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Example sentences for "folowe"

Lexicographically close words:
followit; follows; followup; folly; folow; folowed; foloweth; folowing; folowyng; folowynge
  1. By this tale a man may lerne, that he that is subiecte to another, ought to forsake his owne wyll and folowe his wyll and comaundement that so hathe subieccyon ouer him, leste it turne to his great hurte and damage.

  2. To comforte hym there came a very merye man whiche, as they talked to gether sayde, he wolde teache hym suche a rule that, if he wold folowe it, he shuld neuer falle from tree more.

  3. For as well shail dye the ryche as the poure/ deth maketh alle thynge lyke and putteth alle to an ende/ And therof made a noble versifier two versis whiche folowe Forma.

  4. Where as all good comyth by wysdome and prudence A wyse man onely as we often fynde Is to be named moste ryche and of most myght Here thou his wordes and plant them in thy mynde And folowe the same for they ar sure and right.

  5. Whiche oft hath for money hyr body let to hyre Thynketh that al other doth folowe hyr olde wayes.

  6. But now marke howe far they bee from all pleasure, whiche seeme openly emongist all men too folowe nothyng, but the inordinate delectation in in thynges carnall.

  7. This love that I have told to thee 5305 Is no-thing contrarie to me; This wol I that thou folowe wel, And leve the tother everydel.

  8. From thys differeth not when we do not simplye shewe forthe the matter, but reherse also those thynges that eyther go with it, or folowe it, as thus: We thanke the of thys warre.

  9. There is another kynd of amplifiyng called reasonynge, when of those thinges that eyther folowe or go before, the hearer doth gather how great that thynge is that we wolde to be amplified.

  10. And of this Theoreme dothe there folowe an other lyke.

  11. The third couple ar ioyned in one, and be nother equall, nother like, but expressyng an absurde deformitee, whiche would folowe if this Theoreme wer not true.

  12. And than let hym extenuate his owne faute / and shew that there folo- wed nat so great damage therof / and that but lytle profyte or honesty wyll folowe of his punysshment.

  13. In yll and peruerse act[e]s / to beware that they folowe nat them to theyr great shame and confusion.

  14. After the narracion ought to folowe immediately the proposicion of our coun- cell or aduise.

  15. Our author in this worke maketh no mencyon of the last place that is dethe and suche thynges as folowe after / but in an other greater work he declareth it thus briefly.

  16. And they do not onlye take heede that the litle tree grow not croked or haue any other faute, but if ther be anye, they make haste to amend it, whyle it wyll yet bowe, and folowe the hande of the fashioner.

  17. For beastes folowe onely the affectes of nature, a manne except he be fashioned wyth learning, and preceptes of philosophy, is rawght into affeccions more thẽ beastlike.

  18. Shuld it be to the verye father more pleasaunt if the chylde folowe an euyll deede, or expresse a leude worde, thẽ if wyth his lytle stuttyng tonge, he spake a good sentence, or folowe any deede that is wel done?

  19. But in case it were Hesiodus, without doute yet no mans authoritie oughte to be of suche force vnto vs, that we shulde not folowe the better if it be shewed vs.

  20. Nature specially hathe geuen to the fyrste age an easines to folowe and do after, but yet thys folowyng is somewhat more prone to naughtynesse then to goodnes.

  21. And here to as we sayde, moueth the chyldrẽ a certen desyre to folowe and do as they se other do: of the which thing we see a certen lyke fashion in pies and popiniayes.

  22. And ther is no cause why profite maye not folowe pleasure, and honestie ioyned to delectacion.

  23. Nor in no wyse ne folowe not the trace 825 Of her, that here is named rightwisly, Which by resoun, me semeth, in this case May be called LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCY.

  24. They folowe Christ that shedde his blood To heven, as bucket in-to the wall; Suche wreches ben worse than wood; And all such faytours, foule hem fall!

  25. Frere, what charite is this--to lye to the people, and saye that ye folowe Christ in poverte more than other men don?

  26. Loke now, I pray thee, how myne olde servauntes of tyme passed continued in her service, and folowe thou after their steppes; and than might thou not fayle, in case thou worche 40 in this wyse.

  27. For here may I no lenger now abyde, I must folowe the gret[e] company That ye may see yonder before you ryde.

  28. For when thou shalt thinke vs to be farre of, thou shalt see vs within thy campe, with like swiftnesse we folowe and flee awaye.

  29. I liuing in ease and idlenes as you se, and forced to folowe the pleasures of loue and to become amourous: and as I do knowe well, that suche thinges (if they were knowen) should not be reputed honest.

  30. This thinge seemed difficulte vnto the Gentlewoman: fearing that there woulde folowe reproche vnto her doughter.

  31. And if ye wyll go thorowe the sayd modes, ye shall folowe the termination of this verbe, I go, whiche is sette before.

  32. Oh let thy louying kyndnes and mercy folowe me all the dayes off my life that I maye dwell in the house off the Lord for euer.

  33. Truely felicitie and mercie shal folowe me all the dayes of my lyfe: and I wyll dwell in the house of God for a long tyme.

  34. But (thy) louing kyndnes and mercy shal folowe me all the dayes of my lyfe: and I wyll dwel in the house of the Lord for euer.

  35. The most acceptable honor, that thou canste doo to her is to folowe her lyuynge.

  36. Insomoche as you folowe Luther, you nobly perswade, that it is but in vayne to call apõ sayntes, do ye well know for that to be grettly in my fauore.

  37. He likewise saith playnly in the same chapter / A goode shepeherd goeth before his shepe / and the shepe folowe hym bicause they knowe his voice.

  38. Whosoeuer will folow me / let hym forsake hymselfe / and take vp his crosse / and folowe me.

  39. Yea forthewith he addith this also / A straunger will they not folowe / but wil flie frõ him / for they know not the voice of straũgers.

  40. If the lorde be Godde folowe hym: but if Baal be he / then go after hym.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "folowe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.