All attempts to deviate from the natural way are, therefore, unsanctioned by the nature of things.
Indeed, it is doubtful whether the purely rational possesses any value whatsoever when its modus vivendi is unsanctioned by the intuitional.
All misnomers of this kind savor of under-breeding--they are vulgarisms, in short, unsanctioned either by taste or fashion.
The journey was immediately settled; and before Alicia left her aunt's presence a promise was exacted with unfeeling tenacity, and given with melancholy firmness, never to unite herself to Sir Edmund unsanctioned by his mother.
Yet in familiar colloquy, I do not greatly object to the use of a word occasionally, even although unsanctioned by the authority of our mighty Lexicographer," said a new speaker.
The Princess is so high above me, is so pure and virtuous, that it would be a sin to tempt her innocence and virtue by the avowal of an unsanctioned love!
They gathered up the ashes, and forbade Unsanctioned hands to touch them; and they reared A rugged mound above the garnered dust, And left him (one whom they loved less than feared).
In view of the opinion of such men as these, can the above writer say truthfully that the "notion of two wines" is "unsanctioned by any scholarship"?
This was a bold statement, yet notunsanctioned in high places.