With the permanent appearance of the secondary leaves the green primaries disappear and their place is taken by bud-scales, which in the spring and summer persist as scarious bracts, each subtending a fascicle of secondary leaves.
No fascicle of five leaves, that I have examined, is equally apportioned among its five members.
It can be recognized at once by the connate leaves that form the fascicle or by the remarkable stout curved peduncle of its cone.
Cone, leaf-fascicle and magnified leaf-section of the typical form.
The upper half of the embryo in Pinus is a cylindrical fascicle of 4 to 15 cotyledons (fig.
At first a fascicle only of spiral vessels can originate, which is necessarily surrounded by cellular tissue, and therefore lies in the middle of the plant.
The fern-capsules, namely, the true seeds, are an accumulation of leaf-buds at the extremity of the fascicle of spiral vessels.
For a leaf is to be regarded as a single fascicle of fibres with cellular substance.
Now as every fascicle of spiral fibres is surrounded by liber, such a fascicle must be regarded as a whole plant.
A branch or twig must be regarded as an entire fascicle of tracheæ, which forms superiorly a closed vesicle or bud, that raises the bark, bursts it open into scales and then opens itself.
Animal byssiferous, attached to marine bodies by a fascicleof tendinous filaments.
Head smooth, destitute of a fascicle of hairs between the antennae.
The fascicle of light that it emits has a perfect concentration.
Two French officers, working independently, have hit upon the same idea of receiving the indications transmitted by the vibration of the luminous fascicle directly upon their travel.
As we have already seen, this maybe effected by using opaque balloons, and throwing upon them at unequal intervals a luminous fascicle by means of a projector.
The luminous fascicle emanating from the source reflected by the mirror is thrown vertically.
By revolving the mirror 90° around its horizontal axis the fascicle becomes horizontal, and may thus be thrown in a given direction at unequal intervals and during irregular times, and furnish conventional signs.
I put down the last fascicle of all, and met his friendly eyes.
I hesitated upon a question, then saw the second fascicle at hand, and picked it up.
A fascicle marked very distinctly "1" caught my attention, and I took it up.