In the morning I deuided the company three and three to goe euery way to see what foode they could find to sustaine thenselues, and appointed them to meete there all againe at noone with such foode as they could get.
In all the time of our passage we had none other foode sauing biscuit and water.
Yet this order may not be vsed alike in countries, bicause a man must consider the dealing with the hiues, according to the multitude of floures, & plentifulnesse of foode for the Bées.
Little foodeis on the plaine; Full of danger is the rocke: Wolfes and beares doe kepe the woodes; 5 Forests tangled are with brakes: Meadowes subject are to floodes; Moores are full of miry lakes.
My beastes, a whyle your foode refraine, And harke your herdmans sounde: Whom spitefull love, alas!
Yf happely any one hauyng the meanes to geat foode do escape, he is set with the condemned persones, and prouided for as they be by the kyng, in such wyse as hereafter it shalbe sayde.
The same be th'only instruments of my good lucke and hap, The foode and pray for hungry corps, of rest th'assured hire.
Therefore they haue not the same foode with brute beasts, which notwithstanding the sayde writers affirme in these wordes: They and their cattel vse all one victuals or food.
Pharo: that there may be foode in the cities/ and there let them kepte it: that there may be foode in stoore in the lande/ agaynst the .
If this vncouth Forrest yeeld any thing sauage, I wil either be food for it, or bring it for foode to thee: Thy conceite is neerer death, then thy powers.
Is it possible Disdaine should die, while shee hath such meete foode to feede it, as Signior Benedicke?
I prethee go, and get me some repast, I care not what, so it be holsomefoode Gru.
Giue me some Musicke: Musicke, moodyfoode of vs that trade in Loue Omnes.
The Sheepe for fodder follow the Shepheard, the Shepheard for foode followes not the Sheepe: thou for wages followest thy Master, thy Master for wages followes not thee: therefore thou art a Sheepe Sp.
For when the life with foode is not suffizde, What thoughts of loue, what motion of delight; What pleasance can proceede from such a wight?
Their chiefest foode is flesh, and that oftentimes they eate raw, either of custome or for lacke of wood.
These Indians gaue me very good intertainment, and curiously enquired the day of my departure from Vacupa, that at my returne they might prouide me of foode and lodging.
For (quoth she) it hath not deserued to be tied to the gibet, and to be foode for birds of the ayre.
The lion also sometyme is made the foode of the smalest byrdes: and rust consumeth iron.
A foode for suche a pernitious plague, and vnexperienced burning.
Behold vnhappie and wayward death, and the last houre, and accursed minute thereof at hande, in this darkesome shade, where my bodie and flesh is appointed to bee a foode for so fowle a beast.
To kill these swyne, to yeild them foode that little had to eate, Their store was spent, and all things scant, alas!
A thousand hogges that dogge did kill, their hunger to sustaine, And with such foode did in that ile two and forty weekes remaine.
Further, it is ordered, that all workemen shall worke the whole day, alloweing convenient tyme for foodeand rest.
Like to those birds wafted with wandring wings From foraine lands in spring-time here arriue: And liue with vs so long as Somers heate, And their foode lasts, then seke another soile.
Like as the cunning fisher takes the fishe By traitor baite wherby the hooke is hidde: So Pleasure serues to vice in steede of foode To baite our soules theron too licourishe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.