, that they that will come to the speche or presence of any persone for theyr owne cause, they muste fyrste endeuer them selfe to shewe suche matters as those persones most delyte in.
To whome this other sayde: I shall shewe the sone a remedye and a medecyne therfore, that is thus: go take an aspen lefe and laye it vnder her tonge this nyght, she beynge a slepe; and I warante the that she shall speke on the morowe.
Who, beyng come out of the pulpit, was desired of a learned man to shewe foorthe some place hereticall.
By this tale a man may se, that it is but foly to shewe or to teche vertue to them, that haue no pleasure nor mynde therto.
Which when they had caused him to say Benedicite, the curate bad hym crye God mercy and shewe to hym his synnes.
The tyme is come (I say) wherein it behoueth you to shewe your selues lyke Men, and no longer to dissemble the case that toucheth you so neare.
The Mayden seeying that hee was not dysposed to shewe some part of wylling mind to gaine his lyuing by that prefixed scyence shut the portall Doore, and went her way.
It appertayneth vnto mee to shewe my selfe, as issued from the Noble house of Aragon: to me it doeth belonge to take heede how I erre or degenerate from the royall bloud whereof I came.
And if thou wilt not shewe me that fauor, yet cause a glasse of Water to be brought vnto me, that I may moysten my mouth, sith my teares bee not able to coole the same, so great is the drouth and heate I haue within.
Beefore I give due thankes to this good man, Which tyme shall paye in all pluralityes, Oh shewe mee but that monster of mankind And shame of men on whom to bee revendgd!
My true frende, shewe to me your mynde, I wyll not forsake the to thy lyves ende, In the way of good company.
Tusshe, by thy thankes I set not a strawe, Shewe me your grefe and saye no more.
Andrewe Boord's Extravagantes, which "doth shewe of a Demoniacke person, the which is possessed of or with the devyll or devylls.
And what shall I shewe hir your masterships name is?
Shall I go call your folkes, that ye may shewe a cast?
I would not heare his minde, but bad him shewe it to you.
Maisters,[1300] stand still, feare not, Ile shewe you but his booke.
Than if thou wast not so holy, 155 Shewe me where thou wast, and make no lye?
But as for my fault I can quickely amende, I will shewe Custance it was I that did offende.
A request from one of the dramatis personæ to another "in this cause to shewe cause reasonable.
That he stenyed alle his brayne, Him thought, his eyen̄ were alle on fyre.
The shotte, the caste was so stronge, Syr Bryer was slayn̄ there 2604 Sir Bryer is killed.
A deer appears and shows Richard the way across the river to the top of the opposite bank.
In shorte tyme the ende was made, Thay ten slough iij hundred the[rh].
Also the phrase ‘sowdan’ seems to have been derived from the «Destruction» (l.
Cittizens, the murder was so great bicause the Indian friends would shewe no mercie or compassion vpon them, although they were required to the cötrary.
I stand bound neuer to forget thë, or else to shewe my selfe an ingratefull man.
One of Cortes his men went to shewe the glad tidings to their fellowes, who then receyued double strength, praysing God, and embraced one another wyth great pleasure and ioy.
The summe of all Cortes his talke was to shewe the cause of his comming thither, and who had sente him, euen as he had done in Tauasco to Teudilli and others.
There wer also others that said nothing, who woulde gladly haue retourned, séeyng the greatenesse of the Countrey, and the multitude of the people, but yet they were ashamed to shewe cowardise openlye.
The next day Cortes came out againe to fight, to shewe face to the enimies, but he turned again from the first bridge, without doing any great act.
The Indians hearyng theyr request, promised to shewe theyr message to the Townesmen, and woulde also returne with theyr aunswere and vittayles, and so departed.
They all answered that they were his friendes and seruitours, and no liars, and that it mighte please him to shewe them when he woulde departe, for they woulde goe armed to kéepe hym company.
The other Towers were replenished out of number, a most cruell custome, being only mens heads slaine in sacrifice, although it hath a shewe of humanitie for the remembrance there placed of death.
