There is ze dresses that Chaumont wear in zis new play, Une Fautedans le Passé.
You are tiresome, and I see through you, but I must talk to you, I suppose, fautede mieux.
And, indeed, faute de mieux, I should be content with anything that brought me nearer to her, were it but by the thousandth of an inch.
Faute de grives le diable mange des merles=--For want of thrushes the devil eats blackbirds.
Et le combat cessa faute de combattants=--And the battle ceased for want of combatants.
Remocion of thefaute is whan we put it from vs and lay it to another.
And than let hym extenuate his owne faute / and shew that there folo- wed nat so great damage therof / and that but lytle profyte or honesty wyll folowe of his punysshment.
They say: a man maye not twyse do a faute in war: here it is not laweful to do once amisse.
Whyche faute maketh the beginnynges almost of all sciences in doute, and paynfull, specially in logicke.
Greet faute in thee now have I founde; By god, anoon thou shalt be bounde, And faste loken in a tour, Withoute refuyt or socour.