It outlines in some detail the foodstuffneeds of the American Red Cross in France for the next three months.
The manner in which these elements are combined and the amounts in which they occur determine the group to which the combination belongs, and give to the foodstuff its characteristic position in human nutrition.
The uses of water in the body are many, and the advantage arising from a sufficient amount of this foodstuff in the dietary cannot be overestimated.
This foodstuff undoubtedly serves as the most compact form of fuel available to the body for the production of energy.
The other two classes of imports, however, that is, raw material for manufacture and foodstuff for the growing population, have shown a wonderful advance, and may be said to command the most assured promise for the future.
What did you do with that foodstuff you took out of the pack there?
The boy noted, too, that all the foodstuff was gone.
The former, as a beverage, is well known throughout and used by the civilized world and the latter is just beginning to be realized as an important foodstuff by the scientists and food administrators.
If foodstuff prices rise because of a poor harvest, there is a preliminary presumption that the succeeding industrial period will not be one of very great activity.
Fourthly, changes in a relatively small collection of prices, particularly if foodstuff prices bulk largely in the collection, are apt to be more convulsive than general price movements.
They may differ somewhat from the amounts called for in the recipes, thus leaving some foodstuff on hand.
These are usually to show how to utilize in a different way something for which a recipe is given or to use in another meal some foodstuff left from a recipe.
Three children of nine or ten, unable to resist the instinct to play even on so perilous a journey, ate almost constantly of the lumps of foodstuff they had been ordered to carry.
Tet and Dik, stuffed to repletion, throwing scraps of foodstuff at each other.
In the body there is usually a small portion of each kind of foodstuff which escapes digestion, and protein is not quite so completely burned as in the calorimeter.
The fine art of cooking is to develop the natural flavor of each foodstuffby the proper application of heat, and never to use these condiments and flavorings in excess.
That is, the change either chemical or physical that takes place in a certainfoodstuff by the application of heat or cold or by the use of a fermentation process may be referred to as the underlying, working principle.
Protein in the form of an egg-albumin is the foodstuff to consider in the cooking of eggs.
What foodstuff other than sugar is contained in the residue?
Although the grouping of foods rich in each foodstuff may be considered a logical arrangement, the method of arrangement of the content of each division and the method of approach of each lesson is psychological.
What is the foodstuff that remains in the filter paper (see Proteins of "excellent quality")?
What foodstuff does this test indicate that milk contains?
From your previous experience with eggs, what foodstuff would you infer that oysters contain?
Each foodstuffhas a certain function to perform in the body.
By combining foods of decided flavor with those of less pronounced taste and those rich in one foodstuff with those abounding in another nutrient, combinations that are both pleasing and varied in flavor may be secured.
What foodstuff has passed off in the form of vapor during evaporation?
What foodstuff is indicated by the stain on the paper?
The former foodstuffcontains the element nitrogen,--one of the necessary elements for the growth and maintenance of the body.
Fresh vegetables contain not only the foodstuff ash, but water.
In addition to the use of protein as a growth food it has another use which no other kind of foodstuff can share.
Since milk is also rich in the lime salts which are necessary for bone formation it forms the best single foodstuff for children that there is.
The civilized world is dependent for its quota of antiscorbutic foodstuff largely upon the potato.
It seems quite possible that a damp, cold climate, which depresses the various functions of the body, may exert an influence where the quota of antiscorbutic foodstuff is not quite adequate.
In experiments carried out on rats to test the diets in respect to the water-soluble and the fat-soluble vitamines, the weight curve is used as the main criterion to judge whether the foodstuff is adequate.
In the Temperate Zone, under ordinary conditions, the adult population consumes sufficient antiscorbutic foodstuff to protect it from scurvy.
For this reason, Chick and her co-workers at the Lister Institute, who were searching for an antiscorbutic foodstuff for the army, directed their attention to the utilization of the pulses.
More recently Stefansson has carried out successful Arctic explorations, depending entirely on fresh meat as antiscorbutic foodstuff and making no provision whatsoever for vegetable food.
It would be interesting to inquire into this question, as it is quite possible that a lack of antiscorbutic foodstuff may favor the presence of parasites in the intestinal canal.
That this rosary is truly scorbutic and not rhachitic is proved by the fact that it recedes rapidly when antiscorbutic foodstuff is given, and that it remains uninfluenced by treatment with cod liver oil.
On the other hand, the recognition of the comparative poverty of the antiscorbutic factor in lime juice shows the importance of putting each foodstuff to the experimental test.
It also develops in spite of a liberal supply of antiscorbutic foodstuff in the dietary.
The foodstuff of an empire rattling o'er the stones," he said.
The Boston man, stirred by the sight of so much foodstuff and moved to epigram by his mood, looked up and down the street.
Foreseeing the probability that the Mashona would be brought into Cape Town as prize, Mr. Stowe inquired: "Is foodstuff such as flour, contraband?
Flour or any other foodstuff might or might not be contraband of war according to the particular circumstances of the case.