He should be well experienc'd in the world: for he ha's daily tryall of mens nostrils, and none is better acquainted with humors.
If he had bene carried vpon mens shoulders then at his alighting downe he tooke one of those roddes into his owne hand.
The Indians aunswered agayne, that they shoulde depart, and not thus bragge in other mens land, for in no wise they woulde permitte them to enter their Towne.
He gaue vnto Cortes Iewels of golde, and one of his daughters, and other noble mens daughters to others of his company.
The Charnell house or place of deadmens sculles for remembrance of death.
These things did Cortes, bycause he shoulde occupye himselfe in his owne griefe and sorrow, and to let other mens passe.
VVithout the temple, and ouer againste the principall dore thereof, a stones cast distant, standeth the Charnell house onely of dead mens heads prisoners in warres and sacrifised with the knife.
The Indians by theyr olde Pictures doe paynt those Gryphons to haue a kynde of heare and no feathers, and also affirme, that with theyr talandes & téeth they breake mens bones.
The other Towers were replenished out of number, a most cruell custome, being only mens heads slaine in sacrifice, although it hath a shewe of humanitie for the remembrance there placed of death.
Iamque oblita sui nec sobria divitiis mens Page 155 prices: so much for Galatia, for Pontus so much, so much will buy one Lydia.
But tho this be the deplorable Dilemma; yet some have dared from time to time (for the glory of God, and the good and safety of Mens lives, &c.
Pray you let vs not be laughing-stocks to other mens humors: I desire you in friendship, and I will one way or other make you amends: I will knog your Vrinal about your knaues Cogs-combe Cai.
Dey made up hole-stock shoes for de 'omans and gals and brass-toed brogans for de mens and boys.
On New Year's day all de mens would come up to de Big 'Ouse early in de morning and would work lively as dey could a-cuttin' wood and doing all sorts of little jobs 'til de dinner bell rung.
De mens wukked all day Sadday, but de 'omans knocked off at twelve o'clock to wash an' sich lak.
Marse Alec, he was all de time havin' bigmens visit him up at de big house.
De mens tried to run dem painters down, but dey never did ketch one.
One time, out in de yard, him and one of dem 'portant mens got in a argyment 'bout somepin.
Most times when slaves went to deir quarters at night, mens rested, but sometimes dey holped de 'omans cyard de cotton and wool.
Dat's how come Marse Billie had her locked up in de loom room when de Yankee mens come to our plantation.
Dem brash mens strutted on through de kitchen into de house and dey didn't see nobody else down stairs.
Effen we didn' have a big stack of fat kindling wood lit up to dance by, sometimes the mens and 'omans would carry torches of kindling wood whils't they danced and it sho' was a sight to see!
And when he perceiued mens minds to bee well qualified with this feined deuise, he marched foorth till he came to Beuerleie, which stood in his direct waie as he passed toward Yorke.
And formens wives to be commanded to doe servise for other men, as dresing their meate, washing their cloaths, &c.
For the yong-men that were most able and fitte for labour and service did repine that they should spend their time and streingth to worke for other mens wives and children with out any recompence.
Bring candid Eyes unto the perusal of mens works, and let not Zoilism or Detraction blast well intended labours.
But Honest Mens Words are Stygian Oaths, and Promises inviolable.
Gentile inscriptions precisely delivered the extent of mens lives, seldome the manner of their deaths, which history it self so often leaves obscure in the records of memorable persons.
But good Mens wishes extend beyond their lives, for the happiness of times to come, and never to be known unto them.
He that endureth no faults in mens writings must only read his own, wherein for the most part all appeareth White.
Gold once out of the earth is no more due unto it; What was unreasonably committed to the ground is reasonably resumed from it: Let Monuments and rich Fabricks, not Riches adorn mens ashes.
And they that vse thys kynde, bee vehement, various, copious, graue, appoynted and readye thorowlye to moue and turne mens myndes.
This yeare was granted to the king in parlement assembled at Westminster of the spirituall mens liuings a tenth for the space of three yeares, and a fifteenth of the temporaltie during the same tearme.
Omitting this, therefore, and taking all the other vowels and consonants whether actually represented in the device or not, I now got the proverb in the form mens sana in .
At any rate, I now knew the significance of the incongruous circumstance that the Latin proverb mens sana etc.
Two of the mens feet got sore and I sent them back from Rat Lake.
These were landed here from the five boats independent of the gentlemen and mens private baggage 262 pieces, viz.
The Indians were very quiet during the night, but before they could be all sent off from the camp they made a hole in the sand under the edge of one of the boats & stole a capot from under one of the mens heads when he was sleeping.
Beside this, being for the most part either gentlemen, or rich mens sonnes, they oft bring the vniuersities into much slander.
They were erected by their founders at the first, onelie for poore mens sons, whose parents were not able to bring them vp vnto learning: but now they haue the least benefit of them, by reason the rich doo so incroch vpon them.
He also procured that noble mens sonnes should learne the liberall sciences, and praised the nature of the Britains more than the people of Gallia, bicause they studied to atteine to the knowledge of the Romane eloquence.
By which course words, not onelie appeareth the plaine simplicitie of mens dooings in those daies: but also a full proofe that he was then seized of Scotland.
The béere that is vsed at noble mens tables in their fixed and standing houses, is commonlie of a yeare old, or peraduenture of two yeares tunning or more, but this is not generall.
The Spaniards meet him, make a great Slaughter of his Men, and seize on the Person of the King Himself, who was carried in a Chair or Sedan on Mens Shoulders.
They'd pass with the womens ridin' in the wagons and the mens on foot.
The young mens in grey uniforms used to pass so gay and singin', in the big road.
He can't never whup the growed mens like he wants, 'cause they don't let him unless he ask Old Man Denman.
The mens talks it over a-twixt theyselves and includes to stay.
All the mens don't hunt on Sunday, 'cause Uncle Joe helt meetin' in front he house.
I goes back to the house and some of the mens comes to the gate and says to Mr. Cramer, 'How're you, Creame?
Then the boys and mens in blue got to comin' that way, and they was fine lookin' men, too.
In the chapel some nigger mens preached from the Bible, but couldn't read a line no more than a sheep could.
One time Marster Ross and six mens was gone a week and when dey comes back, one of 'em was missin'.
He soon called all the niggers to the front yard and says, 'Mens and womens, you are today as free as I am.
Missie Adeline would cry and say, 'Cato, they is just mens and boys and we got to feed them, too.
That dusk Old Man Denman call all us niggers together and stand on he steps and make he speech, 'Mens and womans, you is free as I am.
Word come back from the fightin' he makes some the big, high mens mad and they puts chains 'round he ankles and make him dig a stump in the hot sun.
Hyde thinks the morris or merrils was known during the time that the Normans continued in possession of England, and that the name was afterwards corrupted into three mens morals, or nine mens morals.
This game was sometimes called the nine mens merrils, from merelles or mereaux, an ancient French word for the jettons or counters, with which it was played.