He knows correctly the relation between the velocities, spaces, and times of falling bodies, and has very distinct ideas of capillary attraction.
Galileo had also proved, by experiments on the leaning tower of Pisa, that the velocity of falling bodies is independent of their weight.
We are now entering on the history of a period which offers not only exterior opposition to the current doctrines, but, what is more ominous, interior mutiny.
The first care of Boniface was to consolidate his power and relieve himself of a rival.
In the instance which we have already had, of falling bodies, the question was thus put:—What is the cause which makes a stone fall?
Uniformly accelerated motion will be studied further under the topic of falling bodies.
The cause of the acceleration of the motions of falling bodies is not," he says, "a necessary part of the investigation.
Wherefore the Velocities of falling Bodies, are proportionate to the Time of their Falls, Q.
The Velocities of Falling Bodies, are proportionate to the Times from the beginning of their Falls.
For example, the inquiry concerning the laws of falling bodies led to the question whether the proper definition of a uniform force is that it generates a velocity proportional to the space from rest, or to the time.
In the instance which we have already had, of falling bodies, the question was thus put: What is the cause which makes a stone fall?
How do you determine the velocity of falling bodies of different kinds?
Pendulum, cause of vibrations of; relation of vibrations of pendulum to velocity of falling bodies; conical pendulum or governor.
To illustrate, let us take a simple example--that of the Newtonian law of falling bodies.
You must therefore perceive that, in all ordinary calculations respecting the velocity of falling bodies, we may safely exclude such a consideration.
The first important step towards it was perhaps implied in Galileo's study of falling bodies.
The experiment at the leaning tower showed that the velocity of falling bodies is independent of the weight of the bodies, provided the weight is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the atmosphere.
Assembling a multitude of champions of the old ideas, he proposed to demonstrate the falsity of the Aristotelian doctrine that the velocity of falling bodies is proportionate to their weight.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "falling bodies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.