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Example sentences for "yeasty"

Lexicographically close words:
yearth; yeas; yeasaid; yeast; yeasts; yeat; yeck; yede; yee; yeeld
  1. Happy voyage, boss," they screamed, as the stout little vessel twisted around on her hawser and moved out on the blackened waters, throwing the yeasty spray high up with the saucy thrusts of her blunt bows.

  2. The purity of the clear water, so unlike the yeasty Nisqually, proves that the Mishell is no glacial river.

  3. The glaciers terminated not gradually, but abruptly, with a wall of ice from one to five hundred feet high, from beneath which yeasty torrents burst forth and rushed roaring and tumbling down the valleys.

  4. At many points in the yeasty foam black masses of rocks rose so high above the roaring stream that the water whirled and eddyed around them.

  5. At the bottom it was almost dark, so that the stream would hardly have been visible but for its yeasty foam.

  6. Here and there were black, deep eddies dotted with circling flecks of white, yeasty foam.

  7. Every now and again, she would give a heel that sent her lee rail under and the yeasty foam boiling and swirling along the scuppers.

  8. The great grooved cliffs tower over the yeasty cauldron of water, and down the channel between them, as I have said, the wind hurtles as through a funnel.

  9. The river appeared to race downhill and to end in a froth of yeasty foam at the foot of the towering black bluff.

  10. Between us and the shore was from one hundred to one hundred and fifty yards of yeasty surge, dominated by a heavy current setting south.

  11. But Bradish clung to the gunwale of the long-boat and stared out at the yeasty waves, blinking his eyes.

  12. At last, near the horizon's rim, he spied a yeasty tumult of the sea, marking some obstruction at which the waves were tussling.

  13. The yacht's twin screws churned a yeasty riot under her counter, and while she was laboring thus in her own wallow, trembling like some living thing in the extremity of terror, the big steamer swept past.

  14. This wild stirring of yeasty life, this terrific revolt and defiance of matter that moved, perplexed and interested him.

  15. I held that life was a ferment, a yeasty something which devoured life that it might live, and that living was merely successful piggishness.

  16. But with nothing eternal before me but death, given for a brief spell this yeasty crawling and squirming which is called life, why, it would be immoral for me to perform any act that was a sacrifice.

  17. Nor will the eternal movelessness that is coming to me be made easier or harder by the sacrifices or selfishnesses of the time when I was yeasty and acrawl.

  18. In any case, if one had to swim over that yeasty and alarming barrier, his clothing must get wet.

  19. It wrapped the woods upon the shore, made dim the yeasty waterway, and gave Doom itself the look of a phantom edifice.

  20. He was not twenty paces from its walls, and yet it might as well have been a league away, for he was cut off from it by a natural moat of sea-water that swept about it in yeasty little waves.

  21. And in an instant the small wiry American, and the huge Horncastle- bred hunter, were wallowing and staggering in the yeasty stream, till they floated into a deep reach, and swam steadily down to a low place in the bank.

  22. The yeasty froth is immediately mixed with ice cold water to arrest further fermentation.

  23. The piece of bread was then found to be covered with a whitish-colored growth, which later developed into a dark yeasty color and possessed a very peculiar and strong odor.

  24. Behold yon shadow cross the downs, And off away to yeasty seas.

  25. It ran under yeasty ground-cover to an anchorage.

  26. They worked agitatedly in the yeasty stuff which on this world took the place of soil.

  27. There was a place where the yeasty soil--but here it was tinted with a purplish overcast of foleate fungus--where the soil had given way.

  28. He'd splashed in some enormous thickness of the yeasty soil, grown and fallen from the cliff-edge, and it was not solid enough to break his bones.

  29. The Nadine's rockets had burned away the yeasty soil when she came to ground.

  30. The sluiceway of Skulltree dam was open and in the caldron of the gorge a yeasty flood boiled and the sunlight painted rainbows in the drifting spume.

  31. Hastily she looked away from his earnest and imploring eyes and gave her attention to the turbid freshet flood, shredded into a yellow and yeasty riot of waters.

  32. Meanwhile the little ship had turned her head away from the unsavory Onion, and was running on, over a long diagonal, to cross the straits in the bared teeth of the green and yeasty waves.

  33. They drove their oars into the yeasty waves again with strength renewed.

  34. They are the dough, and they dislike that yeasty stuff of life which comes and works about in them.

  35. I am a poor, rascally gauger, condemned to gallop at least 200 miles every week to inspect dirty ponds and yeasty barrels, and where can I find time to write to, or importance to interest anybody?

  36. He gave us the Vision; perhaps, he dared not in those yeasty times venture on the song, which his secret visitant poured from her lips.

  37. The poet loved to indulge in such sarcastic sallies: it is full of character, and reflects a distinct image of those yeasty times.

  38. The frowning walls on either side, driven asunder by the plunges of the torrent in more “yeasty moods,” present a sufficient scale by which to measure its slumbering power.

  39. The river had risen almost as it seemed upon the very heels of the four hundred horsemen of Kernsberg, and the ironclad knights and men-at-arms who followed the Prince of Courtland could not face the yeasty swirl of the flood.

  40. Well," he said, "youth has ever yeasty brains.

  41. The operation of the sulphurous acid in obstructing the fermentation of must consists partly, no doubt, in its absorbing oxygen, whereby the elimination of the yeasty particles is prevented.

  42. The third change is when the cauliflower or curling top rises to a fine rocky or light yeasty head; and when this falls down, the fourth stage has arrived.

  43. Recently expressed grape juice is limpid, and manifests the commencement of fermentation by the separation of the yeasty substance, which can take place only with access of air.

  44. In what way the action of the yeasty particles upon the saccharine substance is carried on in the vinous fermentation, or what may be the interior working of this process, is not accurately understood.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yeasty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.