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Example sentences for "foreland"

Lexicographically close words:
foreknowing; foreknowledge; foreknown; foreknows; forelady; forelands; foreleg; forelegs; forelimbs; forelock
  1. The foreland towards the North was called Diers cape.

  2. Then we espying a fayre sound, supposed it to goe into the Straights betweene the Queenes foreland and Iackmans sound, which proued as we imagined.

  3. This 31 at noone, comming close by a foreland or great cape, we fell into a mighty rase, where an island of ice was carried by the force of the current as fast as our barke could saile with lum wind, all sailes bearing.

  4. Sidenote: A faire sound betweene the Queenes foreland and Iackmans sound.

  5. The foreland towards the South was named Cape Walsingham.

  6. To the north between Dover and the North Foreland lay the Southern Division of the North Sea Squadron.

  7. Now he was seen below beside the dump-carts that already had to go far on the foreland to get the clay; a crowded lot of these had just reached the channel in order to cast off their loads.

  8. It was a considerable lot; for he had also bought all of Ole Peter's shares when the latter had been disgusted because his best ram had been drowned, once when the foreland had been partly flooded.

  9. I want," he began slowly and then stopped for a second, "I want the big foreland that begins opposite our place and stretches on westward to be diked in and made into a solid enclosure.

  10. Only over by the other shore a flock of sheep had been drowned on an island and a piece of the foreland torn away; here on this side and on the new land no damage worth mentioning had been done.

  11. At last he stood still: the foreland here dwindled into a narrow strip along the dike.

  12. Argolis, on the east side of the peninsula; a foreland opposite to Attica, with which it forms the Sinus Saronicus.

  13. The foreland of Magnesia, with a city of the same name.

  14. Ships from the continent, therefore, avoided the North Foreland by running through the Wantsum at the back of Thanet; as they avoided Shellness and Warden Point by running through the Swale, at the back of Sheppey.

  15. Ships now went past the North Foreland to London, and knew it only as a dangerous point, not without a sinister reputation for wrecking.

  16. Broadstairs, close by the lighthouse on the North Foreland (the Cantium Promontorium of Roman geography), is still newer as a place of public resort.

  17. Queen Charlotte's Foreland in New Hanover, in the direction of W.

  18. Here we had the acoustic opacity of the air in front of the South Foreland strikingly imitated.

  19. But Faraday's experimental trial at the South Foreland preceded the lighting of Dungeness by more than two years.

  20. A close inspection of these powerful lights at the South Foreland caused my face to peel, as if it had been irritated by an Alpine sun.

  21. It was tested during the South Foreland experiments in comparison with other lenses, and found to give excellent results with burners of large focal diameter.

  22. Since the first trial of the siren at the South Foreland in 1873 a very large number of these instruments have been established both at lighthouse stations and on board light-vessels.

  23. It is a matter of surprise to most visitors to the South Foreland lighthouse to find that a small factory and staff of men are necessary to keep the electric apparatus in working order.

  24. A few years after, the South Foreland and Dungeness lighthouses were provided with experimental lights.

  25. It is little wonder then that, in the days to which we refer, smuggling was rife all along the coast from the North Foreland to Penzance.

  26. Then came another scare of possible French invasion at the time when, indeed, the whole of the south coast from the Foreland to Land’s End was agitated by the spectre of “Boney.

  27. The coastline from Folkestone onwards decreases in height, but Dungeness lies ahead, known as the most dangerous of all headlands between the North Foreland and Spithead.

  28. On rounding the towering and magnificent South Foreland one gets one’s first glimpse of Dover when coming from the eastward.

  29. The South Foreland is now close on our starboard bow--that magnificent headland which the veteran nautical novelist Mr Clark Russell says is “surely the most incomparable of all vantage grounds for the marine dreamer.

  30. At last he stopped; there the foreland narrowed down to a little strip along the dike.

  31. Unceasingly the tip-carts moved from the foreland to the dike-line where they dumped their loads of clay, while an equal number were already making the return trip to the foreland for new loads.

  32. Still he stood and his keen glance swept carefully over the green foreland in all directions; then he went back to where another small strip of green pasture-land took the place of the broad expanse lying before him.

  33. The most successful experiments have been carried on in the South Foreland lighthouse, by an arrangement of powerful magnets.

  34. Between that and Beachy Head they lie very close; but from Dungeness to the North Foreland they almost touch each other, every part of the Goodwin Sands being covered by them.

  35. The first move about the Deal Time Ball was in a letter from Commander Baldock to the Admiralty, suggesting that a Time Ball, dropped by galvanic current from Greenwich, should be attached to one of the South Foreland Lighthouses.

  36. In August I had been to the North Foreland again, and in September to Calais and the Cap d'Ailly.

  37. He does it with an easy conscience--as easy, that is, as the maritime conscience can well be in a gale of wind, with the Foreland lights ahead and infinite possibilities all around.

  38. The light of Cap Grisnez struggling out over the blackness of the Channel, and the two Foreland lights twinkling feebly from their snow-clad heights.

  39. The south Foreland lights flash out in our face.

  40. The Earnest slowly steaming, Captain Dane casting the lead every few minutes, creeps so near to the towering South Foreland by 2 A.

  41. The rocky strip of beach on which the Captain has landed is in Fan Bay, a hundred yards or so west of South Foreland Lights.

  42. The vessel was moored about twelve miles to the northeast of the South Foreland Lighthouse (where there is another wireless-telegraphy installation), and she is about ten miles from the shore, being directly opposite Deal.

  43. The crew of one took to their boats, and not being in the worst part of the sands got safe round the North Foreland to Margate.

  44. About six miles off the east coast of Kent there is a sandbank known as the Goodwin Sands, extending for a distance of ten miles, between the North Foreland and the South Foreland.

  45. Soon the Ranger swept round a foreland and boldly entered the river Dee, where the anchor was dropped.

  46. Five vessels wrecked off Margate:--On Friday evening there were about one hundred and fifty vessels anchored in the Margate and North Foreland Roads, where they were sheltered from a south-westerly gale.

  47. It takes the boat about an hour and a half of this hard driving through the seas to beat up against the gale and get near to the land; the men then find themselves not far from the South Foreland light, between Deal and Dover.

  48. The South Sands Head light-ship is moored at the southern extremity of the Goodwin Sands; it is about three miles from the South Foreland light.

  49. As they round the North Foreland they see a brig, with her foremast gone, in tow of a lugger.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreland" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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