But certainely the Spanishe nation can abide more hunger than any other, and especially these with Cortes dyd shewe the proofe.
I can nat saye if this Orthone hadde any more masters or nat; but every weke, twise or thrisse, he wolde come and vysite the lord of Corasse, and wolde shewe hym such tidyngs of any thing that was fallen fro whens he came.
But I shall shewe you, as dyvers men speketh secretelye, whan they be togyder as frendes.
The knight herd alle, but he spoke no word thereof; bycause he wolde shewe no abasshed corage, for he was hardy to abyde all adventures.
I thinke it very necessary before I ende my voyage, to reason somewhat, and to shewe what fruits the Indies do yeeld and bring forth.
All which doeshewe that pompe, and worldlie power, Makes monarches, markes: when varrijnge fate doth lower.
And thenne she lepte out of her pauelione, and toke Syr Alisandre by the brydel, and thus she sayd; Fayre knyght, I require the of thy knyghthode, shewe me thy vysage.
I come to this town of Coventre suche day sevenyght as the parlement byganne; and as for suche things as I coude herken aftyr, I sende to William Worcetre a grete bille of tidings to shewe yow and all.
I wold he shuld assay, or ellys peraventure Skypwith, or ellys Master Sloley; for if Stapilton were boren in hande that he shuld be founde fals and ontrewe, and first founder of that mater, he wold bothe shewe the bille and where he had it.
And, sire, my service is redy to zou at alle tymys, as ze shewe me gret cause to doo zou service.
And they did erre indeed To shewe their lights at hys curst funerall.
Requyer no searche, they playnlye shewe themselves, And in theire greatnes crowne what made them greate.
It may be so; your lordshypp can defyne me If you would shewe your readinge or your practyse.
I reffuse it, And by my suffrynge nowe will shewe my selfe Too noble to complayne.
Therefore the love which thou protestest here Can be at best but fayn'd & beares moreshewe Of treacherye then zeale.
To William Clopton, 'the jemews and the rynges of sylvir, therin wretyn Grace me governe, for a tookne he vowchesaf in tyme comyng to shewe his good maistershepe to my wil.
Prynce Jesu, that they wolde accordynge unto the laweshewe it.
Nearly due east, and about thirty miles off, was visible Shewe Down Gyee, and this will make Camein nearly due east also, or E.
Shewe Down Gyee, from which the Nam Tenai rises, is pre-eminent, looking as if it were 3000 feet high, and upwards.
Mogoung is situated in a plain of some extent, this plain is surrounded in almost every direction by hills, all of which, with the exception of Shewe Down Gyee, are low: the nearest of these are about three miles off.
The country is however low, flooded in the rains, and surrounded by hills, except in the direction ofShewe Down Gyee.
This river rises in a conspicuous range, well known by the name of Shewe Down-gyee, or great golden mountain.
The Shewe Lee at its mouth, is between 5 and 600 yards wide, but only an inconsiderable portion of this is occupied by water, and this to no depth.
About Tsagaiya, a few miles below the mouth of the Shewe Lee, low hills approach the river, and they continue along one or both banks {139} at variable distance until one reaches Ava.
From Kamein, Shewe Down Gyee, a conspicuous mountain, so called, bears east.
Shewe the like example of some, that spake the like, or did the like.
Shewe me one kinde of this state, and forme of gouernmente, whiche either longe prospered, or without bloodshed, and destruccion of the rest of the nobles and peres, haue not caught the whole regimente.
Stoicke Philosophers doe herein shewe thexcellencie of man to be greate, when all thinges vpon the yearth, and from the [Fol.
ESope who wrote these Fables, hath chief fame of all learned aucthours, for his Philosophie, and giuyng wisedome in preceptes: his Fables dooe shewe vnto all states moste wholsome doctrine of vertuous life.
These fewe exam- ples of their vanities and lies, doe shewe the feigned ground and aucthoritie of the reste.
MOche more the life and gouernement of wicked Ne- ro, might be intreated of, but this shall be sufficient: to shewe how tyrannically and beastly, he gouerned vnmete of that throne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shewe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.