If the taenia be drawn to one side the hippocampal fissure is exposed, at the bottom of which the grey matter of the gyrus hippocampi may be seen to form a well-defined dentated border (the so-called fascia dentala).
Just below the hippocampal fissure a specially coloured tract indicates the first appearance of the fascia dentata (see fig.
If its lips are separated the fascia dentata or gyrus dentatus and the fimbria continued from the posterior pillar of the fornix are seen.
Effective use is made of a reeded ovolo, and the fascia of the architrave bears a pleasing hand-tooled band of vertical flutes with a festooned flat fillet running through it.
The upper fascia of the architrave is adorned by shallow drillings suggesting tiny festoons and straight hanging garlands with a conventionalized flower above each festoon.
Below, the upper fascia of the architrave is enriched in accord with the Adam spirit.
The upperfascia is enriched with groups of five vertical flutes in alternation with an incised conventionalized flower.
The reeded ovolo is again prominent, and the fascia of the architrave of the arch bears a familiar decorative motive consisting of groups of five flutes in alternation with a conventionalized flower.
Usually this surbase is molded to resemble the upper fascia or the complete architrave of the various orders.
The skin reflexes were also more marked on the left side, especially the reflex of the tensor of the fascia lata.
The contracture of the palmar fasciawas still in evidence, but the power of movement in the hands and fingers was so satisfactory that he could be sent back to duty in three weeks.
Yet there was a definite contracture of the palmar fascia which prevented full extension of the third and fourth fingers.
It is said that in these cases there must be an enlargement of the thyroid bound down by fascia and concealed by other structures of the neck so that it does not appear externally.
Thus a strong fasciamay offer such resistance as to increase locally the bore of the track, and in this particular the state of tension of the fascia when struck will affect the degree of the enlargement.
If the fascia or bone has become gangrenous, the dead portion must be removed with the hornlike skin.
The sheath offascia covering the jugular vein is picked up with a pair of fine forceps and cut through with a sharp scalpel, which should be inclined obliquely outwards so that the flat of the knife is held towards the vessel.
The underlying orbicularis palpebrarum is divided, and the orbital fascia covering the gland is defined and incised.
The superficial fascia and the fibres of the orbicularis muscle are then divided.
A vein of varying size will be seen crossing obliquely downwards and outwards to pierce the deep fascia at a level corresponding to the cornua of the hyoid bone; this is the common facial vein about to enter the internal jugular (Fig.
Beneath this fascia is the carotid sheath, which encloses not only the carotid artery but the internal jugular vein and the vagus nerve.
With a series of cuts, exactly in the line of the original incision, the fascia lying between the pretracheal muscles is divided; the bleeding points are seized with pressure forceps, and retractors are introduced to expose the isthmus.
It is more likely to occur if the deep fascia has been imperfectly divided before carrying out the dissection to the inner side.
Small transverse branches of the superior thyreoid veins run upon the upper border of the isthmus between the layers of the fascia which surround this structure.
When the pelvis is occupied by a chondroma, osteoma, or a sarcoma growing from the innominate bones or the sacrum, or from the fasciaof the pelvis and displacing the gravid uterus, the proper course is to perform subtotal hysterectomy.
The skin and superficial fascia are divided between the two anterior jugular veins, and any bleeding is controlled.
The skin and fascia of the external wall being so thin that the catheter can be seen over the entire extent, as I push it from one part to another for the purpose of washing out all parts of the sack.
Common: of frequent occurrence: occurring on two adjacent parts: a band or fascia is common when it crosses both primaries and secondaries.
Hypographous: shaded; applied to a fascia that becomes gradually darker.
Over the frieze comes the line of dentils, made of the same height as the middle fascia of the architrave and with a projection equal to their height.
Let three of these compose the first fascia with its astragal, four the second, and five the third, the fasciae with their astragals running side by side all round.
Orioles, particularly in the yellow fascia which is formed on the wing, when closed by the junction of the apical spots on the quill coverts.
Well, the defect in the fascia was quite similar, which is the first firm tissue over the muscle beneath the skin, was quite similar to this.
When the tissues beneath this wound were inspected, there was a defect corresponding with the skin defect in the fascia overlying the musculature of the low neck and upper back.
The defect in the fascia which is that layer of connective tissue over the muscle just beneath the wound corresponded virtually exactly to the defect in the skin.
This was almost round and did not seem to have disturbed the tissues badly, but did definitely penetrate and pass through the skin and to the fascia beneath.
In some forms the fascia is marked by very faint, short striae on the margin.
This tendon seems to be continuous with a fascia which forms a sheath around the posterior surface of the tarsometatarsus holding the other tendons of this region firmly in the posterior sulcus.
III are thickened; as a result the insertion appears superficially to be double but closer examination reveals that there is a fascia stretched between the thickened edges.
Illustration] The nebule, chiefly used for the fascia under a parapet.
On the other side of the thigh a groove runs down which corresponds to the ilio-tibial hand, a thickening of the fascia lata or deep fascia; the lower end of this leads to the head of the fibula.
Nephrorrhaphy is an operation in which a movable or floating kidney is fixed by suture through its capsule, including a portion of kidney-substance, and then through the adjacent lumbar fascia and muscles.
There was no communication of the cranial cavities, but simply fusion of the cranial bones covered by superficial fascia and skin.
Moreover, it escaped the forearm to penetrate at least the skin and fascia of the thigh, and I am not persuaded that this is very probable.
Dissections show that the flexion of the finger is the result of a chronic interstitial overgrowth or fibrositis and subsequent contraction of the palmarfascia and of its prolongations on to the sides of the fingers.
Bands of fascia and contracted tendons which prevent correction of deformity may have to be divided or lengthened.
On comparing the ilio-tibial band of the fascia lata on the two sides, it is found to be relaxed on the side of the injury.
The head and surgical neck of the humerus may now be felt from the axilla, if the axillary fascia is relaxed by bringing the arm to the side.
It may be necessary to divide in several places the plantar fascia and other structures that have undergone secondary shortening.
The arrangement and limits of the different layers of the cervical fascia explain the course taken by inflammatory products and by new growths in the neck.
The density and tension of the cervical fascia cause the pus to burrow downwards towards the mediastinal spaces of the thorax, where it may give rise to such complications as empyema, infective pericarditis, or gangrene of the lung.
An alternative method is to implant a plate of celluloid, silver or other metal, or a portion of the fascia lata, in the gap.
In removing fragments of shells or detached pieces of bone, thefascia and skin have almost invariably to be divided to a considerable extent.
The pouching develops in the middle part of the posterior wall, between the orbicular and oblique fibers of the cricopharyngeus muscle, at which point there is a gap, leaving the mucosa supported only by a not very resistant fascia (Fig.
A midline incision dividing the skin and fascia is made from the thyroid notch to just above the suprasternal notch.