Theophrastus, and the Latin geoponics, never would have neglected to speak of the luxury and fecundity it displays, even in the season of hoary frost.
This ceremony is considered as a commemorative emblem of the fecundity of the earth.
There are universal laws of this fecundityin the brute creation.
This Eden was a delightful garden, exceeding in cultivation and fecundity the whole earth besides.
They usually swim in the open water, the prey of every carnivorous fish, making up by their fecundity and their insignificance for their lack of defensive armature.
On account of its extreme adaptability to surroundings, its omnivorous food-habits and its fecundity it survives where other birds would die out.
For it is not correct that, in the earlier epochs of civilisation, man assisted nature in maintaining the requisite equilibrium between the death-rate and the fecundity of his species.
The reciprocal adaptation offecundity to death-rate has thus belonged unquestionably for a long time to the specific character of all existing species without exception.
We can only say in general that between fecundity and the death-rate an equilibrium must have been established through the agency of the mode of living.
I think that generally the contrary is the fact; after wars and epidemics men are more miserable than before, and on that account, and not because it is easier to get a living, their fecundity increases.
It is scarcely necessary to dwell upon the poet's extraordinary fecundity of words and images.
The extraordinary versatility and fecundity of his genius can be appreciated only by those who have read all, or at least much, of his output.
If the idea of negation be not combined with that of being, it is perfectly sterile; but thus combined, it has a kind of fecundity peculiar to itself.
It is to the admirable simplicity of the decimal system, united to its inexhaustible variety, that the facility and fecundity of our arithmetic are due.
The law of fecundityproves it, as with the Mamelukes in Egypt, as observed by Volney.
Nature regulates the fecundity of animals and human beings when society neglects it.
Further, there are clear indications that even human fecundity is supposed to be promoted by the genial heat of the fires.
If, therefore, the relative fecundity or hardiness of hybrids be in the least degree inferior, they cannot maintain their footing for many generations, even if they were ever produced beyond one generation in a wild state.
This fact became in his hands the germ of the admirable apparatus to which its manner of being and its fecundity assign one of the chief places among those with which the genius of mankind has enriched physics.
With the growth of the brain came a continually increasing fecundity of ideas.
His exceptional fecundity only helps to give more authority to his pencil.
His work, the fecundityof which is astonishing, is unequal.
A few words more about this life which in the fecundity of its unexpected incidents remains for the attentive witness profoundly significant to the very end.
It is sufficient to note that what of artistic and intellectual life Venice and Genoa had was dependent first on Venetian contact with Byzantium, and later on the fecundity of freer Italy.
As we have seen,[251] fecundity fell in Sparta for other reasons.
The fecundity of hybrids diminishes when they have connection among themselves, and this explains why the instinct for such connections tends to gradually disappear.
It is important to know to what point fecundity and descent are influenced by the degree of relationship between the two procreators.
How is our Aryan race and its civilization to guard against the danger of being passively invaded and exterminated by the alarming fecundity of other human races?
With this universal liberty of subject there is combined a poignancy of derision and satire, a fecundity of imagination, and a richness of poetical expression such as cannot be surpassed.
In facility of expression, in animation, in fecundity of mood, in fine improvisation, these pieces are truly incomparable.
Warmth and luxuriant fertility, fecundity without parallel, still pervaded the earth, but a certain change had even so become well marked.
He pointed far to northwestward, over the wide and rolling sea of green, farm-dotted, that had sprung up with marvelous fecundity in the wake of the great fire.
For she was in process of worshipping younger and more compassionate deities, sadder, because more human, ones, whose office lies not with Nature in her eternal repose and fecundity but with man in his eternal failure and unrest.
He had seen the bewildering fecundity of nature in the tropic jungle, and her barren and terrible beauty in the out-stretch of the naked desert.
By fecundity, finally: fecundity not only linear and of the nature of cleared fields, but of works whose slightest are still works.
Why had Nature, who so often refuses fecundity to the strong, shown herself prodigal to the loveless union of a dying consumptive?