The sweetness of the violet's deep blue eyes, Kissed by the breath of heaven, seems colored by its skies.
Winds through the violets' misty covering Now kissed the white ones and now the blue, Sang the redbreast over them hovering All as the world were but just made new.
He, like a good democrat, kissed the cover of the Bible.
Maruja pushed her way through the clustered stools and cushions to her mother's side, kissed her on the forehead, and then lightly perched herself like a white dove on the railing.
She kissed her affectionately, and pushed her from the room.
He also took these inhabitants, and kissed them, and laid them in his bosom.
The only trinket she had left was a small ring; she took it from her finger to place it on Theresa's, who instantly put it back, as she kissed the noble hand and bathed it with her tears.
The blood surged in him, and he caught at her and kissed her fiercely.
He mounted, and Colonel Boyce, already in the saddle, kissed his hand to her.
She bent over him in this queer mood, and her eyes were dim, and she kissed him, and whispered to herself--to him.
He flung himself upon her, holding her to him as she staggered back, and kissed her till she was gasping for breath, gripped her head to hold it against his kisses, buried his face in the fragrance of her neck.
He bent down to kiss the girl's cheeks as he spoke, and she threw her arms round his neck and kissed him passionately upon his closed eyelids.
Then she kissedher own girls, clasped them to her in a passionate embrace, and drove off to the Larches in the carriage which had brought the young people home.
Every now and then she stroked the smooth brown head, and sometimes Peggy raised her lips and kissed the cheek which leant against her own, but the sentences came at long intervals.
Long after Arthur had kissed her and gone to his own room she lay awake, thinking of his words and of the expression on his handsome face as the firelight played on moistened eye and trembling lip.
The old lord kissed her fondly on the cheek, and murmured, "God reward you, my brave girl, for I never can.
Taking the hand my mother offered him, he bent over it and kissed it.
Then, havingkissed her hand, he withdrew without another word.
Sinking down upon the window-seat she drew me to her and kissed me passionately.
My poor Paul," she said, as I took her in my arms and kissed her, "you have indeed known great sorrow lately.
Every night when he retired, the lady of the home kissed him and treated him in every respect like all the other children.
She seized her boy, gave him one last hug, kissed him, and dropped him over into the boat.
She kissed him, and then said, "Now, my son, just speak to your father.
And she went up and kissed him, and the man sobbed aloud.
The mother knew it wouldn't do to try to keep the boy when her husband had ordered him away, so she drew him to her bosom and kissed him, and bid him good-by.
He went to his brothers and sisters and kissed them good-by.
She behaved herself for a few weeks all right, but one morning she was as cross as ever, and when she came to me to be kissed before going to school, I wouldn't do it.
She hugged him and she kissed him, but she smiled as she did it.
Then he took up his station with a picked troop of a hundred and fifty hoplites at the southern gate of Amphipolis, leaving Clearidas in charge of the main body, and awaited a favourable moment to attack.
Henceforth no one was allowed to leave the town, and their final answer was delivered from the walls.
I have called out to you, I have kissed the ground you walked on, wherever I looked I have seen your face before my eyes, and the smile that had illumined for me the best years of my life.
Why do you say that you have kissed the ground I walked on?
Dear Beatrice," murmured the Count tenderly--and he again kissed her forehead.
He lay sleeping heavily; she bent over him and kissed the too high brow, which looked as though even in sleep the brain within were still busy over some difficult and painful question.
From that light Phryne, who kissed and embraced my rich host's son down there in his sick-room?
While he kissed their hands and stammered out words of gratitude, his uncultured but upright spirit told him that he had been blind ever to have rejoiced for a moment at the news that Melissa had been chosen to be empress.
The lips that had lured him into the vilest trap with lying words had kissed another.
Mrs. Sorel, as the door closed behind a guest she had kissed warmly on both cheeks.
He lifted them to his lips andkissed first one, then the other.
Not even Mums had ever hugged or kissed Marise like that!
Sheridan and Belloc had both kissed her; and everyone had cried, and her mother had torn her from clinging arms, to shut the dressing-room door upon a dozen faces.
He framed her face in his hands and kissed her on the lips, a long, long kiss that made up for everything.
