Ababua, the, of the Congo valley, their belief as to falling stars, iv.
Kingsmill Islanders, their belief as to falling stars, iv.
Hence, among the Greek philosophers, we find four hypotheses regarding the origin of falling stars: a telluric origin from ascending exhalations; masses of stone raised by hurricane (see Aristot.
This was not merely a display of an unusual number of falling stars, such as Humboldt observed in South America in 1799, or such as we find recorded of other times before and since.
It was a "shower" of falling stars, just such a spectacle as one must picture from the words of the prophecy, "And the stars of heaven fell.
Simon Newcomb, the astronomer, declares this phenomenal exhibition of falling stars "the most remarkable one ever observed.
The missing comet was next due at perihelion in the year 1872, and the probability was contemplated by both Weiss and Galle of its being replaced by a copious discharge of falling stars.
Acting on his suggestion, Brandes and Benzenberg, two students at the University of Göttingen, began in 1798 to determine the heights of falling stars by simultaneous observations at a distance.
In 553, under the reign of Justinian, were seen showers of falling stars in extraordinary numbers.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "falling stars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.