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Example sentences for "unauthorized"

Lexicographically close words:
unattended; unattractive; unauthentic; unauthenticated; unauthorised; unavailable; unavailing; unavailingly; unavenged; unavoidable
  1. It would have passed into the chapter of unauthorized acts which a patriot people had condoned.

  2. Nor can any adverse conclusion be drawn from the unauthorized designation of “court” which has been foisted into our proceedings.

  3. The treaty of that year was made by unauthorized persons, against the will of the large majority of the nation and against that of the chief, Mr. Ross.

  4. Unauthorized settlement within the Indian country by citizens of the Confederate States was absolutely forbidden under pain of punishment by the tribe encroached upon.

  5. Only say that with the explanation of how the basement has been secured, and my personal examination of the basement, I was of the opinion that no unauthorized person could enter that basement.

  6. Did you know, or was there anything told to you whereby you could recognize an unauthorized person?

  7. Do you know what security precautions were being taken to be sure that unauthorized persons were not in the basement?

  8. In the meantime, I understand that the basement had been completely cleaned out of any unauthorized persons.

  9. We had an instance in which we were asked to guard all of the overpasses, railroad and vehicular, and we instructed the officers verbally that they were to let no unauthorized personnel on these overpasses.

  10. They were instructed not to let any unauthorized persons through the door or ramp leading into the basement.

  11. I don't know exactly what he means here by "He knew of no unauthorized persons to be in the basement.

  12. In other words, any other unauthorized persons in the area, in other words, Ruby, would be a big surprise to you?

  13. I don't quite--that is not very clear to me, "He knew of no unauthorized persons permitted to be in the basement.

  14. Did you know what was meant by "unauthorized persons"?

  15. Was it a surprise to you to see an unauthorized person down there the first time when he came around you?

  16. Just one more point on that--under the system, who would be considered as unauthorized persons?

  17. YOUNG says: "This unauthorized American edition is an outrage on the American public, and on me, containing gross errors.

  18. Young cannot endure to have this, the great work of his life, judged by the unauthorized editions with which the American market is flooded.

  19. No unauthorized collegia could receive a legacy.

  20. At the same time commerce was encouraged by the abolition of unauthorized tolls and by an improvement of the coinage; while the sale of arms to hostile peoples, and the trade in Christian slaves were forbidden.

  21. Frenching" is taking unauthorized leave from the academic limits by going over the wall, instead of through the gate.

  22. At breakfast formation Midshipmen Farley, Oates, Scully, Brimmer, Henkel and Page were assigned fifty demerits each for unauthorized absence during the night.

  23. But it appears to have been revived upon principles which set public order at defiance and place the peace of the United States in the discretion of unauthorized individuals.

  24. The vast weight of the stone and the time required for raising it would have been ample guarantee against unauthorized visits to the treasury.

  25. The Bureau labor policy finally gave way everywhere before the unauthorized but natural system that was evolved.

  26. There was much abuse of the impressment law, especially by unauthorized persons.

  27. Guards, armed with rifles and shotguns, were stationed about the place of meeting in order to keep away intruders, and to prevent unauthorized persons from coming within forty yards.

  28. While thus standing, I all at once perceived, that the objects of my curiosity, were making me an object of their own; and that they were gazing at me, as if I were some unauthorized intruder upon the British soil.

  29. The oldest description of all is one made in 1501, in the unauthorized version of the first decade of Peter Martyr, emanating, very likely, from the translator Trivigiano, who had then recently come in contact with Columbus.

  30. The third time the bed was moved water dropped down upon my pillow, and the room was too small to re-locate the bed so that none of these unauthorized hydrants should moisten us.

  31. They were enacted from time to time to legalize what was then regarded as an unauthorized intrusion upon the national domain.

  32. It was soon assumed that he had been sent on an unauthorized and unofficial but highly objectionable mission by the Jacobins "to solicit an army from France, instruct them as to their landing, etc.

  33. Under these circumstances, it is preposterous to say that the grace of Christian forbearance required of her to return voluntarily whither no claim of right drew her, and subject herself to unjust and unauthorized persecution again.

  34. Why will you compel me to produce the proof that you have taken an unauthorized part in Mrs. Talbot's concerns?

  35. We may abstain from profane amusements or unauthorized words; we may shun, as infections, the company of unbelievers.

  36. It keeps unauthorized intruders like us from snooping.

  37. Then, should a raiding company start acquiring your stock or make an unauthorized tender offer to your shareholders, you hand out these little bombs to everybody who owns your shares.

  38. There appears to have been an unauthorized access to the NEC mainframe here.

  39. Two seconds later she was back to claim it, but by that time an unauthorized copy was lying in the output bin.

  40. I say no, sir; to renew a patent after it has expired, is to establish a new principle unauthorized by the constitution.

  41. Having done nothing which they had not a right to do, and omitted nothing which they had not the right to omit, I cannot consent to any unauthorized control of this House over their proceedings.

  42. It has indeed been frequently remarked on this floor, that the satisfaction offered for the unauthorized attack on the frigate Chesapeake was long delayed, and very reluctantly offered.

  43. If it be improper for States to obtrude upon Congress their sentiments, it is much more highly so for the unauthorized deputies of fortuitous congregations.

  44. We have this right in reference to unauthorized individuals, but not in reference to the officers of the law.

  45. These unauthorized and dangerous assumptions are the foundation, upon which the abolition structure is made to rest by the distinguished Dr.

  46. The Commissioners are referring only to experimentation in England, where unauthorized painful experimentation is contrary to law--certainly not to America, where no Government supervision of any kind is to be found.

  47. The Antares authorities will deal with the man Montano for an unauthorized landing on Lharillis, in violation of Federation treaty.

  48. Now the whole planet will be hunting for any stranger, worrying themselves into fits about some unauthorized germ.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unauthorized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    actionable; anarchic; anarchistic; banned; barred; bootleg; contraband; criminal; felonious; flawed; forbidden; illegal; illegitimate; illicit; informal; irregular; lawless; outlaw; outlawed; prohibited; punishable; taboo; triable; unauthorized; unconstitutional; unlawful; unlicensed; unofficial; unsanctioned; untouchable; unwarrantable; unwarranted; vetoed; wrongful