She was not shocked, for her hands had been kissed a hundred times by sad, mad men--though not men like this.
She kissed Marise and snuggled her cheek, rosy and fresh as an apple, against the arm of her adopted son.
So first of all from the heart of it I send you mine: when I have kissed you I will go on.
I thought to discover myself all blushes, but my face is cool: you have kissed all my blushes away!
But when I touched you and would have kissed you, you shuddered at me and drew back your head.
I havekissed the words, because you wrote them; not believing them.
One day you had thrown down a mere tailor-made thing in the hall, and yet I kissed it as I went by.
Only come: I do not live till you have kissed me again.
Flora Harris was deeply touched; as for her grandfather, he placed his hands on Madge's shoulders and, looking down into her eyes of true blue, kissed the loyal little captain almost reverently on her white forehead.
For answer Madeleine drew Madge within the circle of her arm and kissed her tenderly.
When the two girls had finished their tasks Madge and Phil dropped to their knees and kissed the hands of their ladies.
The child took her hand, and kissed it affectionately.
When we read of lips longed for pressed By such a lover with a kiss, This one whom naught from me shall wrest, All trembling kissed my mouth.
I stood so that when the door opened he would not see me, and then I just kissed him before I had a chance to think.
I don't believe I've kissed either since they were babies.
I just forgot the children, and right before them I kissed ---- twice.
It was the General who sighed over her, petted her, kissed her at unusual times, and looked at her with an air of pity that the girl found almost intolerable.
He kissed her on the forehead with unaccustomed solemnity.
He had never been on very ceremonious terms at all with her, and to begin them now, when she had acknowledged that she loved him and he had kissed her ripe red lips--he said to himself that it was absurd.
Then he came and put his little arms around her neck and kissed her once, twice, thrice.
And then he kissed her once more on the lips, and she believed his words.
He remained for a few moments in the same posture, with his face hidden on his right arm and his left encircling Cynthia; but, after a time, he stood up, drew her closer to his breast and kissed her forehead.
And, as soon as they came in, Cynthia went up to Hubert, kissed him, and sat down beside him, holding her hand in his.
She rose presently, put his hand back under the coverlet, andkissed him once again.
He bent his head and kissed her forehead as a father might have done.
He was delighted with her little compliment, kissed her hand gallantly, and avowed that nobody should come near the house whom she disliked.
Struck with pity for his haggard face and hollow eyes, Cynthia came up to him, put her hands on his shoulders, and kissed his cheek.
Every man knows that if the girl he escorts around will kiss him, that she has kissed the one who preceded him and will kiss the one who follows him.
So at the first shekissed very strangely, close and untoward.
At last, I pulled her by the chin to me, and I kissed her.
I rushed up to my steed; and, throwing my arms around his neck, kissed him with as much delight as I would have kissed a beautiful girl.
He kissed his blushing ministrant gratefully, and they sate down in joy to their abstemious meal; when suddenly his face was overclouded--there shot through him the remembrance of Dr.
Their mother promised the little ones some nice things for the winter, if they were good while she was gone; and their father kissed them all, and said he knew they would be good.
They kissedeach other at the little wicket gate, and parted.
Miss Louisa took a small ivory crucifix from her bosom, kissed it, and crossed herself, while ejaculating audible aspirations for patience.
After some minutes passed in communion with heaven, she rose, closed the eyes of her deceased lord, composed his features, kissed his cold and livid hands, and once more knelt and prayed.
In her thirty years of life two men only had kissed Penelope Wantley--the one Winfrith, the other Downing.
Penelope sat down close to Cecily; then she leant across and lightly kissed the young girl's round cheek.
She put her arms round the younger woman and kissed her.
With a gesture most unusual with him, Wantley flung himself on his knees by his wife: he gathered her head and shoulders in his arms, pressed the soft hair off her forehead, and kissed her with an almost painful emotion.
They seemed very glad to see each other, for they kissed one another on the cheeks several times.
Then they stood up, kissed each other again, bowed low, and each edged carefully away to his own company, while every man in sight kept his rifle cocked.
He kissed him on both cheeks, and asked him quickly, "Is your health good?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kissed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.