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Example sentences for "financiers"

Lexicographically close words:
finances; financial; financially; financier; financiering; financing; finback; fincas; finches; find
  1. Are not some of our wealthiest financiers mere criminals who, by dealing in thousands, as other men deal in francs, conceal their criminal methods?

  2. It has been candidly admitted by many of her financiers and publicists.

  3. In Santiago the author found the bankers and financiers in favour of leaving matters as they existed and adopting similar methods in the rest of the Island, namely, reducing the $5.

  4. Some Cuban financiers think it inadvisable to introduce American money at this time, while certain planters are fearful lest their labourers should refuse to take one American silver dollar instead of two Spanish silver dollars.

  5. Public opinion prostrates itself before the bankers and financiers who share authority with the governments and devise every day new means for the monopoly and control of industry.

  6. There were plenty of sweet, charming characters and amateur workmen in it, but the hard-fisted toilers and the brave financiers were absent.

  7. As recited above, we did on more than one occasion fight battles, in which we neither took nor gave quarter, against the most prominent and powerful financiers and financial interests of the day.

  8. The big financiers and the men generally who were susceptible to touch on the money nerve, and who cared nothing for National honor if it conflicted even temporarily with business prosperity, were against the war.

  9. However, all the trusts and big corporations against which we proceeded--which included in their directorates practically all the biggest financiers in the country--joined in making the bitterest assaults on me and on my Administration.

  10. The man thus attacking us is usually, like so many of his fellows, either a great lawyer, or a paid editor who takes his commands from the financiers and his arguments from their attorneys.

  11. Nothing is commoner than to read incitements against malevolent financiers who would seek to deprive India of her “fair share” of the world’s new gold.

  12. On the other hand, the comparative failure of the crops left financiers with considerable rupee funds in their hands which they could not use.

  13. Financiers of this type will not admit the feasibility of anything until it has been demonstrated to them by practical experience.

  14. But that was only one aspect of a larger and more momentous business which the financiers of the Entente Powers had to set themselves to tackle.

  15. And the celebrated loan of half a milliard francs, which Austrian financiers undertook to advance to Bulgaria--on outrageously oppressive conditions--set the crown to the work of many years.

  16. The reign of Mazarin is over, but that of the financiers is begun.

  17. Kahn, one of the leading financiers of America, and widely renowned for his manifold charities, his strenuous public life, and his generous patronage of the Arts, is of German blood and was born in Germany.

  18. The feet of the lawyers, stenographers and financiers had left stains.

  19. For six months the great financier closeted himself daily with other great financiers and talked and talked and discussed and talked.

  20. The very traders and financiers who beslimed Gould for his "gold conspiracy" were those who had built their fortunes on blood-soaked army contracts.

  21. Yet, rules or no rules, no one could gainsay the fact that many of the foremost financiers had often and successfully used the very enfillading methods that Gould now used.

  22. The French have been considered among the best financiers and economists of Europe.

  23. English financiers laugh at gold except as it can be made useful.

  24. No financiers know better the value of gold as the underpinning in finance than do the Germans.

  25. The people of the bourse could hardly admire enough these bold financiers who had so deftly relieved that candid marquis of his money.

  26. Austrian financiers declare that "a settlement with Serbia" is the only way out of the general financial and economic crisis prevailing in Austria-Hungary since annexation of Bosnia.

  27. Up to quite the last days they flattered themselves here that England would remain out of the question, and the impression produced on the German Government and on the financiers and business men by her attitude is profound.

  28. Zoe was right; he was undoubtedly one of the most influential financiers in Europe; she might almost have described him as one of the most influential men.

  29. He is incontestably one of the most influential financiers in Europe.

  30. The Austrian financiers have no position; even the Rothschilds are not received at Court.

  31. Powerful city financiers whom it was my duty to interview this Saturday on the financial situation, ended the conference with an earnest hope that Britain would keep out of it.

  32. Famous Generals rubbed shoulders with Post-Impressionist Artists; Financiers whispered sweet nothings to Breeders of prize Poms; even an Actor-Manager might have been seen accepting an apology from a Royalty who had jostled him.

  33. There was a dangerous look in his eyes--a look that was destined in after days to make Emperors and rival financiers quail.

  34. This was regarded as doubtful policy, and as likely to benefit certain financiers more than either of the Powers concerned, while the Diaz Government in Nicaragua was believed to be merely the creature of the United States.

  35. So long as there was no actual violence, the Senate and the financiers kept on in their own disastrous way.

  36. But the Romans found that their military power, under a Senate of financiers and landlords, was very different from what it had been even in the days of the younger Scipio Africanus.

  37. Rutilius Rufus, who had tried to restrain the exactions of the financiers in Asia Minor, was condemned on a charge of corruption so manifestly trumped up that it deceived no one; and in 91 B.

  38. He increased the burthens of taxation laid upon the provinces, it is supposed with the idea of setting the modern financiers (the Equites) against the senatorial landowners.

  39. It was natural that the commercial and industrial leaders of this new Germany who were now getting rich, the financiers intent upon overseas exploits, the officials and the vulgar, should find this leader very much to their taste.

  40. Many Italian merchants who were not bankers, especially Venetians and Genoese, were settled in England, but their occupation did not make them so conspicuous as the financiers of the same nation.

  41. It is a common error, I think, among the Radical idealists of my own party and period to suggest that financiers and business men are a danger to the empire because they are so sordid or so materialistic.

  42. The truth is that financiers and business men are a danger to the empire because they can be sentimental about any sentiment, and idealistic about any ideal, any ideal that they find lying about.

  43. Statesmen and financiers saw from the first that the direct tax clause in the Constitution would be valuable only in forcing the use of the excise.

  44. The bold and comprehensive recommendation of Mr. Chase was favorably received by many of the leading men in Congress and by many of the ablest financiers of the country.

  45. It was the crowning glory of Secretary Chase's policy, and its scope and boldness entitle him to rank with the great financiers of the world.

  46. Well, Madame, it is a shame to the world that that monument remains standing in the city of Rome, where the Popes have subsisted only through the art of the Jews, financiers and money-changers.

  47. We owe this prejudice, like many others, to the bourgeois, to the mad performances of a lot of financiers which have been called the Revolution, and which seem admirable to those that have profited by it.

  48. During the next four days his Lordship, in the character of Mr Tremlett--as he was known in certain circles in the City--was busy with financiers to whom he offered the concession.

  49. By granting to a group of substantial English financiers a monopoly for the whole of the motor-transport of Italy," his Lordship replied, blowing a cloud of smoke from his lips.

  50. And both men laughed merrily at thought of the nice little nest-egg they had managed to filch so cleverly from the hands of five of the smartest financiers in the City of London.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "financiers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.